Preview the report


In this exercise you look at the Preview view of your report to see what it looks like when you print it.

  1. Position the pointer in the upper-right corner of the Preview view (this drops the title bar) and click the maximize button.

    Shown is the Report painter screen. At top are Header and Detail bands showing the selections for the report and then a Preview view showing columns of data titled Last Name, First Name, and Job Role. Circled at top right of the Preview view is a maximize button showing an icon of a  rectangle.

    The Preview view becomes large and overlays all the other views. Notice that it includes the header information for the report and information from the database. InfoMaker retrieves information for all contacts and displays as many as fit in the Preview view.

    Shown is the maximized Preview view, which fills the screen. It includes headers for last name, first name, job role, phone, and fax and displays rows of actual data from the database.
  2. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to see more data.

    Use the command File>Print Preview Rulers to turn the display of rulers on and off.

  3. Click here in the upper-right corner to return the Preview view to its original size and location.

    Shown is the upper right corner of the preview view. Circled is the minimize button, whose icon is two small overlapping rectangles.