Consider primary database issues specific to the Microsoft SQL Server data server
in a Sybase replication system.
Note: Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL Server must be installed
on Microsoft Windows.
Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
As a primary data server, Microsoft SQL Server interacts with Replication Agent. The Replication Agent must be installed on Microsoft Windows and must have direct access to the Microsoft SQL database log.
sybfilter Driver
sybfilter driver is use to make the Microsoft SQL Server log files readable before Replication Agent can replicate data.
Microsoft SQL Server System Management
The Replication Agent provides a number of commands that return metadata information about the primary database (such as database names, table names, procedure names, and column names).
Replication Manager
The Replication Manager plug-in cannot start, but can stop a Replication Agent instance in a Microsoft SQL Server primary data server.
Replication Agent Permissions
The user ID that the Replication Agent instance uses to log in to Microsoft SQL Server must have access to the primary database.
Primary Data Server Connectivity
Replication Agent requires a JDBC driver to communicate with the primary database. JDBC drivers for Microsoft SQL Server databases are provided by third-party database vendors.
Replication Server and RSSD Connectivity
Replication Agent uses TCP/IP and the Sybase JDBC driver (jConnect for JDBC, which is included in Replication Agent installation) to communicate with other Sybase servers. The Replication Agent does not rely on the Sybase interfaces file for connectivity information.
Replication Agent Objects
Replication Agent creates objects in the primary database to assist with replication tasks.