Deploy and run the Windows Forms target


Before you publish the application as a smart client application, deploy it to a local directory to make sure it builds successfully, and then run it from the deployed executable file to make sure the application runs as it did in the development environment.

  1. Double-click the p_pbtutor_winform project in the System Tree to open the Project painter.

    If you select each of the tab pages, you see that there are options you can set in the painter that cannot be set in the wizard. For now, use the defaults set in the wizard.

  2. Select Design>Deploy Project from the Project painter menu or click the Deploy button in the PainterBar.

    Deploy builds the application and deploys it to the local directory specified in the Output Path field on the General page in the Project painter.

    A success message displays on the Default tab page in the Output window, and a new tab displays showing unsupported features. Some menu properties, such as ToolbarHighlightColor, are not supported in Windows Forms.

  3. Select Design>Run Project from the Project painter menu or click the Run Project button in the PainterBar.

    The AcmeUpdate.exe file in the pbtutor_winform_WinFormOutput directory runs and displays the Welcome window.

  4. Enter dba as the value for the user ID and sql as the password.

    Notice that the application’s icon in the Windows task bar indicates it is a Windows Forms application.

  5. Run the application as you did in the development environment and test some database operations.

    Close the application when you have finished testing. Next, you publish the application to a Web server and install it from the publish page.