The Replication Agent DB2 libraries must be authorized by the authorized program facility (APF).
Replication requires a before and after image of each row that is changed. When you mark a primary table for replication, the table is altered with the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES clause. As the number of tables marked for replication increases, so does the DASD space requirement for the DB2 UDB active log data sets.
Using Replication Agent for DB2 UDB increases the amount of data stored in DB2 UDB logs. The size of the increase depends on the number, type, and size of the primary tables, and the types of transactions replicated. For example, update transactions require both before and after images, and they include all of the columns in a row, even if those columns do not change. For more detailed information, see the Replication Agent for DB2 UDB documentation.
A task started in Replication Agent for DB2 UDB can process the log of a single DB2 subsystem, or all logs in a DB2 data sharing group. This behavior is controlled by LTMCFG parameters: DataSharingOption, DataSharingMember, Log_identifier, and BSDS.
rs_ticket cannot be started in Replication Agent DB2 UDB. In Replication Server 15.5, it is possible to “inject” the rs_ticket into a Replication Agent DB2 connection. See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server Commands > sysadmin issue_ticket.