An EJB-JAR file contains the implementation classes, interface classes, and deployment descriptor for one or more beans. You can use a Java development tool, such as JBuilder to define and develop beans and create an EJB-JAR file. You can import JAR files in the EJB 1.1, EJB 2.0, or EJB 2.1 formats. EAServer reads the JAR file and creates a package containing a component for each bean in the JAR file.
Home names for imported EJB components
EAServer sets an imported bean’s home name to the
EAServer default, package/component,
where package is the Management Console package name,
and component is the component name.
Start the Management Console if it is not already running, and connect to the server where you want to install the component.
Highlight the top-level EJB Modules folder, right-click, and select Deploy.
The Deploy wizard guides you through the process of deploying an EJB-JAR file.
EAServer creates a new package that contains a component for each bean defined in the JAR file. The new package name is “ejbjar-” followed by the JAR name; for example, if you deploy an EJB-JAR called “helloworld.jar,” the package name is “ejbjar-helloworld.” For each interface in the EJB-JAR—remote home, remote interface, local home, local interface, and service endpoint interface—EAServer creates one lightweight component; thus, mapping of EJBs to components is one-to-many.
Click Finish.
See Chapter 2, “Deploying and Configuring EJB Components,” in the EAServer Enterprise JavaBeans User’s Guide.
To export an EJB module, create an export configuration that includes the EJB module—see Chapter 7, “Exporting Server Modules.”