The IPB_Session interface is used to interoperate with PowerBuilder. An abstract interface, it defines methods for accessing PowerScript data, calling PowerScript functions, catching and throwing PowerScript exceptions, and setting a marshaler to convert PowerBuilder data formats to the user’s communication protocol.
This table lists functions by category. Full descriptions in alphabetic order follow the table.
Purpose |
Method |
Description |
Managing sessions |
Releases this IPB session. The IPB_Session object becomes invalid after the call. |
Managing object references |
Adds a global reference to the specified PowerBuilder object. |
Adds a local reference to the specified PowerBuilder object. |
Creates a new object of the specified type. |
Pops the current local reference frame from the current native method stack frame. |
Pushes a local reference frame onto the current native method stack frame. |
Removes a global reference to the specified PowerBuilder object. |
Removes a local reference to the specified PowerBuilder object. |
Managing shared properties |
Retrieves a pointer to the data value of a variable that has been registered as a shared property for the current IPB session. |
Removes the specified variable from the list of properties of the current IPB session. |
Adds a new variable to the list of properties of the current session or changes the value of an existing variable. |
Handling the PowerBuilder message queue |
Checks the PowerBuilder message queue and, if there is a message in the queue, attempts to process it. |
Handling exceptions |
Clears the current PowerBuilder exception object. |
Obtains the current thrown exception object. |
Checks for the existence of an exception that has been thrown but not cleared. |
Throws a PowerBuilder exception or inherited exception, replacing the existing exception if one exists. |
Passing arguments |
Adds an argument in a variable argument PowerBuilder call. |
Frees memory allocated by InitCallInfo. |
Initializes the PBCallInfo structure. |
Finding PowerBuilder classes and objects |
Searches for a group with a given name and group type in the current library list. |
Searches for a class with a given name within a given group. |
Searches for a class with a given name and a given ID. |
Returns the class handle of a PowerBuilder object. |
Returns the name of a class in lowercase. |
Returns the name of the current group. |
Returns the base class of a class, if any. |
Returns the system class handle of a PowerBuilder object. |
Returns the class that contains all the system global functions. |
Returns true if the specified class is an autoinstantiated class; otherwise returns false. |
Working with functions and events |
Finds a function that has the specified argument list. |
Returns the ID of the requested function. |
Returns the ID of the function that has a given predefined PowerBuilder event ID. |
Invokes system or user global functions. |
Invokes a class member function. |
Triggers a PowerBuilder event. |
Working with enumerated variables |
Obtains the name of an enumerated variable. |
Obtains the value of an enumerated variable. |
Working with global variables |
Returns the name of a global variable. |
Returns the datatype of a global variable. |
Returns the value of a global variable of a specific datatype. |
Obtains the value of a global variable of type Any. |
Returns true if the global variable contains an array, otherwise returns false. |
Returns true if the global variable contains a null value, otherwise returns false. |
Returns true if the global variable contains a pbobject, otherwise returns false. |
Sets the value of a global variable of a specific datatype. |
Sets the value of a shared variable to null. |
Working with shared variables |
Returns the name of a shared variable. |
Returns the datatype of a shared variable. |
Returns the value of a shared variable of a specific datatype. |
Obtains the value of a shared variable of type Any. |
Returns true if the shared variable contains an array, otherwise returns false. |
Returns true if the shared variable contains a null value, otherwise returns false. |
Returns true if the shared variable contains a pbobject, otherwise returns false. |
Sets the value of a shared variable of a specific datatype. |
Sets the value of a shared variable to null. |
Working with arrays |
Returns the value of an array item of a specific datatype. |
Obtains information about an array. |
Obtains the datatype of an item in an array. |
Returns the length of an array. |
Obtains the value of an array item of type Any. |
Returns true if the array item contains an array, otherwise returns false. |
Creates a bounded simple data array. |
Creates an unbounded simple data array. |
Creates a bounded PowerBuilder object or structure array. |
Creates an unbounded PowerBuilder object or structure data array. |
Releases memory returned by GetArrayInfo. |
Sets the value of an array item of a specific datatype. |
Sets the value of an array item to null. |
Working with strings |
Returns the length of a string in bytes without the terminator. |
Returns a pointer to the string passed in as an argument. |
Creates a new string. |
Releases the memory used by a string. |
Frees an existing string and assigns a new string value to it. |
Working with binary large objects |
Returns a pointer to the data buffer for a blob. |
Returns the length in bytes of blob data in a buffer. |
Creates a new blob and duplicates a buffer for the new blob data. |
Destroys the existing data in a blob and copies data into it from a buffer. |
Working with decimal values |
Converts decimal data in a pbdec object to a string. |
Allocates resources for a new decimal data object. |
Frees the memory acquired using GetDecimalString. |
Converts a string to a decimal. |
Working with date and time values |
Converts data in a pbdate object to a string. |
Converts data in a pbdatetime object to a string. |
Converts data in a pbtime object to a string. |
Creates a new pbdate data object. |
Creates a new pbdatetime data object. |
Creates a new pbtime data object. |
Frees the memory acquired using GetDateString. |
Frees the memory acquired using GetDateTimeString. |
Frees the memory acquired using GetTimeString. |
Resets the value of the specified pbdate object. |
Resets the value of the specified pbdatetime object. |
Resets the value of the specified pbtime object. |
Splits the specified pbdate object into a year, month, and day. |
Splits the specified pbdatetime object into a year, month, and day. |
Splits the specified pbtime object into a year, month, and day. |
Working with data values |
Clones the data in the PBCallInfo structure in an array item and resets the IPB_Value pointer. |
Clones the data in the PBCallInfo structure and resets the IPB_Value pointer. |
Frees the value acquired by the AcquireValue or AcquireArrayItemValue method. |
Sets the value of one IPB_Value object to the value of another IPB_Value object |
Working with fields |
Obtains the internal ID of a class instance variable. |
Obtains the name of the specified field. |
Obtains the datatype of a class instance variable. |
Obtains the number of fields in the specified class. |
Obtains the value of a variable of type Any. |
Obtains a pointer to the instance variable data for a specified variable. |
Returns true if the field contains an array, otherwise returns false. |
Returns true if the field contains a null value array, otherwise returns false. |
Returns true if the field contains a pbobject, otherwise returns false. |
A set of datatype-specific functions. Sets the value of an instance field of an object. |
A set of datatype-specific functions. Sets the value of an instance field of an object. |
Refreshes a visual property of a PowerBuilder object. |
Working with native classes |
Obtains a pointer to the interface of a native class. |
Determines whether a pbobject is an instance of a native class. |
Accessing result sets from DataWindows and DataStores |
Creates a result set object using a pointer to an IPB_ResultSetAccessor object. |
Obtains an interface through which you can read data from a result set. |
Releases the pointer obtained using GetResultSetAccessor. |
Working with marshaler extensions |
Obtains the marshaler object associated with a proxy object. |
Creates a proxy for a remote object. |
Sets a marshaler that will be used to invoke remote methods and convert PowerBuilder data formats to the user’s communication protocol. |
Clones the data in the PBCallInfo structure in an array item and resets the IPB_Value pointer.
AcquireArrayItemValue( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ])
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold the indexes of all dimensions of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. |
This FOR loop acquires the value of an item in an array and sets the value in another array:
for( i=1; i <= bound; i++) { dim[0]= i; ipv = Session -> AcquireArrayItemValue(refArg, dim); Session -> SetArrayItemValue(*i_array, dim, ipv); Session -> ReleaseValue(ipv); }
The AcquireArrayItemValue method enables you to retain the data in the PBCallInfo structure for a single array item.
The AcquireArrayItemValue method is independent of the type of the data but is most useful for acquiring the value of pointer values, such as pbvalue_string, pbvalue_blob, and so on. When you call FreeInfo, the data is not freed and the pointer returned by AcquireArrayItemValue is still valid.
When you no longer need the data, you must call the ReleaseValue method to free the data. Failing to do so causes a memory leak.
The PBVM clones a new IPB_Value and resets the existing one. If you attempt to get or acquire the original value, the value returned is zero or null until another IPB_Value is set to the value.
Working with large arrays
The processing that the AcquireArrayItemValue and ReleaseValue methods perform
results in poor performance when handling large arrays. It is more efficient
to get the type of the array and handle each type with appropriate type-specific
Clones the data in the PBCallInfo structure and resets the IPB_Value pointer.
AcquireValue ( IPBValue* value )
Argument |
Description |
value |
The value to be returned |
The AcquireValue method is used to obtain a message argument value. Later, when the value is no longer needed, it is released using ReleaseValue to avoid memory leaks:
// Acquire a value MessageArg = session->AcquireValue ( ci->pArgs->GetAt(0) ); pbstring pbMessage = MessageArg->GetString() ; Message = (LPSTR)session->GetString(pbMessage) ; ... // Cleanup phase if (MessageArg) { Session->ReleaseValue ( MessageArg ) ; }
The AcquireValue method enables you to retain the data in the PBCallInfo structure. The AcquireValue method is independent of the type of the data but is most useful for acquiring the value of pointer values such as pbvalue_string, pbvalue_blob, and so on. When you call FreeInfo, the data is not freed and the pointer returned by AcquireValue is still valid.If the value acquired is an array, the entire array is acquired. To acquire a single element in an array, use the AcquireItemValue method.When you no longer need the data, you must call the ReleaseValue method to free the data. Failing to do so causes a memory leak.The PBVM clones a new IPB_Value and resets the existing one. If you attempt to get or acquire the original value, the value returned is zero or null until another IPB_Value is set to the value.
Adds an argument of a specific type in a variable argument PowerBuilder call.
AddArrayArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbblob value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddBlobArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbblob value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddBoolArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbboolean value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddByteArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbbyte value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddCharArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbchar value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddDateArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdate value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddDateTimeArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdatetime value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddDecArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdec value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddDoubleArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdouble value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddIntArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbint value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddLongArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pblong value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddLongLongArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pblonglong value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddObjectArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbobject value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddPBStringArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbstring value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddRealArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbreal value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddStringArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, LPCTSTR value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddTimeArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbtime value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddUintArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbuint value, pbboolean IsNull )
AddUlongArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbulong value, pbboolean IsNull )
Argument |
Description |
ci |
The PBCallInfo to which the argument is to be added. |
value |
The value to be added to the arguments array. |
IsNull |
Indicates whether the argument is null. The default is false. |
PBXRESULT. PBX_OK on success.
This code tests that adding an integer argument to a PBCallInfo structure ci works correctly:
long Cmy_pbni:: f_Retrieve(IPB_Session* session, pbint retrieve_args, pbobject dwobj) { pbclass cls; pbmethodID mid; PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo; pblong ret_val; PBXRESULT ret; cls = session-> GetClass(dwobj); mid = session-> GetMethodID (cls, "retrieve", PBRT_FUNCTION, "LAV"); if (mid == kUndefinedMethodID) return -1; session-> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci); ci-> pArgs-> GetAt(0)-> SetInt(retrieve_args); session-> AddIntArgument(ci, retrieve_args, false); ret = session->InvokeObjectFunction(dwobj, mid, ci); if (ret!= PBX_OK) ret_val= ret; else ret_val= ci-> returnValue-> GetLong(); session-> FreeCallInfo(ci); delete ci; return ret_val; }
This call is used in variable argument PowerBuilder calls, such as datawindow.retrieve(arg). After the call, the value returned by ci->pArgs->GetCount() increases by one.
Adds a global reference to the specified PowerBuilder object.
AddGlobalRef (pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid PowerBuilder object handle |
pbclass or null on error.
This example checks whether a return value is null, and if it is not, adds a global reference to it to the session:
if (ci-> returnValue-> IsNull()) ret_val = 0; else { ret_val = ci-> returnValue-> GetObject(); Session -> AddGlobalRef(ret_val); }
Adds a local reference to the specified PowerBuilder object.
AddLocalRef (pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid PowerBuilder object handle |
pbclass or null on error.
This example defines functions that add and remove local references:
void MyPBNIClass::reference() { d_session->AddLocalRef(d_pbobject); } void MyPBNIClass::unreference() { if(d_pbobject != NULL) d_session->RemoveLocalRef(d_pbobject); }
Clears the current PowerBuilder exception object.
ClearException ()
HasExceptionThrown returns false after a call to ClearException. If no exception has been thrown, this call has no effect.
Creates a result set object using a pointer to an IPB_ResultSetAccessor object.
CreateResultSet (IPB_ResultSetAccessor* rs)
Argument |
Description |
rs |
A pointer to an IPB_ResultSetAccessor object |
This example loads the PBVM and calls the f_ret and f_in functions in the custom class user object n_rs in the PBL pbrs.pbl. The PowerScript for the functions is shown after the C++ code:
#include "stdafx.h" #include "windows.h" #include "pbni.h" #include "vector" using std::vector; void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HINSTANCE hinst = LoadLibrary("pbvm125.dll"); typedef PBXRESULT (*P_PB_GetVM)(IPB_VM** vm); P_PB_GetVM getvm = (P_PB_GetVM)GetProcAddress(hinst, "PB_GetVM"); IPB_VM* pbvm; getvm(&pbvm); IPB_Session* session = NULL; vector<LPCSTR> ll(1); ll[0] = "pbrs.pbl"; pbvm->CreateSession("pbrs", &ll[0], 1, &session); pbgroup group = session->FindGroup("n_rs", pbgroup_userobject); if (group == NULL) return; pbclass cls = session->FindClass(group, "n_rs"); if (cls == NULL) return; pbobject obj = session->NewObject(cls); if (obj == NULL) return; pbmethodID mid = session->GetMethodID(cls, "f_ret", PBRT_FUNCTION, "Cresultset."); PBCallInfo ci; session->InitCallInfo(cls, mid, &ci); session->InvokeObjectFunction(obj, mid, &ci);
// Use the result set returned from f_ret to // create an IPB_ResultSetAccessor rsa pbobject rs = ci.returnValue->GetObject(); IPB_ResultSetAccessor* rsa = session->GetResultSetAccessor(rs); // Create a result set object from rsa pbobject rsobj = session->CreateResultSet(rsa); // Call the f_in method mid = session->GetMethodID(cls, "f_in", PBRT_FUNCTION, "IRCresultset."); PBCallInfo ci1; session->InitCallInfo(cls, mid, &ci1); // Set the result set object rsobj as the // argument for f_in ci1.pArgs->GetAt(0)->SetObject(rsobj); session->InvokeObjectFunction(obj, mid, &ci1); session->FreeCallInfo(&ci); session->FreeCallInfo(&ci1); }
f_ret retrieves data from a database into a DataStore and generates a result set:
ResultSet rs DataStore ds Long sts Integer li_ret // Profile EAS Demo DB V125 SQLCA.DBMS = "ODBC" SQLCA.AutoCommit = False SQLCA.DBParm = & "ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB V125;UID=dba;PWD=sql'" connect using sqlca; ds = Create DataStore ds.DataObject = "" ds.DataObject = "d_rs" ds.SetTransObject(sqlca) w_main.dw_1.SetTransObject(sqlca) long ll_ret, rows, rows2 ll_ret = ds.Retrieve() ll_ret = w_main.dw_1.Retrieve() //ds.sharedata(w_main.dw_1) rows = ds.RowCount() rows2 = w_main.dw_1.RowCount() messagebox("info from f_ret", " row count is " & + string(rows) + " or " + string(rows2)) sts = ds.GenerateResultSet(rs) Return rs
f_in takes a result set, rs, as an argument and uses it to create a DataStore:
DataStore ds Int cnt, li_ret ds = Create DataStore ds.CreateFrom(rs) cnt = ds.RowCount() messagebox("info from f_in", "row count is " + string(cnt)) Return cnt
To use the IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface, load the PBVM, obtain a result set from a PowerBuilder application, and call GetResultSetAccessor on this result set to get an IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface object. You can then call the methods of this object to get information about the result set. You can also call CreateResultSet using this object as an argument to create a result set that you can return to PowerBuilder.
When you call CreateResultSet, the AddRef function of the IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface is called on the rs argument implicitly to add a reference to the interface pointer.
Searches for a class with a given name within a given group.
FindClass(pbgroup group, LPCTSTR name)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The handle of the group in which the class resides |
name |
The class name in lowercase |
pbclass or null on failure.
This example finds the group associated with the f_getrow function and uses the group to find the class:
group = session->FindGroup("f_getrow", pbgroup_function); if ( group==NULL ) return; cls = session->FindClass(group, "f_getrow"); if ( cls==NULL ) return;
This method searches for a PowerBuilder class with the given name in the given group. For example, in a window definition w_1, w_1 is a group, and w_1 and controls contained in it are all classes of group w_1.
Searches for a class with a given name and a given ID.
FindClass(pbgroup group, pbint classID)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The handle of the group in which the class resides |
classID |
The class name in lowercase |
pbclass or null on failure.
This method searches for a PowerBuilder class with the given name and the given ID.
Searches for a group with a given name and group type in the current library list.
FindGroup(LPCTSTR name, pbgroup_type type)
Argument |
Description |
name |
The group name in lowercase |
type |
An enumerated type defined in pbgroup_type |
pbgroup or null on failure.
This example finds the group associated with user_exception and uses the group to find the class:
group = session-> FindGroup("user_exception", pbgroup_userobject); if ( group==NULL ) return; cls = session->FindClass(group, "user_exception")
Finds a function that has the specified argument list.
FindMatchingFunction(pbclass cls, LPCTSTR methodName, PBRoutineType rt, LPCTSTR readableSignature)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
pbclass containing the method. |
methodName |
The string name of the method in lowercase. |
rt |
Type of the method: PBRT_FUNCTION for function or PBRT_EVENT for event. |
readableSignature |
A comma-separated string listing the types of the method’s arguments. The return type of the method is not included in the string. See the Usage section for examples. |
This example returns the method ID of a function named uf_test that takes an integer and a double as arguments:
pbclass cls; pbmethodID mid; PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo; unsigned long ret_val; cls = Session -> GetClass(myobj); mid = Session -> FindMatchingFunction(cls, "uf_test", PBRT_FUNCTION, "int, double"); Session -> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci);
FindMatchingFunction provides an alternative to the GetMethodID function. It requires a list of the function’s arguments (the readableSignature) instead of the signature obtained using the pbsig125 tool.
This table shows the readableSignature for each of several functions.
Function prototype |
Signature |
FindMatchingFunction does not check the access type of the function, so you can use it to obtain the method ID of a private function. GetMethodID cannot obtain the method ID of a private function.
Frees memory allocated by InitCallInfo.
FreeCallInfo(PBCallInfo *ci)
Argument |
Description |
ci |
A pointer to the preallocated PBCallInfo structure |
FreeCallInfo should be called when the PBCallInfo structure is no longer needed:
Session->InvokeObjectFunction(myobj, mid, ci); ret_val = ci.returnValue-> GetInt(); Session-> FreeCallInfo(ci); delete ci; return ret_val;
This method frees memory allocated by InitCallInfo but does not free the structure ci itself.
Obtains the value of an array item of a specified type.
GetBlobArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetBoolArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetByteArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetCharArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetDateArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetDateTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetDecArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetDoubleArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetIntArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull)
GetLongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetLongLongArrayItem (pbarray array, pblonglong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull)
GetObjectArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetRealArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetStringArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetUintArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
GetUlongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull )
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure |
dim |
The dimension of the array item to be obtained |
IsNull |
Indicates whether the array item is null |
The value of the array item.
This example gets the value of an array item of type pbobject:
pbobject pPBObject = NULL; pbboolean bIsNull = 0; pblong dim[1]; dim[0] = pbl + 1; pPBObject = session->GetObjectArrayItem(array, dim, bIsNull);
A set of methods that gets the value of an instance field of an object.
GetArrayField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetBlobField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetBoolField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetByteField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetCharField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDateField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDateTimeField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDecField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDoubleField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetIntField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetLongField( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetLongLongField( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetObjectField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetRealField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetStringField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetTimeField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbint value )
GetUintField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetUlongField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
obj |
The handle of the object whose field is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the specified object |
isNull |
Indicates whether the field is null |
A predefined PBNI datatype that corresponds to the PowerBuilder datatype in the method name.
This example gets the value of a field of type pbstring:
pbboolean isNull; pbstring pstr = session->GetStringField(proxy, fid, isNull); if (pstr != NULL) { myclass = session->GetString(pstr); // process myclass }
A set of methods that gets the value of a global variable of a specific datatype.
GetArrayGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetBlobGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetBoolGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetByteGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetCharGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDateGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDateTimeGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDecGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDoubleGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetIntGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetLongGlobalVar( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetLongLongGlobalVar( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetObjectGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetRealGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetStringGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetTimeGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbint value )
GetUintGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetUlongGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the global variable |
isNull |
Indicates whether the variable is null |
A predefined PBNI datatype that corresponds to the PowerBuilder datatype in the method name.
This code gets the value of a global variable of datatype long using its field ID:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("l_gvar"); l_val = session -> GetLongGlobalVar(fid, isNull); session -> SetLongGlobalVar(fid, l_val + 1);
A set of methods that gets the value of a shared variable of a specific datatype.
GetArraySharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetBlobSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetBoolSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetByteSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetCharSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDateSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDateTimeSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDecSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetDoubleSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetIntSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetLongSharedVar( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetLongLongSharedVar( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetObjectSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetRealSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetStringSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetTimeSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbint value )
GetUintSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
GetUlongSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group whose shared variable is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the shared variable |
isNull |
Indicates whether the variable is null |
A predefined PBNI datatype that corresponds to the PowerBuilder datatype in the method name.
This code gets the value of a shared variable of type integer:
curGroup = session -> GetCurrGroup(); fid = session -> GetSharedVarID(curGroup, "i_svar"); if (fid == 0xffff) { MessageBox(NULL, "Illegal fid!", "default", MB_OK); return; } i_val = session-> GetIntSharedVar(curGroup, fid, isNull); session-> SetIntSharedVar(curGroup, fid, i_val+1);
Obtains information about an array.
GetArrayInfo(pbarray array)
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid array handle |
This IF-ELSE statement populates a PBArrayInfo structure if the array in the first value of a PBCallInfo structure is not null:
if ( !(ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->IsNull()) ) { array = ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->GetArray(); pArrayInfo = session->GetArrayInfo (array); pArrayItemCount = session->GetArrayLength(array); } else { // NULL array pArrayItemCount = 0; }
If the array is an unbounded array, the bounds information in PBArrayInfo is undetermined. The returned PBArrayInfo must be freed later by ReleaseArrayInfo.
Obtains the datatype of an item in an array.
GetArrayItemType( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ])
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold the indexes of each dimension of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. |
Obtains the length of an array.
GetArrayLength(pbarray array)
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid array handle |
This IF-ELSE statement populates a PBArrayInfo structure. If the array in the first value of a PBCallInfo structure is not null, it sets the value of the pArrayItemCount variable to the length of the array:
if ( !(ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->IsNull()) ) { array = ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->GetArray(); pArrayInfo = session->GetArrayInfo (array); pArrayItemCount = session->GetArrayLength(array); } else { // NULL array pArrayItemCount = 0; }
Returns a pointer to the data buffer for a blob.
GetBlob(pbblob bin)
Argument |
Description |
bin |
A pointer to the source buffer |
In this CASE clause, the value returned from GetBlob is cast to the LPCTSTR variable pStr. If it is not null, the return value in the PBCallInfo structure is set to the value of the blob:
case pbvalue_blob: pStr = (LPCTSTR)Session-> GetBlob(retVal.blob_val); if (strncmp(pStr, "null", 4)==0 ) ci -> returnValue ->SetToNull(); else { ci -> returnValue->SetBlob(retVal.blob_val); Session -> ReleaseValue(retVal); } break;
Returns the length in bytes of blob data in a buffer.
GetBlobLength (pbblob bin)
Argument |
Description |
bin |
A pointer to the source buffer |
In this example, the IPB_Value GetBlob function is used to get a blob value from the PBCallInfo structure. The length of the blob is used as an argument to the NewBlob function:
PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo; pbblob ret_val; pblong bloblen; ret_val = ci.returnValue-> GetBlob(); bloblen = Session-> GetBlobLength(ret_val); ret_val = Session-> NewBlob (Session->GetBlob(ret_val), bloblen);
Returns the class handle of a PowerBuilder object. This function is most frequently used to obtain a class handle for use with the GetMethodID function.
GetClass (pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid PowerBuilder object handle |
pbclass or null on error.
In this example, GetClass is used to obtain the class of a variable of type UserData so that the class can be used as an argument to the GetMethodID function:
BOOL CALLBACK CFontEnumerator::EnumFontProc ( LPLOGFONT lplf, LPNEWTEXTMETRIC lpntm, DWORD FontType, LPVOID userData ) { UserData* ud = (UserData*)userData; pbclass clz = ud->session->GetClass(ud->object); pbmethodID mid = ud->session->GetMethodID (clz, "onnewfont", PBRT_EVENT, "IS"); PBCallInfo ci; ud->session->InitCallInfo(clz, mid, &ci); pbstring str = ud->session->NewString (lplf->lfFaceName); ci.pArgs->GetAt(0)->SetPBString(str); ud->session->TriggerEvent(ud->object, mid, &ci); pbint ret = ci.returnValue->GetInt(); ud->session->FreeCallInfo(&ci); return ret == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; }
Returns the name of a class in lowercase.
GetClassName(pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle |
This example gets the name of a class and sets the size of the variable stLength to the length of the returned string plus 1:
LPCTSTR myClassName = session->GetClassName( myClass ); size_t stLength = strlen( (LPSTR)myClassName ) + 1;
When you have finished using the name, call the ReleaseString method to free the memory acquired.
Obtains the name of the current group.
GetCurrGroup( )
pbgroup or null on failure.
This example gets the name of the current group and uses it to obtain the identifier of a shared variable, get the shared variable’s value, and reset the shared variable’s value:
curGroup = session -> GetCurrGroup(); fid = session -> GetSharedVarID(curGroup, "i_svar"); if (fid == 0xffff) { MessageBox(NULL, "Illegal fid!", "default", MB_OK); return; } i_val = session-> GetIntSharedVar(curGroup, fid, isNull); session-> SetIntSharedVar(curGroup, fid, i_val+1);
Converts data in a pbdate object to a string.
GetDateString(pbdate date)
Argument |
Description |
date |
The pbdate data object to be converted to a string. |
Converts data in a pbdatetime object to a string.
GetDateTimeString(pbdatetime datetime)
Argument |
Description |
datetime |
The pbdatetime data object to be converted to a string. |
Converts decimal data in a pbdec object to a string.
GetDecimalString(pbdec dec)
Argument |
Description |
dec |
The pbdec data object to be converted to a string. |
This code checks whether a value in the PBCallInfo structure is null. If it is not, it sets the value in the pArguments array to the value in PBCallInfo:
case pbvalue_dec: if (ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->IsNull()) { pArguments[i].dec_val = Session->NewDecimal(); Session->SetDecimal(pArguments[i].dec_val, "1.0"); } else pArguments[i].dec_val = ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->GetDecimalString(); break;
Obtains the name of an enumerated variable.
GetEnumItemName(LPCTSTR enumName, long enumItemValue)
When you have finished using the name, call the ReleaseString method to free the memory acquired.
Obtains the value of an enumerated variable.
GetEnumItemValue(LPCTSTR enumName, LPCTSTR enumItemName)
This example gets the numeric value for the boolean! enumerated value, then uses it to return the string value:
pblong lType = session->GetEnumItemValue("object", boolean" ); // returns 138 LPCTSTR szEnum = session->GetEnumItemName( "object", lType ); // returns "boolean"
GetEnumItemValue and GetEnumItemName support enumerated types. They allow you to convert the name of an enumerated value, a string with an appended exclamation mark (!), to an integer value, and vice versa.
The ! character must be omitted
When you use these functions, the enumItemName should
not use the appended exclamation mark (!) character.
To return an enumerated value from an extension to PowerScript, you must use the SetLong function to set the value of the enumerated variable into IPB_Value. Using SetInt or SetShort fails. However, you can use GetInt or GetShort as well as GetLong to obtain the enumerated variable's value, assuming the value is in the appropriate range. For example, if you attempt to use GetInt to obtain a value that is more than 32767, the returned value is truncated.
Obtains the current thrown exception object.
GetException ()
This code gets the current exception object, clears the exception, and gets the class of the exception object:
pbclass cls; pbobject ex; ... ex = session-> GetException(); session-> ClearException(); cls = session-> GetClass(ex);
Obtains the internal ID of a class instance variable.
GetFieldID(pbclass cls, LPCTSTR fieldName)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The class in which the field resides |
fieldName |
The instance member name, in lowercase |
pbfieldID or 0xffff if a field ID cannot be found.
This function obtains the identifier of a class’s visible field, if it exists, and uses it to set the value of the field:
void CallBack::f_setvisible(IPB_Session* session, pbobject dwobj) { pbclass cls; IPB_Value* pv; pbfieldID fid; pbstring strtmp; bool isTrue; pbboolean isNull; cls = session-> GetClass(dwobj); fid = session-> GetFieldID(cls, "visible"); if (fid == kUndefinedFieldID) return; isTrue = session-> GetBoolField(dwobj, fid, isNull); if (isTrue) session -> SetBoolField(dwobj, fid, false); else session -> SetBoolField(dwobj, fid, true); return ; }
GetFieldID is one of a set of functions that allows native code to access the fields of Java objects and get and set their values. You use GetFieldID to retrieve the value of a field, specifying the class name and the field name. The field ID returned can be used as an argument to the related functions.
Obtains the name of the specified field.
GetFieldName(pbclass cls, pbfieldID fid)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The class that defines the field |
fid |
The internal ID of the class instance variable |
LPCTSTR. The field name of the specified field. If an incorrect field ID is specified, this function returns null.
When you have finished using the name, call the ReleaseString method to free the memory acquired.
Obtains the datatype of a field declared by a class.
GetFieldType(pbclass cls, pbfieldID fid)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The class that defines the field |
fid |
The internal ID of the class instance variable |
pbint. A simple datatype defined in the list of pbvalue_type enumerated types, such as pbvalue_int. See “PBNI enumerated types”.
This statement gets the type of the specified field ID:
pbint pbfieldType = session->GetFieldType(cls, fid);
Returns the internal ID of a global variable.
GetGlobalVarID(LPCTSTR name)
Argument |
Description |
name |
The name of the global variable in lowercase |
pbfieldID or null on failure.
This example gets the internal identifier of a long variable and uses it to get and set a global variable:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("l_gvar"); l_val = session -> GetLongGlobalVar(fid, isNull); session -> SetLongGlobalVar(fid, l_val + 1);
Obtains the datatype of a global variable.
GetGlobalVarType(pbfieldID fid)
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The internal ID of the class instance variable |
pbuint. A simple datatype defined in the list of pbvalue_type enumerated types.
This code tests getting and setting a global integer variable using the field ID fid:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("i_gvar"); if (session -> GetGlobalVarType(fid) == pbvalue_int) { i_val=session -> GetIntGlobalVar(fid,isNull); session -> SetIntGlobalVar(fid,i_val+1); }
Obtains the marshaler object associated with a proxy object.
GetMarshaler(pbproxyObject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
An object of type pbproxyObject for which you want to find the marshaler. |
This code creates a Java marshaler object and associates it with a proxy. Later, GetMarshaler is used to get the marshaler object:
// Create JavaMarshaler JavaMarshaler* marshaler = new JavaMarshaler(env, proxy, jobj); // Associate the JavaMarshaler with the // PowerBuilder proxy session-> SetMarshaler(proxy, marshaler); ci-> pArgs-> GetAt(0)-> SetObject(proxy); ci-> returnValue-> SetLong(kSuccessful); return PBX_OK; ... // Get the marshaler IPBX_Marshaler* pIPBX_Marshaler = NULL; pIPBX_Marshaler =(IPBX_Marshaler*)session -> GetMarshaler(proxy);
Returns the ID of the requested method.
GetMethodID(pbclass cls, LPCTSTR methodName, PBRoutineType rt, LPCTSTR signature, pbboolean publicOnly)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
pbclass containing the function. |
methodName |
The string name of the method in lowercase. |
rt |
Type of the method: PBRT_FUNCTION for function or PBRT_EVENT for event. |
signature |
Internal signature of the PowerBuilder function, used to identify polymorphic methods in one class. Obtained with the pbsig125 tool. If the signature is a null string (" "), the first method found with the name methodName is returned. |
publicOnly |
A boolean that determines whether only public methods are searched (true) or all methods are searched (false). The default is true. |
pbMethodID of the method or kUndefinedMethodID on error.
This function uses GetMethodID to obtain the identifier (mid) of the onnewfont function so that the identifier can be used to initialize the PBCallInfo structure and call the function:
BOOL CALLBACK CFontEnumerator::EnumFontProc ( LPLOGFONT lplf, LPNEWTEXTMETRIC lpntm, DWORD FontType, LPVOID userData ) { UserData* ud = (UserData*)userData; pbclass clz = ud->session->GetClass(ud->object); pbmethodID mid = ud->session->GetMethodID(clz, "onnewfont", PBRT_EVENT, "IS"); PBCallInfo ci; ud->session->InitCallInfo(clz, mid, &ci); pbstring str = ud->session-> NewString(lplf->lfFaceName); ci.pArgs->GetAt(0)->SetPBString(str); ud->session->TriggerEvent(ud->object, mid, &ci); pbint ret = ci.returnValue->GetInt(); ud->session->FreeCallInfo(&ci); return ret == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; }
The GetMethodID function is used to obtain the ID of a method so you can use it to invoke functions and trigger events.
Returns the ID of the method that has a given predefined PowerBuilder event ID.
GetMethodIDByEventID(pbclass cls, LPCTSTR eventID)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
pbclass containing the method |
eventID |
A PowerBuilder predefined event string, such as pbm_bnclicked |
pbMethodID of the method or kUndefinedMethodID on error.
This statement obtains the ID of the event identified by the name pbm_lbuttonup:
pbmethodID mid = d_session->GetMethodIDByEventID(clz, "pbm_lbuttonup");
Obtains a pointer to the interface of a native class.
GetNativeInterface(pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid object handle |
This example invokes the function f_retrieve in the native class Cmy_pbni to retrieve a DataWindow object:
long f_retrieve(IPB_Session* session, pbint iarg, pbobject dwObj, pbobject extObj) { Imy_pbni* pImy_pbni = NULL; pblong lRet; if (session -> IsNativeObject(extObj) ) { pImy_pbni = (Imy_pbni*) session -> GetNativeInterface(extObj); lRet = pImy_pbni-> f_Retrieve(session, iarg, dwObj); } return lRet; }
Use this method in conjunction with IsNativeObject to obtain a direct reference to the IPBX_UserObject associated with a native class in the same PowerBuilder extension. The class and its methods can then be accessed directly.
Returns the number of fields in the specified class.
GetNumOfFields(pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle for the class whose field is to be accessed |
This code gets the numbers of fields in the class clz:
pbclass clz = d_session->GetClass(d_pbobj); pbulong nf = d_session->GetNumOfFields(clz);
Obtains the value of a global variable of type Any.
GetPBAnyArrayItem( pbarray array, pblong dim[], pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold the indexes of each dimension of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. |
isNull |
Indicates whether the variable is null |
See GetPBAnyField.
Obtains the value of a variable of type Any.
GetPBAnyField( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid object handle for the object whose value is to be obtained |
fid |
The field ID of the variable |
isNull |
Indicates whether the variable is null |
This example tests all the functions used to get the value of variables of type Any, using PushLocalFrame and PopLocalFrame to simulate the scope of a function call:
session->PushLocalFrame(); pbgroup vgroup = session->FindGroup("n_test", pbgroup_userobject); pbclass vcls = session->FindClass(vgroup, "n_test"); pbobject vobj = session->NewObject(vcls); pbboolean isNull; pbfieldID vfid = session->GetFieldID(vcls, "i_a"); IPB_Value* value = session->GetPBAnyField(vobj, vfid, isNull); pbstring str = value->GetString(); // save actual value vfid = session->GetSharedVarID(vgroup, "s_a"); value = session->GetPBAnySharedVar(vgroup, vfid, isNull); //Get the actual value here. vfid = session->GetGlobalVarID("g_a"); value = session->GetPBAnyGlobalVar(vfid, isNull); //Get the actual value here. vfid = session->GetFieldID(vcls, "i_array"); pbarray arr = session->GetArrayField(vobj, vfid, isNull); //Get the any array first. long dim = 1; value = session->GetPBAnyArrayItem(arr, &dim, isNull); //Get the actual value here. session->PopLocalFrame();
The value you retrieve must be of datatype Any to use this function; that is, the variable associated with the function must be declared as a variable of type Any in the development environment. If it is not, the function returns a null pointer and the value of isNull is set to true.
This function returns a pointer to an IPB_Value instance. When it is called, memory is allocated for the returned IPB_Value instance, and the pointer is recorded in the current local frame. The pointer is deleted automatically when the current local frame is popped, which occurs when the current local function returns (you can also call PopLocalFrame to force the frame to be popped).
If you want to use the value returned, you must save the value pointed to by the IPB_Value instance (not the IPB_Value instance itself) before the frame is popped. If you save the pointer itself, the value is only valid until the original value is destroyed.
You can use the AcquireValue function to save the value, or one of the IPB_Value Get<type> functions. For example, the following code saves the string value in the IPB_Value instance ivalue into the string str. The value in str can be used after the local frame is popped and ivalue is deleted:
IPB_Value* ivalue = session->GetPBAnyField(vobj, vfid, isNull); pbstring str = ivalue->GetString();
If you do not know the actual datatype of the Any variable, use the IPB_Value GetType function to get its datatype first, then use the appropriate get function to get its value.
IPB_Value holds a reference to the original
The value in the IPB_Value instance is a reference
to the original value. If you change the actual value of the returned
IPB_Value, the original value is also changed. If you use
the AcquireValue function to save the value,
it clones a new IPB_Value and resets the existing IPB_Value
Obtains the value of a global variable of type Any.
GetPBAnyGlobalVar( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the variable |
isNull |
Indicates whether the variable is null |
See GetPBAnyField.
Obtains the value of a shared variable of type Any.
GetPBAnySharedVar( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean& isNull )
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group to which the variable belongs |
fid |
The field ID of the variable |
isNull |
Indicates whether the variable is null |
See GetPBAnyField.
Retrieves a pointer to the data value of a variable that has been registered as a shared property for the current IPB session.
GetProp(LPCTSTR name)
Argument |
Description |
name |
The name of the variable whose value is to be retrieved. |
Void*. If the variable does not exist, returns null.
See SetProp.
The variable’s name must first be registered with the session using the SetProp function.
Obtains an interface through which you can read data from a result set.
GetResultSetAccessor (pbobject rs)
Argument |
Description |
rs |
A pbobject holding a result set obtained using CreateResultSet |
This example gets a result set, rs, from the return value of a PowerScript function and uses it to create an IPB_ResultSetAccessor object, rsa:
pbobject rs = ci.returnValue->GetObject(); IPB_ResultSetAccessor* rsa = session->GetResultSetAccessor(rs);
Returns the internal ID of a shared variable.
GettSharedVarID(pbgroup group, LPCTSTR fieldname)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group to which the shared variable belongs |
fieldname |
The name of the field that contains the shared variable, in lowercase |
pbfieldID. Returns 0xffff if the ID cannot be found.
This code uses GetSharedVarID to obtain the field ID of a shared variable, then uses that ID to obtain the value of the variable:
curGroup = session -> GetCurrGroup(); fid = session -> GetSharedVarID(curGroup,"i_svar"); if (fid == 0xffff) { MessageBox(NULL, "Illegal fid!", "default", MB_OK); return; } i_val = session -> GetIntSharedVar(curGroup, fid, isNull);
Obtains the datatype of the specified shared variable.
GetSharedVarType ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid )
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group to which the shared variable belongs |
fid |
The internal field ID of the shared variable |
pbuint. A simple datatype defined in the list of pbvalue_type enumerated types.
This example gets the field ID of a shared variable, then uses that ID to get the type of the shared variable:
pbuint pbvaltype;
curGroup = session -> GetCurrGroup(); fid = session -> GetSharedVarID(curGroup,"i_svar"); pbvaltype = session -> GetSharedVarType(curGroup, fid);
Returns a pointer to the string passed in as an argument.
GetString (pbstring* string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
A pointer to a pbstring |
This example uses the IPB_Value GetString function to obtain a string value from the PBCallInfo structure. If the string is not null, the IPB_Session GetString function sets the value of the proxyname string to a pointer to the returned value:
string proxyName; { pbstring pn = ci->pArgs->GetAt(2)->GetString(); if (pn == NULL) { ci->returnValue->SetLong(kInvalidProxyName); return PBX_OK; } else { proxyName = session->GetString(pn); } }
When you have finished using the string, call the ReleaseString method to free the memory acquired.
Returns the length of a string in bytes without the terminator.
GetStringLength (pbstring string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
The pbstring whose length is to be determined |
These statements set the value of a pblong variable to the length of a string:
pblong long_val; pbstring str_val; long_val = session-> GetStringLength( str_val );
Returns the ancestor class of the specified class, if any.
GetSuperClass(pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle for the descendent class |
pbclass or 0 if the class has no ancestor.
These statements get the class of an object in the PBCallInfo structure, the ancestor class of that class, and then the name of the ancestor class:
pbclass cls, cls_parent; LPCSTR clsname; cls = Session-> GetClass(ci-> pArgs-> GetAt(0)-> GetObject()); cls_parent = Session-> GetSuperClass(cls); clsname = Session-> GetClassName(cls_parent);
Returns the first system class that the input class inherits from.
GetSystemClass (pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A descendent class whose ancestor system class is to be determined |
pbclass or null on error.
Returns a PowerBuilder internal system group.
pbclass or null on error.
GetSystemGroup returns the PowerBuilder internal system group, which contains all the system types such as PowerObject, NonVisualObject, Structure, Window, CommandButton, and so on. You can use this system group to obtain a system class. You might need to call PowerScript functions in the PowerBuilder extension. To achieve this, you first need to get the pbclass that the PowerScript function class resides in. This code gets the PowerBuilder system function class:
pbgroup sysGroup = session->GetSystemGroup(); pbclass sysFuncClass = session->FindClass(sysGroup, "SystemFunctions");
After you get the system class, you can obtain the method ID of a PowerScript function by calling FindMatchingFunction, and then you can invoke the PowerScript function.
Converts data in a pbtime object to a string.
GetTimeString(pbtime time)
Argument |
Description |
time |
The pbtime data object to be converted to a string. |
Checks for the existence of an exception that has been thrown but not cleared.
pbboolean. Returns true if a PowerBuilder exception has been thrown but not cleared.
This example tests whether an exception has been thrown so it can be handled and cleared:
try { session->InvokeObjectFunction(pbobj, mid, &ci); // Was PB exception thrown? if (session-> HasExceptionThrown()) { // Handle PB exception session-> ClearException(); } }
Determines whether any PowerBuilder windows, visible or hidden, are still in existence.
pbboolean. Returns true if any PowerBuilder windows are still alive. If any windows that are not response windows are still alive, the PowerBuilder application returns immediately unless you manually add a message loop.
This example is similar to the example for RestartRequested, but it includes a call to HasPBVisualObject that opens a message loop if the return value is true:
PBXRESULT PB_MyWinAppRunner::RunApplication() { PBXRESULT res; pbboolean restart = FALSE; do { res = StartApplication(); if (res == PBX_OK) // Process message dispatch { if ( GetSession()->HasPBVisualObject() ) { MSG msg; while ( GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0) ) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); if ( !GetSession()->HasPBVisualObject() ) break; } } } else break; restart = GetSession()->RestartRequested(); if (restart) RecreateSession(); } while (restart); return CleanApplication(); }
RestartRequested and HasVisualPBObject are used in the implementation of the IPB_VM RunApplication function. You no longer need to use an external message loop to check for Windows messages when you call the RunApplication function as you did in versions of PBNI prior to PowerBuilder 10.5.
Initializes the PBCallInfo structure.
InitCallInfo(pbclass cls, pbmethodID mid, PBCallInfo *ci)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The pbclass containing the method |
mid |
The pbMethodID returned by GetMethodID |
ci |
A pointer to a preallocated PBCallInfo structure |
PBXRESULT. Returns PBX_OK on success, and PBX_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT on failure.
This example shows the implementation of a TriggerEvent function in a visual class. It takes an event name as an argument, obtains the class and method ID needed to initialize the PBCallInfo structure, triggers the event, and frees the PBCallInfo structure:
void CVisualExt::TriggerEvent(LPCTSTR eventName) { pbclass clz = d_session->GetClass(d_pbobj); pbmethodID mid = d_session->GetMethodID(clz, eventName, PBRT_EVENT, "I"); PBCallInfo ci; d_session->InitCallInfo(clz, mid, &ci); d_session->TriggerEvent(d_pbobj, mid, &ci); d_session->FreeCallInfo(&ci); }
On return, this method allocates enough space for the arguments, and then initializes the arguments and return value. You must set appropriate values in the PBCallInfo structure. Note that the structure itself must have been allocated before the call.
Invokes system or user global functions.
InvokeClassFunction(pbclass cls, pbmethodID mid, PBCallInfo *ci)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The class that contains the global function. If this is a system function, cls is obtained with GetSystemFunctionsClass; otherwise, it is obtained with FindGroup and FindClass, with the function name as the group/class name. |
mid |
The pbMethodID returned by GetMethodID. |
ci |
A pointer to a preallocated PBCallInfo structure. |
PBXRESULT. Returns PBX_OK for success, or one of the following for failure:
This example gets the PowerBuilder system class and uses it to invoke the double function:
cls = session-> GetSystemClass(); mid = session-> GetMethodID (cls, "double", PBRT_FUNCTION, "DA"); session-> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci); ci->pArgs -> GetAt(0) -> SetPBString(mystr); session -> InvokeClassFunction(cls, mid, ci);
On return, this method allocates enough spaces for the arguments, and then initializes arguments and return value. You must set appropriate values in the PBCallInfo structure. Note that the structure itself must have been allocated before the call.
Invokes a class member method.
InvokeObjectFunction(pbobject obj, pbmethodID mid, PBCallInfo *ci)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
The pbobject containing the method |
mid |
The pbMethodID returned by GetMethodID |
ci |
A pointer to a preallocated PBCallInfo structure |
PBXRESULT. Returns PBX_OK for success, or one of the following for failure:
This code invokes the DataWindow Update function and returns its integer return value:
pbclass cls; pbmethodID mid; PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo; pbint ret_val; cls = session->GetClass(dwobj); mid = session->GetMethodID (cls, "Update", PBRT_FUNCTION, "I"); session->InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci); session->InvokeObjectFunction(dwobj, mid, ci); ret_val = ci.returnValue->GetInt(); session->FreeCallInfo(ci); delete ci; return ret_val;
Returns true if the array item contains a null value; otherwise it returns false.
IsArrayItemNull( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ])
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure that you want to check for a null-valued array item. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold the indexes of each dimension of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. |
Returns true if the specified class is an autoinstantiated class; otherwise it returns false.
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle or structure |
Returns true if the field of the specified object is an array; otherwise it returns false.
IsFieldArray(pbclass cls, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle for the class whose field is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the specified object |
This code tests whether the field identified by fid is an array, and if so, gets the array value:
fid = session->GetFieldID(cls, "arr_val"); if (session->IsFieldArray(cls, fid)) { arr_val=session->GetArrayField(myobj, fid, isNull);...
Returns true if the field of the specified object is a null value; otherwise it returns false.
IsFieldNull(pbobject obj, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid object handle for the object whose field is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the specified object |
These statements test whether the field identified by fid is null:
fid = session -> GetFieldID(cls, "i_val"); if (session -> IsFieldNull(myobj, fid))
Returns true if the field of the specified object is an object; otherwise it returns false.
IsFieldObject(pbclass cls, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle for the class whose field is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the specified object |
These statements test whether the field identified by fid is an object:
fid = session -> GetFieldID(cls, "obj_val"); if (session -> IsFieldObject(myobj, fid))
Returns true if the global variable contains an array; otherwise it returns false.
IsGlobalVarArray(pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the global variable |
These statements test whether the field identified by fid is a global variable array:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("arr_gvar"); if (session -> IsGlobalVarArray(fid)) { arr_val=session -> GetArrayGlobalVar(fid, isNull); ...
Returns true if the global variable contains a null value; otherwise it returns false.
IsGlobalVarNull( pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the global variable |
These statements test whether the field identified by fid is a global variable array:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("arr_gvar"); if (session -> IsGlobalVarArray(fid)) { arr_val=session -> GetArrayGlobalVar(fid, isNull); ...
Returns true if the global variable contains an object; otherwise it returns false.
IsGlobalVarObject( pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the global variable |
These statements test whether the field identified by fid is a global variable object. If it is, its value is set to another global variable object:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("obj2_gvar"); if (session -> IsGlobalVarObject(fid)) { obj_val = session -> GetObjectGlobalVar(fid, isNull); cls = session -> GetClass(obj_val); fid = session -> GetFieldID(cls, "text"); s_val = session -> GetStringField(obj_val, fid, isNull); mystr = session -> GetString(s_val); // Set the value of obj2_gvar to obj1_gvar fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("obj1_gvar"); session -> SetObjectGlobalVar(fid, obj_val); }
Determines whether a pbobject is an instance of a native class.
IsNativeObject(pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid object handle |
The f_getrow function uses IsNativeObject to test whether extObj is a native class. If so, it gets the native interface and invokes the f_getrowcount function in the other class:
long f_getrow(IPB_Session* session, pbobject dwObj, pbobject extObj) { long lRet; Imy_pbni* pImy_pbni = NULL; IPBX_NonVisualObject* pp=NULL; if (session -> IsNativeObject(extObj) ) { pp = (IPBX_NonVisualObject*) session -> GetNativeInterface(extObj); pImy_pbni = static_cast<Imy_pbni*>(pp); lRet = pImy_pbni-> f_GetRowCount(session, dwObj); } return lRet; }
Use this method in conjunction with GetNativeInterface to obtain a direct reference to the IPBX_UserObject associated with another native class, so that the class and its methods can be accessed directly.
Returns true if the shared variable contains an array; otherwise it returns false.
IsSharedVarArray(pbgroup group, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group whose shared variable is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the shared variable |
Returns true if the shared variable contains a null value; otherwise it returns false.
IsSharedVarNull(pbgroup group, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group whose shared variable is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the shared variable |
Returns true if the shared variable contains an object; otherwise it returns false.
IsSharedVarObject(pbgroup group, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group whose shared variable is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the shared variable |
Creates a new blob and duplicates a buffer for the new blob data.
NewBlob (const void* bin, pblong len)
Argument |
Description |
bin |
A void pointer that points to the source buffer |
len |
The length in bytes of the data in the buffer |
If the blob value in the PBCallInfo structure is null, this code creates a new blob value with four bytes in the pArguments array; otherwise, it sets the blob value in the pArguments array to the value in the PBCallInfo structure:
if (ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->IsNull()) pArguments[i].blob_val = Session->NewBlob("null", 4); else pArguments[i].blob_val = ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->GetBlob();
The buffer containing the new blob data is freed when PopLocalFrame is called.
Creates a bounded PowerBuilder object or structure array.
NewBoundedObjectArray(pbclass cls, pbuint dimension, PBArrayInfo::ArrayBound* bounds)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle of the type of PowerBuilder object or structure array to be created |
dimension |
A number greater than one that indicates the dimension of the array to be created |
bounds |
An array containing the upper and lower boundaries of the array to be created |
pbarray or null on failure.
int size; pbarray pbin_a; PBArrayInfo* ai; PBXRESULT ret; pbclass cls; pbgroup group; size = sizeof(PBArrayInfo) + sizeof(PBArrayInfo::ArrayBound); ai = (PBArrayInfo*)malloc(size); ai-> bounds[0].upperBound=2; ai-> bounds[0].lowerBound=1; ai-> bounds[1].upperBound=2; ai-> bounds[1].lowerBound=1; ai-> numDimensions=2; // Create new array pbin_a group = session-> FindGroup("w_main", pbgroup_window); if (group==NULL) return; cls = session->FindClass(group, "commandbutton"); if( cls==NULL) return; pbin_a = session->NewBoundedObjectArray(cls, ai-> numDimensions, ai-> bounds);
Creates a bounded simple data array.
NewBoundedSimpleArray(pbuint type, pbuint dimension, PBArrayInfo::ArrayBound* bounds)
Argument |
Description |
type |
An enumerated variable of type pbvalue_* indicating the type of simple unbounded array to be created |
dimension |
A number greater than one that indicates the dimension of the array to be created |
bounds |
An array containing the upper and lower boundaries of the array to be created |
pbarray or null on failure.
Creates a new pbdate data object.
This example tests whether a date value exists, and, if it does not, it creates a new pbdate object and sets its value to the first day in January, 1900:
if (ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->IsNull()) { pArguments[i].date_val = Session->NewDate();
Session->SetDate(pArguments[i].date_val, 1900,1,1); // Date: 1900-01-01 isNull[i]=true; } else { pArguments[i].date_val = ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->GetDate(); isNull[i]=false; }
The initial value is 1900-1-1.
Creates a new pbdatetime data object.
This example tests whether a date/time value exists, and, if it does not, it creates a new pbdate object and sets its value to the beginning of January, 1900:
if (ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->IsNull()) { pArguments[i].datetime_val=Session->NewDateTime(); Session->SetDateTime(pArguments[i].datetime_val, 1900, 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1); // Datetime: // 1900-01-01 01:01:01 } else { pArguments[i].datetime_val = ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->GetDateTime(); }
The initial value is 1900-1-1 0:0:0.0.
Allocates resources for a new decimal data object.
NewDecimal( )
pbdec or null on failure.
if (ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->IsNull()) { pArguments[i].dec_val=Session->NewDecimal(); Session->SetDecimal(pArguments[i].dec_val,"1.0"); } else pArguments[i].dec_val = ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->GetDecimal();
Creates a new object of the specified type.
NewObject(pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The type of object or structure instance to be created |
pbobject of the given class or structure.
pbclass cls; pbobject ex; pbgroup group; group = session-> FindGroup ("user_exception", pbgroup_userobject); if (group==NULL) return; cls = session->FindClass(group, "user_exception"); if (group==NULL) return; ex = session->NewObject(cls);
The returned object’s life cycle is restricted to the current frame unless AddGlobalRef is called on the object.
Creates a proxy for a remote object. The proxy is used to extend the network protocol in PowerBuilder.
NewProxyObject(pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
The type of object or structure instance to be created |
This example creates a new proxy object, creates a marshaler, and associates the marshaler with the proxy object:
pbproxyObject proxy = session->NewProxyObject(cls); if (proxy == NULL) { ci->returnValue->SetLong(kFailToCreateProxy); return PBX_OK; } // Create MyMarshaler MyMarshaler* marshaler = new MyMarshaler(env, proxy, obj); // Associate MyMarshaler with the proxy session->SetMarshaler(proxy, marshaler); ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->SetObject(proxy); ci->returnValue->SetLong(kSuccessful); return PBX_OK;
Creates a new string.
pbclass cls; cls = session->GetSystemFunctionsClass(); if( cls == NULL ) { ret_val = session->NewString("null"); return ret_val; }
The returned string is destroyed when PopLocalFrame is called.
Creates a new pbtime data object.
These statements split a time into hours, minutes, and seconds, and then use the resulting values to set the value of a new time object:
Session->SplitTime(ci.returnValue->GetTime(), &hh, &mm, &ss); ret_val = Session-> NewTime(); Session-> SetTime(ret_val, hh, mm, ss);
The initial value is 0:0:0.0.
Creates an unbounded PowerBuilder object or structure data array.
NewUnboundedObjectArray(pbclass cls)
Argument |
Description |
cls |
A valid class handle of the type of PowerBuilder object or structure array to be created |
pbarray or null on failure.
An unbounded array can have only one dimension, so no dimension information is needed.
Creates an unbounded simple data array.
NewUnboundedSimpleArray(pbuint type)
Argument |
Description |
type |
An enumerated variable of type pbvalue_* indicating the type of simple unbounded array to be created |
pbarray or null on failure.
This example creates an unbounded simple data array
of the type returned by the getDataType method,
which returns a string of the form dt_type
Most of the case statements have been removed
for the sake of brevity:
if (d_returnType.isArray()) { returnValue.l = env->CallObjectMethodA(obj, mid, values.get()); pbarray v; switch(d_returnType.getDataType()) { case dt_boolean: v = session->NewUnboundedSimpleArray (pbvalue_boolean); break; case dt_short: v = session->NewUnboundedSimpleArray (pbvalue_int); break; // CASE statements omitted ... default: v = session->NewUnboundedSimpleArray (pbvalue_any); break; } ci->returnValue->SetArray(v);
An unbounded array can have only one dimension, so no dimension information is needed.
Pops the current local reference frame from the current native method stack frame, removing all local references to the objects added in that local frame. All the pbobject, pbstring, and pbdecimal variables created by calling NewDecimal, NewObject, or NewString in the current frame are destroyed automatically.
Checks the PowerBuilder message queue and, if there is a message in the queue, attempts to process it.
pbboolean. Returns true if a PowerBuilder message was processed, and false otherwise.
This message loop in a WinMain function processes a PowerBuilder message if a message has been received and an IPB session is running:
try { while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); // Call to ProcessPBMessage if (session) session->ProcessPBMessage(); }
This overloaded WindowProc function in an MFC application processes a PowerBuilder message:
LRESULT CCallPBVCtrl::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { d_session->ProcessPBMessage(); return CDialog::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); }
Each time this function is called, it attempts to retrieve a message from the PowerBuilder message queue and process it. It is similar to the PowerBuilder Yield function; however, ProcessPBMessage processes only one message at a time, and it processes only PowerBuilder messages. The Yield function also processes Windows messages.
Use this function when PowerBuilder windows or visual controls are called from C++ applications or from extensions to ensure that events posted to the PowerBuilder message queue are processed.
If the function is not inserted in the C++ application in a way that results in it being called repeatedly, posted events are not processed in the PowerBuilder application.
For most applications, ProcessPBMessage can be inserted in a message loop in the WinMain function. If you use Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), you cannot modify the built-in message loop. To ensure that the ProcessPBMessage function is called repeatedly, you can overload the CWnd::WindowProc function and insert ProcessPBMessage into the overloaded function.
Pushes a local reference frame onto the current native method stack frame. A local frame is analogous to a scope in C++.
Releases the current IPB_Session. The IPB_Session object becomes invalid after the call.
This example shows a call to Release. The example checks whether there is a valid session object before attempting to release it:
if (pIPB_ObjectFactory) { pIPB_ObjectFactory->Release(); pIPB_ObjectFactory = NULL; }
Releases memory returned by GetArrayInfo.
ReleaseArrayInfo(PBArrayInfo* pbarrayinfo)
Argument |
Description |
pbarrayinfo |
A valid PBArrayInfo handle |
PBXRESULT. PBX_OK for success.
This example shows how ReleaseArrayInfo should be called when memory allocated by GetArrayInfo is no longer needed:
PBArrayInfo* ai; ... session->ReleaseArrayInfo(ai);
If the array is an unbounded array, the bounds information in PBArrayInfo is undetermined.
Frees the memory acquired using GetDateString.
ReleaseDateString(LPCTSTR string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
The string to be released from memory |
Frees the memory acquired using GetDateTimeString.
ReleaseDateTimeString(LPCTSTR string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
The string to be released from memory |
Frees the memory acquired using GetDecimalString.
ReleaseDecimalString(LPCTSTR string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
The string to be released from memory |
Releases the pointer obtained using GetResultSetAccessor.
ReleaseResultSetAccessor (IPB_ResultSetAccessor* rs)
Argument |
Description |
rs |
A pointer to the IPB_ResultSetAccessor object to be released |
This statement releases the IPB_ResultSetAccessor object rsa:
When you call ReleaseResultSetAccessor, the Release function of the IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface is called on the rs argument to release the interface pointer.
Frees the memory acquired using GetString, GetClassName, GetFieldName, or GetEnumItemName.
ReleaseString(LPCTSTR string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
The string to be released from memory |
The following example gets a pointer to each of two strings passed in as arguments, concatenates them in a new string, then releases the memory used by the original strings:
pbstring psppcls:: f_add_string(IPB_Session* session, pbstring arg1, pbstring arg2) { LPCTSTR pStr1,pStr2; TCHAR tmp[100]; pbstring ret; pStr1=session-> GetString(arg1); pStr2=session-> GetString(arg2); _tcscpy(tmp,pStr1); _tcscat(tmp,pStr2); ret = session -> NewString(tmp); session-> ReleaseString(pStr1); session-> ReleaseString(pStr2); return ret ; }
Do not use this function to release a string obtained using GetDateString, GetTimeString, GetDateTimeString, or GetDecimalString. Each of these Get methods has a corresponding Release method.
Frees the memory acquired using GetTimeString.
ReleaseTimeString(LPCTSTR string)
Argument |
Description |
string |
The string to be released from memory |
Frees the IPB_Value acquired using AcquireValue or AcquireArrayItemValue.
ReleaseValue(IPB_Value* value)
Argument |
Description |
value |
The string to be released from memory |
The AcquireValue method is used to obtain a message argument value. Later, when the value is no longer needed, it is released using ReleaseValue to avoid memory leaks:
// Acquire a value MessageArg = session->AcquireValue ( ci->pArgs->GetAt(0) ); pbstring pbMessage = MessageArg->GetString() ; Message = (LPSTR)session->GetString(pbMessage) ; ... // Cleanup phase if (MessageArg) { Session->ReleaseValue ( MessageArg ) ; }
When you no longer need the data acquired using the AcquireValue or AcquireArrayItemValue method, you must call the ReleaseValue method to free the data. Failing to do so causes a memory leak.
WARNING! Do not use ReleaseValue to release a value that was not acquired using AcquireValue or AcquireArrayItemValue. If you do, the PowerBuilder VM might crash.
Removes a global reference to the specified PowerBuilder object.
RemoveGlobalRef (pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid PowerBuilder object handle |
void MyPBNIClass::reference() { d_session->AddGlobalRef(d_pbobject); } void MyPBNIClass::unreference() { if(d_pbobject != NULL) d_session -> RemoveGlobalRef(d_pbobject); }
Removes a local reference to the specified PowerBuilder object.
RemoveLocalRef (pbobject obj)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid PowerBuilder object handle |
Removes the specified variable from the list of properties of the current IPB session. You must free the memory to which the property points.
RemoveProp(LPCTSTR name)
Argument |
Description |
name |
The name of the variable to be removed |
These statements remove prop_name from the list of variables associated with the session and delete the pointer created to point to the variables value:
session -> RemoveProp(prop_name); delete SetValue;
SetProp enables you to use a variable value throughout an IPB session. Use RemoveProp to remove the variable from the list of variables associated with the session when it is no longer needed. You must also free the memory associated with the variable.
Determines whether the PowerBuilder system function Restart has been called.
pbboolean. Returns true when the PowerBuilder system function Restart is called. When RestartRequested returns true, you should destroy the existing IPB_Session object and create a new one to restart the application.
In the following example, StartApplication, RecreateSession, and CleanApplication are functions of the PB_MyConsoleAppRunner class. StartApplication is similar to the IP_VM RunApplication function, but it uses an existing session. RecreateSession releases the current session and creates a new one. CleanApplication triggers the application’s Close event and releases resources. In the example, RestartRequested is called in a DO loop to test whether the PowerBuilder Restart function has been called. If it has, the RecreateSession function is called:
PBXRESULT PB_MyConsoleAppRunner::RunApplication() { PBXRESULT res; pbboolean restart = FALSE; do { res = StartApplication(); if (res != PBX_OK) break; restart = GetSession()->RestartRequested(); if (restart) RecreateSession(); } while (restart); return CleanApplication(); }
RestartRequested and HasVisualPBObject are used in the implementation of the IPB_VM RunApplication function. You no longer need to use an external message loop to check for Windows messages when you call the RunApplication function as you did in versions of PBNI prior to PowerBuilder 10.5.
Assigns a value to an array item of a specific type.
SetBlobArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbblob value )
SetBoolArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean value )
SetByteArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbbyte value )
SetCharArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbchar value )
SetDateArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdate value )
SetDateTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdatetime value )
SetDecArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdec value )
SetDoubleArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdouble value )
SetIntArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbint value )
SetLongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pblong value )
SetLongLongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblonglong dim[ ], pblong value )
SetObjectArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbobject obj )
SetPBStringArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbstring value )
SetRealArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbreal value )
SetStringArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], LPCTSTR value )
SetTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbtime value )
SetUintArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbuint value )
SetUlongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbulong value )
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray handle. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold indexes of each dimension. The number of dimensions must equal the number of dimensions of the array. |
value |
The new value of the array item. |
PBXRESULT. PBX_OK for success.
If the index exceeds the bounds of a bounded array, it returns PBX_E_ARRAY_INDEX_OUTOF_BOUNDS.
If the data passed in does not match the datatype of the array, it returns PBX_E_MISMATCHED_DATA_TYPE.
This example creates a new unbounded simple array. In the FOR loop, application-specific code (not shown here) gets array values, which are then added to the array using SetPBStringArrayItem:
pblong dim[1]; char * cstr; pbuint numDimensions = 1; PBArrayInfo::ArrayBound bound; bound.lowerBound = 1; bound.upperBound = size; d_pbarray = d_session->NewBoundedSimpleArray (pbvalue_string, numDimensions, &bound); for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++ ) { dim[0] = i; // add application-specific code here to // get array value pbstring pValue = d_session->NewString(cstr); d_session->SetPBStringArrayItem(d_pbarray, dim, pValue); delete [] cstr; } pbv.SetArray(d_pbarray);
This method assigns the IPB_Value pointed to by the value argument to the array item in the same way that the IPB_Value Set<type> method sets a value.
A set of methods that set a new value in an instance field of an object.
SetArrayField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbarray value )
SetBlobField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbblob value )
SetBoolField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean value )
SetByteField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbbyte value )
SetCharField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbchar value )
SetDateField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbdate value )
SetDateTimeField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbdatetime value )
SetDecField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbdec value )
SetDoubleField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbdouble value )
SetIntField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbint value )
SetLongField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pblong value )
SetLongLongField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pblonglong value )
SetObjectField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbobject value )
SetPBStringField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbstring value )
SetRealField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbreal value )
SetStringField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, LPCTSTR value )
SetTimeField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbtime value )
SetUintField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbuint value )
SetUlongField ( pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid, pbulong value )
Argument |
Description |
obj |
The handle of the object whose field is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the specified object |
value |
The value to be set |
These statements set a new string value in a string field:
pbstring str = session->NewString(d_message.c_str()); if (str != NULL) session->SetPBStringField(d_pbobj, d_fidMsg, str);
When you change any visual property of a PowerBuilder object by calling Set<type>field functions, the property is changed but the property is not refreshed in the graphical user interface. UpdateField refreshes the visual properties of PowerBuilder objects. You must call UpdateField explicitly when changing any visual property with the Set<type>field functions.
A set of methods that set the value of a global variable of a specific datatype.
SetArrayGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbarray value )
SetBlobGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbblob value )
SetBoolGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbboolean value )
SetByteGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbbyte value )
SetCharGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbchar value )
SetDateGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbdate value )
SetDateTimeGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbdatetime value )
SetDecGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbdec value )
SetDoubleGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbdouble value )
SetIntGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbint value )
SetLongGlobalVar( pbfieldID fid, pblong value )
SetLongLongGlobalVar( pbfieldID fid, pblonglong value )
SetObjectGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbobject value )
SetPBStringGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbstring value )
SetRealGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbreal value )
SetStringGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, LPCTSTR value )
SetTimeGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbtime value )
SetUintGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbuint value )
SetUlongGlobalVar ( pbfieldID fid, pbulong value )
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the global variable |
value |
The value to be set |
This shows how to add 1 to the value of a global variable:
fid = session -> GetGlobalVarID("l_gvar"); l_val = session -> GetLongGlobalVar(fid, isNull); session -> SetLongGlobalVar(fid, l_val + 1);
A set of methods that set the value of a shared variable of a specific datatype.
SetArraySharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbarray value )
SetBlobSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbblob value )
SetBoolSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbboolean value )
SetByteSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbbyte value )
SetCharSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbchar value )
SetDateSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbdate value )
SetDateTimeSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbdatetime value )
SetDecSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbdec value )
SetDoubleSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbdouble value )
SetIntSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbint value )
SetLongSharedVar( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pblong value )
SetLongLongSharedVar( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pblonglong value )
SetObjectSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbobject value )
SetPBStringSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbstring value )
SetRealSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbreal value )
SetStringSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, LPCTSTR value )
SetTimeSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbtime value )
SetUintSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbuint value )
SetUlongSharedVar ( pbgroup group, pbfieldID fid, pbulong value )
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group whose shared variable is to be accessed |
fid |
The field ID of the shared variable |
value |
The value to be set |
Sets the value of an array item to a null value.
SetArrayItemToNull( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ])
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure in which you want to set an array item to null. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold the indexes of each dimension of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. |
Sets the value of an array item to the value of an IPB_Value.
SetArrayItemValue( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], IPB_Value* src)
Argument |
Description |
array |
A valid pbarray structure in which you want to set an array item to null. |
dim |
A pblong array to hold the indexes of each dimension of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. |
src |
The value to which the array item is to be changed. |
This code sets the value of each item in an array:
for( i=1; i <= bound; i++) { dim[0]= i; ipv = Session -> AcquireArrayItemValue(refArg, dim); Session -> SetArrayItemValue(*i_array, dim, ipv); Session -> ReleaseValue(ipv); }
The SetArrayItemValue method does not verify that the datatype of the replacement value matches the datatype of the original value.
Destroys the existing data in a blob and copies data into it from a buffer.
SetBlob (pbblob blb, const void* bin, pblong len)
Argument |
Description |
blb |
A valid pbblob object whose value is to be reset |
bin |
A pointer to the source buffer |
len |
The length in bytes of the data in the buffer |
PBXRESULT. Returns PBX_OK for success or PBX_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the new blob value is invalid; otherwise, returns PBX_E_OUTOF_MEMORY.
A deep copy is performed. The existing value is destroyed first, and then the contents of the bin argument are copied into a new value.
Resets the value of the specified pbdate object.
SetDate (pbdate date, pbint year, pbint month, pbint day)
Argument |
Description |
date |
The pbdate object to be reset |
year |
A year in the range 1000 to 3000 |
month |
A month in the range 1 to 12 |
day |
A day in the range 1 to 31 |
PBX_RESULT. PBX_OK for success or PBX_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the new date is invalid.
This example sets the date to March 12, 1938:
session->SetDate(date_val, 1938, 3, 12);
If the parameters are invalid, the date is reset to 1900-1-1.
Resets the value of the specified pbdatetime object.
SetDate (pbdatetime dt, pbint year, pbint month, pbint day, pbint hour, pbint minute, pbdouble second)
Argument |
Description |
dt |
The pbdatetime object to be reset |
year |
A year in the range 1000 to 3000 |
month |
A month in the range 1 to 12 |
day |
A day in the range 1 to 31 |
hour |
An hour in the range 0 to 23 |
minute |
A minute in the range 0 to 59 |
second |
A second in the range 0 to 59.999999 |
PBX_RESULT. PBX_OK for success or PBX_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the new datetime is invalid.
This example sets the datetime value to August 19, 1982 at 10:30:45.10:
session->SetDate(date_val, 1982, 8, 19, 10, 30, 45.1);
If the parameters are invalid, the datetime value is reset to 1900-1-1 0:0:0.0.
Sets the value of a decimal variable to decimal data in a string.
SetDecimal(pbdec dec, LPCTSTR dec_str)
Argument |
Description |
dec |
The decimal data object to be set |
dec_str |
The string containing the data to be converted to a decimal |
PBXRESULT. PBX_OK for success.
This example uses the IPB_Session SetDecimal method to set the value of a variable of type pbdec, then uses the IPB_Value SetDecimal method to set the return value in the PBCallInfo structure:
pbdec pbdecRet = NULL; LPTSTR lpDecValueToReturn = NULL; ... pbdecRet = session -> NewDecimal(); session -> SetDecimal( pbdecRet, (LPCTSTR)lpDecValueToReturn); ci -> returnValue -> SetDecimal(pbdecRet);
If the string contains invalid data, the decimal value is set to 0.0.
Sets the value of the specified field to null.
SetFieldToNull(pbobject obj, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
A valid object handle |
fid |
The field ID of the specified object |
Sets the value of the specified global variable to null.
SetGlobalVarToNull(pbobject obj, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
fid |
The field ID of the global variable |
Sets a marshaler that will be used to invoke remote methods and convert PowerBuilder data formats to the user’s communication protocol.
SetMarshaler(pbproxyObject obj, IPBX_Marshaler* marshaler)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
An object of type pbproxyObject to be used as a proxy for a remote object that was created using NewProxyObject |
marshaler |
A class inherited from IPBX_Marshaler |
This example creates a JavaMarshaler class and associates it with a proxy object:
// Create JavaMarshaler JavaMarshaler* marshaler = new JavaMarshaler(env, proxy, jobj); // Associate the JavaMarshaler with the PB proxy session->SetMarshaler(proxy, marshaler); ci->pArgs->GetAt(0)->SetObject(proxy); ci->returnValue->SetLong(kSuccessful); return PBX_OK;
The SetMarshaler function associates an object of type IPBX_Marshaler with a PBProxy object. It is possible to associate multiple marshaler objects with a single proxy object. It is also possible to associate one marshaler object with multiple proxy objects. Neither of these is good coding practice and should be avoided.
Before calling SetMarshaler, you can call the IPB_Session GetMarshaler function to obtain an existing marshaler object associated with a given proxy object, and then destroy the existing marshaler object before associating a new marshaler with the proxy.
When a proxy object is destroyed, it calls the associated marshaler object's Destroy method. If multiple proxy objects are associated with a single marshaler object, you need to implement some form of reference counting. Otherwise, the marshaler object is destroyed when the first associated proxy object is destroyed, and subsequent calls to the marshaler object's Destroy method, when other associated proxy objects are destroyed, will throw exceptions.
To avoid these issues, there should be a one-to-one relationship between marshaler and proxy objects.
Adds a new variable to the list of properties of the current session or changes the value of an existing variable.
SetProp(LPCTSTR name, void* data)
Argument |
Description |
name |
The name of the property to be set |
data |
A pointer to the data buffer where the variable’s value resides |
In this example, the native class has two functions. This is their description passed in the PBX_GetDescription function:
"subroutine f_setprop(int a)\n" "function int f_getprop()\n"
The functions are associated with these enumerated values:
enum MethodIDs { mid_SetProp = 0, mid_GetProp = 1 };
When the f_setprop function is called from PowerBuilder, the following code sets the value of the pointer SetVal to the integer value passed in by f_setprop, then registers that value in the session with the property name prop_name:
int* SetVal = new int; if (mid == mid_SetProp) { *SetValue = ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(0) -> GetInt(); session -> SetProp(prop_name, SetVal); }
When the f_getprop function is called, the following code uses GetProp to set the GetValue pointer to point to the value associated with prop_name, and then sets the return value to *GetValue:
if (mid == mid_GetProp) { int* GetVal; GetValue = (int *)session -> GetProp(prop_name); ci -> returnValue -> SetInt(*GetVal); }
SetProp enables you to use a variable value throughout an IPB session without using a global variable, which is susceptible to namespace conflicts with other sessions. SetProp is one of a set of three functions:
Use SetProp to register a new variable with the session or to change the value of an existing variable.
Use GetProp to access the variable.
Use RemoveProp to remove the variable from the list of variables associated with the session when it is no longer needed.
This set of functions is particularly useful for working with multiple threads of execution in EAServer.
Suppose you want to throw an exception from within a PBNI extension and the exception itself is also defined by the PBNI extension. You call the IPB_Session NewObject function to create an instance of the exception, causing the PBX_CreateNonVisualObject function to be called.
One way to set the value of the fields of the exception before the function returns in a thread-safe manner is to create a new object or structure to hold the exception information before calling NewObject. You can call SetProp to store the structure or the object in the current IPB_Session. When PBX_CreateNonVisualObject is called, you can call GetProp to get the structure or object to obtain the exception information, then call RemoveProp to remove the data you stored in the current session.
Sets the value of the specified shared variable to null.
SetSharedVarToNull(pbgroup group, pbfield fid)
Argument |
Description |
group |
The group to which the shared variable belongs |
fid |
The field ID of the shared variable |
This example tests the IsSharedVarNull and SetSharedVarToNull functions:
curGroup = session -> GetCurrGroup(); cls = session -> GetClass(myobj); fid = session -> GetSharedVarID(curGroup, "i_svar"); if (session -> IsSharedVarNull(curGroup, fid)) session -> SetIntSharedVar(curGroup, fid, 1); else session -> SetSharedVarToNull(curGroup, fid);
Frees an existing string and assigns a new string value to it by performing a deep copy.
SetString (pbstring string, LPCTSTR src)
Argument |
Description |
string |
A valid pbstring variable whose value is to be replaced |
src |
The string to be assigned to string |
PBXRESULT. Returns PBX_OK for success or PBX_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the new string value is invalid; otherwise, returns PBX_E_OUTOF_MEMORY.
This example uses the IPB_Session SetString method to set the ret_val string to the return value in the PBCallInfo structure. It also uses the IPB_Value SetPBString method to set values in PBCallInfo:
pbclass cls; pbmethodID mid; PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo; pbstring ret_val; LPCTSTR pStr; cls= Session -> GetClass(myobj); if (isAny) mid=Session-> GetMethodID(cls, "uf_any_byvalue", PBRT_FUNCTION, "AAAAA"); else mid=Session-> GetMethodID(cls, "uf_string_byvalue", PBRT_FUNCTION, "SSSSS"); Session-> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci); ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(0) -> SetPBString(s_low); ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(1) -> SetPBString(s_mid); ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(2) -> SetPBString(s_high); pStr = Session -> GetString(s_null); if (pStr != 0) { if (strcmp(pStr, "null") == 0 ) ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(3) -> SetToNull(); else ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(3) -> SetPBString(s_null); } Session -> InvokeObjectFunction(myobj, mid, ci); ret_val = Session -> NewString(""); Session -> SetPBString(ret_val, Session->GetString (ci->returnValue->GetString())); Session -> FreeCallInfo(ci); delete ci; return ret_val;
A deep copy is performed. The existing value is destroyed first, and then the contents of the src argument are copied into a new value.
Resets the value of the specified pbtime object.
SetTime (pbtime time, pbint hour, pbint minute, pbdouble second)
Argument |
Description |
time |
The pbtime object to be reset |
hour |
An hour in the range 0 to 23 |
minute |
A minute in the range 0 to 59 |
second |
A second in the range 0 to 59.999999 |
PBX_RESULT. PBX_OK for success or PBX_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the new time is invalid.
This code puts a new time with the value 01:01:01 into the time_val property of the pArguments array if the value in the PBCallInfo structure is null. Otherwise it sets time_val to the time in the PBCallInfo structure:
if (ci->pArgs->GetAt(i)->IsNull()) { pArguments[i].time_val = Session-> NewTime();
Session->SetTime(pArguments[i].time_val, 1, 1, 1); // Time: 01:01:01 } else { pArguments[i].time_val = ci-> pArgs-> GetAt(i)-> GetTime(); }
If the parameters are invalid, the time is reset to 0:0:0.0.
Sets the value of one IPB_Value object to the value of another IPB_Value object.
SetValue( IPB_Value* dest, IPB_Value* src)
Argument |
Description |
dest |
The value to be replaced |
src |
The value to which dest is to be changed |
These statements set the return value in the PBCallInfo structure ci to the value IPBValue_ret, then release the IBPValue_ret structure:
Session -> SetValue(ci -> returnValue, IPBValue_ret); Session -> ReleaseValue(IPBValue_ret);
Unlike the IPB_Value Set<type> methods, the SetValue method does not verify that the datatype of the replacement value matches the datatype of the original value. The original value is freed and a new value is cloned from the src value. Use this method if you want to swap two different IPB_Value objects that have different types.
Splits the specified pbdate object into a year, month, and day.
SplitDate (pbdate date, pbint *year, pbint *month, pbint *day)
Argument |
Description |
date |
The pbdate object to be split |
year |
A year in the range 1000 to 3000 |
month |
A month in the range 1 to 12 |
day |
A day in the range 1 to 31 |
PBX_RESULT. PBX_OK for success.
This statement splits the date in the first value in the PBCallInfo structure:
Session -> SplitDate(ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(0) -> GetDate(), &yy, &mm, &dd);
Splits the specified pbdatetime object into a year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
SplitDateTime(pbdatetime dt, pbint *year, pbint *month, pbint *day, pbint *hour, pbint *minute, pbdouble *second)
Argument |
Description |
dt |
The pbdatetime object to be split |
year |
A year in the range 1000 to 3000 |
month |
A month in the range 1 to 12 |
day |
A day in the range 1 to 31 |
hour |
An hour in the range 0 to 23 |
minute |
A minute in the range 0 to 59 |
second |
A second in the range 0 to 59.999999 |
PBX_RESULT. PBX_OK for success.
Splits the specified time object into an hour, minute, and second.
SplitTime(pbtime time, pbint *hour, pbint *minute, pbdouble *second)
Argument |
Description |
time |
The pbtime object to be split |
hour |
An hour in the range 0 to 23 |
minute |
A minute in the range 0 to 59 |
second |
A second in the range 0 to 59.999999 |
PBX_RESULT. PBX_OK for success.
These statements split a time into hours, minutes, and seconds, and then use the resulting values to set the value of a new time object:
Session->SplitTime(ci.returnValue->GetTime(), &hh, &mm, &ss); ret_val = Session-> NewTime(); Session-> SetTime(ret_val, hh, mm, ss);
Throws a PowerBuilder exception or inherited exception, and replaces the existing exception if there is one.
ThrowException (pbobject ex)
Argument |
Description |
ex |
The exception to be thrown. The exception must first be created with NewObject. |
This code creates a new exception object in the class user_exception_pspp, invokes its SetMessage function, and throws the exception:
pbclass cls; pbmethodID mid; pbobject ex; pbgroup group; PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo; // Throw exception group = session-> FindGroup("user_exception_pspp", pbgroup_userobject); if (group==NULL) return; cls = session->FindClass(group, "user_exception_pspp"); if (group==NULL) return; ex = session -> NewObject(cls); mid = session-> GetMethodID(cls, "setmessage", PBRT_FUNCTION, "QS"); session-> InitCallInfo(cls,mid,ci); ci-> pArgs[0].SetPBString(session, "Test exception"); session -> InvokeObjectFunction(ex,mid,ci); session -> ThrowException(ex); if (!ThrowToPB) session -> ClearException(); session -> FreeCallInfo(ci); delete ci; return;
Triggers a PowerBuilder event.
TriggerEvent(pbobject obj, pbmethodID mid, PBCallInfo *ci)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
The pbobject containing the method |
mid |
The pbMethodID returned by GetMethodID |
ci |
A pointer to a preallocated PBCallInfo structure |
PBXRESULT. Returns PBX_OK for success, or one of the following for failure:
This code triggers the clicked event on a DataWindow object:
cls = session->GetClass(dwobj); mid = session->GetMethodID (cls, "clicked", PBRT_EVENT, "LIILCdwobject."); session->InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci); session->TriggerEvent(dwobj, mid, ci); ...
Refreshes a visual property of a PowerBuilder object.
UpdateField(pbobject obj, pbfieldID fid)
Argument |
Description |
obj |
The pbobject whose user interface property needs to be changed |
fid |
The field ID of the object |
PBXRESULT. Returns success or failure.
This function changes the title of a DataWindow control:
void CallBack::f_newtitle(IPB_Session* session, pbstring str_val, pbobject dwobj) { pbclass cls; pbfieldID fid; cls=session->GetClass(dwobj); fid=session->GetFieldID(cls, "title"); if (fid==kUndefinedFieldID) return; session -> SetPBStringField(dwobj,fid,str_val); session -> UpdateField(dwobj,fid); return ; }
When you change any visual property of a PowerBuilder object by calling Set<type>field functions, the property is changed but the property is not refreshed in the graphical user interface. UpdateField refreshes the visual properties of PowerBuilder objects. You must call this function explicitly when changing any visual property with the Set<type>field functions.