Giving the user control

In the Window or User Object painter, on the Document page of the RichTextEdit control’s property sheet, you can enable or disable the features in Table 16-1.

Table 16-1: RichTextEdit control features



Editing bars

A toolbar for text formatting, a ruler bar, and a status bar.

Pop-up menu

Provides access to the InsertFile and clipboard commands, as well as the property sheet.

Display of nonprinting characters

Carriage returns, tabs, and spaces.

Display of fields

Whether fields are visible at all, or whether the field name or data displays. You can also change the background color for fields.


Affects newly entered text only.

If the user enters new text in an existing paragraph, word wrap is triggered when the text reaches the right edge of the control. To get existing text to wrap within the display, the user can tweak the size of the control (if it is resizable).

Print margins

Print margins can be set relative to the default page size.

You can also specify a name for the document that is displayed in the print queue. The document name has nothing to do with a text file you might insert in the control.

Users can change the available tools

When users display the property sheet for the rich text document, they can change the tools that are available to them, which you might not want. For example, they might:

You might want to guard against some of these possibilities. You can reset the property values for these settings in a script. For example, this statement restores the pop-up menu when triggered in an event script:

rte_1.PopMenu = TRUE

Undoing changes

The user can press Ctrl+Z to undo a change. You can also program a button or menu item that calls the Undo function.

If Undo is called repeatedly, it continues to undo changes to a maximum of 50 changes. The script can check whether there are changes that can be undone (meaning the maximum depth has not been reached) by calling the CanUndo function:

IF rte_1.CanUndo() THEN
   MessageBox("Stop", "Nothing to undo.")