
The wildcard operator allows you to substitute wildcard characters for part of the item for which you are searching. Table 5-5 describes the wildcard characters and their attributes.

Table 5-5: Enhanced Full-Text Search engine wildcard characters






Specifies one alphanumeric character. You do not need to include the wildcard operator when you include the question mark in your query. The question mark is ignored in a set ([]) or in an alternative pattern ({}).


“ran,” “pan,” “can,” and “ban”


Specifies zero or more of any alphanumeric character. You do not need to include the wildcard operator when you include the asterisk in your query; you should not use the asterisk to specify the first character of a wildcard-character string. The asterisk is ignored in a set ([]) or in an alternative pattern ({}).


“corporate,” “corporation,” “corporal,” and “corpulent”


Specifies any single character in a set. If a word includes a set, you must enclose the word in backquotes (‘‘). Also, there can be no spaces in a set.

<wildcard> ‘c[auo]t‘

“cat,” “cut,” and “cot”


Specifies one of each pattern separated by a comma. If a word includes a pattern, you must enclose the word in backquotes (‘‘). Also, there can be no spaces in a set.

<wildcard> ‘bank{s,er,ing}‘

“banks,” “banker,” and “banking”


Specifies one of any character not included in a set. The caret (^) must be the first character after the left bracket ([) that introduces a set.

<wildcard> ‘st[^oa]ck‘

Excludes “stock” and “stack,” but locates “stick” and “stuck”


Specifies a range of characters in a set.

<wildcard> ‘c[a-r]t‘

Includes every three-letter word from “cat” to “crt

To relevance-rank the result set, include the many modifier in the query. See “Operator modifiers”.

For example, the following query searches for documents that include variations of the word “slingshot:”

select t2.copy
from i_blurbs t1, blurbs t2
where t1.id=t2.id 
and t1.index_any = ’"slingshot*"’
score    copy
-----    -----------------------------------------------------------
100    Albert Ringer was born in a trunk to circus parents, but
    another kind of circus trunk played a more important role
    . . .
    gorilla.  "Slingshotting" himself from the ring ropes, 
    . . .