When you use the Web DataWindow, it is the Web DataWindow server component that interacts with the database, so you need to set up database connections on the server where the component is running.
If you are using EAServer as the component server, you can use several types of connectivity software, including ODBC, Open Client, JDBC, and OCI. You need to set up a connection cache for the data source you are using. See “Creating a connection cache on EAServer 5.x”.
If you are using COM+ as the component server, you must use ODBC to take advantage of connection pooling and transaction management features. The data source for your DataWindow objects must be configured as a system DSN on COM+ because it runs as a service.
When you are defining DataWindow objects, you can use the types of connectivity software documented in Connecting to Your Database. To simplify setting up database connections on the server, use the same type of connection in the DataWindow painter that will be used when the DataWindow is deployed. For example, if you plan to use the DataWindow object in EAServer with an Open Client connection, use Open Client in the DataWindow painter too.
Using Adaptive Server Enterprise
PowerBuilder and EAServer use
slightly different versions of the CT-Lib software to connect to
Adaptive Server Enterprise through Open Client. In the PowerBuilder
development environment you use the SYC native database interface
to connect to the database, but to connect to an Adaptive Server Enterprise
database in EAServer you must
use the SYJ database interface.
To use the HTMLGenerator125 component (or your own custom component) in EAServer, you need to define a connection cache (EAServer 5.x) or data source cache (EAServer 6.x) for the database it will use.
To create an EAServer 5.x
connection cache:
Define the connection type you want, using the appropriate database configuration software.
For an ODBC connection on Windows, for example, open the ODBC control panel and define a Data Source Name (DSN) for the database. If you installed SQL Anywhere 11, you can use the predefined user DSN to connect to the SQL Anywhere Sample database for testing purposes. If EAServer is running as a service, you must use a system DSN, not a user DSN. On UNIX, see your driver documentation.
Start EAServer and EAServer Manager.
Instructions are in the EAServer Getting Started book for your platform.
In EAServer Manager's left pane, right-click the Connection Caches node under the server name and select Install Connection Cache.
In the dialog box, select Create and Install a New Connection Cache.
Enter a name for the cache and click OK. (You cannot change this name.)
In the Connection Cache Properties dialog box, specify database connection information on the General tab and the driver you want to use on the Driver tab.
For ODBC on Windows: for Database Connection:Server Name on the General tab, specify the DSN you defined in step 1. You do not need to specify a user name or password if they are specified as part of the DSN.
On the Driver tab, click the ODBC radio button and specify ODBC32.dll for the Driver Class or File.
For other connection types: see the EAServer Getting Started book for your platform.
Select the Enable Cache-by-Name Access check box on the Cache tab.
Click Refresh on the General tab (the Refresh button is available only on the Connection Cache Properties dialog box accessed from the server node).
To test the connection, click Ping.
For more detailed information about setting up connection caches, see the EAServer 5.x documentation.
For EAServer 6.x, you define a data source cache rather than a connection cache. You define the cache in the Web Administration Console (Sybase Management Console).
To create an EAServer 6.x
data source cache:
Define the connection type you want, using the appropriate database configuration software.
For an ODBC connection on Windows, for example, open the ODBC control panel and define a Data Source Name (DSN) for the database. If you installed SQL Anywhere 11, you can use the predefined user DSN to connect to the SQL Anywhere Sample database for testing purposes. If EAServer is running as a service, you must use a system DSN, not a user DSN. On UNIX, see your driver documentation.
Start EAServer and the Web Administration Console.
Instructions are in the EAServer System Administration Guide book for your platform.
In the left pane of the console, right-click the EAServer Manager>Local Server>Resources>Data Sources node and select Add.
The New Data Source Wizard displays in the right pane of the console.
Enter a data source name for the cache on the second page of the wizard and click Next.
You cannot change this name in the console, although you can delete it and start the wizard again.
On the remaining wizard pages, select the database type of the DBMS and change the default entries for other wizard fields for which you are not using default settings and click Finish.
You can change the settings you enter in the wizard on the tabs of the data source property sheet that displays in the right pane of the console after you click Finish.
For ODBC on Windows: for the Server Name in the wizard or on the General tab of the data source property sheet, specify the DSN you defined in step 1. You do not need to specify a user name or password if they are specified as part of the DSN.
For other connection types: see the EAServer Getting Started book for your platform.
Click Apply after making any changes on the tabs of the data source property sheet.
To test the connection, right-click the data source you created under the Data Sources node in the left pane of the console, and select Ping.
You might need to restart EAServer if the ping is not successful.
For more detailed information about setting up data sources, see the EAServer 6.x documentation.