Using the To-Do List

Opening the To-Do List

The To-Do List displays a list of tasks you want to do in the current library.

StepsTo open the To-Do List:

  1. Click the To-Do List button in the PowerBar, or select Tools>To-Do List from the menu bar.

To-Do List entries

You can create an entry in the To-Do List at any time to remind you about any task you need to complete. You can create entries that are hot-linked to quickly get you from the To-Do List to the painter and the specific object you need.

When you move the pointer over entries on the To-Do list, the pointer changes to a hand when it is over a linked entry.

The sample shows a small window titled the To Do List with two sample items. Pointing to the second item is a picture of a hand.

You can export or import a To-Do List by selecting Import or Export from the pop-up menu. Doing this is useful if you want to move from one computer to another or you need to work with To-Do Lists as part of some other system such as a project management system.

Working with entries on the To-Do List

Table 1-7 tells you how to work with entries on the To-Do List.

Table 1-7: The To-Do List

To do this

Do this

See linked entries

Move the pointer over the entries. A hand displays when the entry you are over is linked.

Use a linked entry to get to a painter or wizard

Double-click the linked entry or select it and then select Go To Link from the pop-up menu.

Add an entry with no link

Select Add from the pop-up menu.

Add a linked entry to a painter that edits objects

With the painter open, select Add Linked from the pop-up menu.

Change an entry’s position on the list

Drag the entry to the position you want.

Edit or delete an entry

Select Edit or Delete from the pop-up menu.

Delete checked entries or all entries

Select Delete Checked or Delete All from the pop-up menu.

Check or uncheck an entry

Select an entry and then select Check/Uncheck from the pop-up menu.

Export a To-Do List

Select Export from the pop-up menu, name the To-Do List text file, and click Save.

Import a To-Do List

Select Import from the pop-up menu, navigate to an exported To-Do List text file, and click Open.