There are some possible limitations of a heterogeneous replication
system, depending on the particular databases involved, and based
on Sybase replication technology.
Stored Procedure Replication
Stored procedure replication allows the execution call of a stored procedure to be replicated, including the parameter values passed as arguments to the primary stored procedure call.
Owner-Qualified Object Names
Access to replicate tables and stored procedures in a non-ASE database often requires that the reference to the replicate table or stored procedure be owner-qualified.
Large Object Replication
Large object (LOB) datatypes (such as BLOB, CLOB, IMAGE, and TEXT) provide support for the longest streams of character and binary data in a single column. The size of the LOB datatypes poses unique challenges, both as primary and replicate data.
Setup for Replicate Databases
Replication Server provides a utility named rs_init, which sets up Adaptive Server databases.
Replication Server Support for Encrypted Columns
Replication Server supports replication of encrypted column data between Adaptive Server databases. However, replication of encrypted column data to any non-ASE replicate database is not supported.
Subscription Materialization
Materialization is creating and activating subscriptions, and copying data from the primary database to the replicate database, thereby initializing the replicate database.
Replication Server rs_dump Command
The rs_dump command is typically used to coordinate database dump activities across a replication system.
Replication Server rs_marker Command
The rs_marker command is a primary database transaction log marker mechanism, which assists with the materialization process.
Replication Server rs_dumptran Command
The rs_dumptran command is typically used to coordinate database transaction dump activities across a replication system.
Replication Server rs_subcmp Utility
The rs_subcmp is an executable program that you can use to compare primary and replicate tables, optionally reconciling any differences found.
Dynamic SQL
Dynamic SQL allows the Replication Server Data Server Interface (DSI) to prepare dynamic SQL statements at the target user database and to run them repeatedly.
Bulk Copy
Bulk-copy allows Replication Server Data Server Interface (DSI) to improve performance when replicating large batches of insert statements on the same table using the Open Client Open Server Bulk-Library interface.
Replication Server rs_ticket Stored Procedure
rs_ticket is a stored procedure in the primary database that you can use to help monitor Replication Server performance, module heartbeat, replication health, and table-level quiesce.