HTTP tab

Clients can access EAServer and retrieve HTML pages using a Web browser. You can customize certain aspects of your server’s HTTP behavior by modifying the HTTP configuration properties listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: HTTP properties



Verify IP for Session

If the IP address where the session was created does not match the IP address of the request, specify what action to perform: invalidate, log, or none. The default value of verifyIPForSession is invalidate.

HTTP Contexts

To enable the defined HTTP contexts, select:

  • All – enables all HTTP contexts.

  • None – disables all HTTP contexts.

  • Select – enable or disable HTTP contexts individually.

If you click the link for a defined HTTP context, its configuration tab displays. Initially, the httpContexts property is set to the default HTTP context. See “Adding and configuring HTTP contexts”.

Domain Name

The Web server redirector’s domain name.

Proxy support requires information about the machine hosting the Web redirector. Because the Web redirector may be in a domain, other than the one EAServer is in, the server property httpDomain may be required to ensure that the redirector’s domain is used, instead of the server’s domain.

Proxy Protocol

The default protocol used to connect to the Web redirector, HTTP or HTTPS. The name of the configuration property is httpProxyProtocol.

Proxy Port

The HTTP or HTTPS port of the Web redirector. The protocol is defined by httpProxyProtocol.

The value of httpProxyPort is used when the server must redirect requests automatically, such as for form-based authentication and client-side redirects.

Get Server Info From

Select one of proxy, server, or source. The configuration property name is httpGetServerInfoFrom.

If you call the HttpRequest methods, getServerName, getServerPort, or getProtocol, the value of httpGetServerInfoFrom determines how the server name, port number, and protocol are retrieved—see Table 3-3.

The default value is proxy. However, if the required properties—httpDomain, httpProxyPort, and httpProxyProtocol—are not set, source is used, instead of proxy.

To create a URL dynamically from a JSP or servlet, you can use HttpRequest object methods to get the server host, port, and protocol.

If the server is configured with a Web redirector, you may want JSPs and servlets to redirect requests to the Web redirector, instead of the server.

Table 3-3 defines the return values for HttpRequest methods, which you can call from JSPs or servlets to create URLs dynamically. The return value for each method depends on the value of the server property httpGetServerInfoFrom, which can be one of proxy, server, or source. See Table 3-2.

Table 3-3: HttpRequest object methods






Gets the name of the server from the httpDomain property.

Gets the name of the server to which requests are redirected

Gets the server name that is entered in the browser.


Gets the proxy port from either the httpProxyPort or httpsProxyPort property.

Gets the port number of the server to which requests are redirected.

Gets the server port number that is entered in the browser.


Gets the protocol from the httpProxyProtocol property.

Gets the protocol that was used to connect to the server.

Gets the protocol that is entered in the browser.