You must consider the primary data server issues
and considerations specific to the DB2 UDB server on a IBM z/OS
platform in a Sybase replication system.
Replication Agent for DB2 UDB
As a primary data server, the DB2 UDB interacts with the Replication Agent for DB2 UDB.
DB2 UDB Primary Database Permissions
Any updates applied to the primary database by the maintenance user are ignored for replication, unless the value of the LTM for z/OS LTM_process_maint_uid_trans configuration parameter is Y.
Primary Data Server Connectivity
The Replication Agent for DB2 UDB requires a valid user ID that is defined to IBM z/OS and granted execute permission to the correct DB2 UDB plan and package to connect to a primary DB2 UDB data server in an IBM z/OS environment.
Replication Server Connectivity
Replication Agent for DB2 UDB does not use an interface file to connect to the Replication Server. The information needed to connect to the Replication Server is in the LTMCFG file.
DB2 UDB Primary Database Configuration
Replication Agent can run against a single DB2 subsystem, or all logs in a DB2 data-sharing group. LTMCFG parameters describe the DB2 environment for Replication Agent for DB2 UDB (DataSharingOption, DataSharing Member, Log-identifier, and BSDS.)
Replication Definitions for Primary Tables in DB2 for z/OS
The Replication Agent for DB2 UDB for z/OS Use_repdef configuration parameter controls whether the Replication Agent sends Log Transfer Language (LTL) that contains only the columns specified in a replication definition, or all of the columns in the DB2 UDB primary table.
DB2 for z/OS Primary Datatype Translation
The Replication Agent for DB2 UDB for z/OS Date_in_char, Time_in_char, and Timestamp_in_char configuration parameters control whether the Replication Agent sends values in character strings, or converts them to the Sybase datetime format.
Materialization is the process of initially populating the replicate database with a copy of the data from the primary database.
Created December 12, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: