Setting up a successful security system for use with the Server Option in a CICS LU 6.2 environment requires careful synchronization between SNA, CICS, and TRS. These steps are explained in the following subsections:
1. Define security in the SNA logmode entry
3. Specify a link security user ID
4. Coordinate the modename parameter and the SNA logmode entry
To allow an LU to support conversation-level security, you must set the PSERVIC parameter on the SNA logmode entry. Assign each LU a logmode corresponding to the desired level of security.
The 10th byte of PSERVIC determines security as follows:
x’00’ – LOCAL
x’12’ – IDENTIFY
x’10’ – VERIFY
See Table 4-1 for descriptions of LOCAL, IDENTIFY, and VERIFY.
In your network definition to SNA, specify the mode you defined in the Logmode entry. You can apply the Logmode entry to a specific LU statement, or apply it globally through the PU statement.
In the CICS Connection Definition, set SEcurityname to specify a valid user ID, which will be used to determine the session authorization. Also, set the ATtachsec parameter, as shown in this example:
OBJECT CHARACTERISTICS CEDA View Connection: SYB1 Group: SYBCONS DEscription: CONNECTION IDENTIFIERS Netname: SYBLU01 INDsys: REMOTE ATTRIBUTES REMOTESystem: REMOTEName: CONNECTION PROPERTIES ACcessmethod: SNA SNA | IRc | INdirect | Xm Protocol: Appc Appc | Lu61 SInglesess: No No | Yes DAtastream: User User | 3270 | SCs |STrfield |Lms RECordformat: U U | Vb OPERATIONAL PROPERTIES + AUtoconnect: All No | Yes | All + INService: Yes Yes | No SECURITY SEcurityname: SYBUSER ATtachsec: Verify Local | Identify | Verify Bindpassword: PASSWORD NOT SPECIFIED
In the CICS session definition under SESSION IDENTIFIERS, make sure the MOdename parameter matches the logmode in the SNA Logmode Entry. Based on this example (see steps 1 and 2), MOdename would be M6P1024V.
At the DirectConnect for z/OS Option, the TRS administrator sets up TRS for conversation-level security, along with other TRS security, based on site requirements. For details, see the chapter on security in the Mainframe Connect DirectConnect for z/OS Option Users Guide for Transaction Router Services.