Table 2-1 describes what you will do in each of the tutorial lessons.
Lesson |
What you will do |
1 |
Start PowerBuilder; begin familiarizing yourself with the development environment; use the Workspace wizard and the Template Application wizard to create an Application object, windows, and menus in a PowerBuilder workspace and target. |
2 |
Explore the PowerBuilder environment and customize the workspace. |
3 |
Create a login window to allow the user to enter database connection parameters (user ID and password). |
4 |
Connect to the database using the Transaction object and user-entry parameters; see how database profiles are defined in the PowerBuilder environment. |
5 |
Change the base sheet window by adding master and detail DataWindow controls; add scripts to allow users to retrieve data and perform insert, update, and delete operations against the database. |
6 |
Modify the frame menu and create a new sheet menu for the application. |
7-8 |
Build the DataWindow objects that retrieve customer and product information, then add them to the Customer and Product windows. |
9 |
Run the tutorial application in debug mode; see how to set breakpoints in scripts, step through the code, and display the contents of variables. |
10 |
Create a new window to test exception handling in PowerBuilder. |
11 |
Create an executable file that you can use to run the application outside the PowerBuilder development environment. |
12 |
Convert the PowerBuilder client-server tutorial application to a .NET Web Forms application. |
13 |
Convert the PowerBuilder client-server tutorial application to a .NET Windows Forms application. |