Importing components in EAServer JAR format

The Management Console allows you to import an archive file containing component definitions and implementation files for all components in a package or a single component. If the JAR file contains a single component, it must be installed to a package with the same name as the one from which it was exported.

StepsImporting a package archive

  1. Copy the JAR file containing the package definition to the host machine for the target server.

  2. Start the Management Console and connect to the target server.

  3. Expand the CORBA Packages folder and verify that the package to be imported does not already exist. If it does, select it and delete the package.

  4. Highlight the packages folder, right-click, and select Deploy.

  5. In the Deploy wizard:

    1. Use the Browse button to locate the JAR file that you are importing.

    2. Enter the full path of the directory where you want the archive to be unbundled. This directory becomes the root directory from which the JAR file is unbundled. Unbundling creates the subdirectories, class files, DLLs, and any other files that were included in the exported JAR file.

  6. Click Finish.

StepsImporting a single component from an EAServer JAR file

If the JAR file contains a single component, it must be installed in a package with the same name as the one where it was originally installed. Create this package if necessary. Import the component as follows:

  1. Highlight the package from which the component was exported.

  2. Right-click, and select Deploy.

  3. Use the Browse button to select the EAServer JAR file, or type the full path to the file.

  4. Complete the wizard to deploy the component.