

Reports encryption information.


sp_encryption help | helpkey
sp_encryption help | helpkey [, key_name | wildcard]
		[, all_dbs | key_copy | display_cols]
sp_encryption help | helpkey [, system_encr_passwd] 
		[, display_keys]
sp_encryption helpcol [, table_name | column_name ]
sp_encryption helpuser [, user_name | wildcard ][, key_copy]
sp_encryption system_encr_passwd, 'newpasswd' [,'oldpasswd']



lists encryption key properties, including:

  • Whether the database contains encryption keys.

  • The following, when run by a user with sso_role, key custodian, or DBO: keyname, keyowner, key length, key algorithm, key type, pad, initialization vector, type of password used to encrypt the key, whether key recovery has been enabled and count of key copies. The output is sorted on owner.keyname. When run by a non-privileged user, this command will list keyname, keyowner and keytype.


included for backward compatibility. Includes the same output as helpkey


name of the key you are investigating. Lists the properties defined for key_name. If key_name is omitted, lists properties for all keys.


lists the properties for keys matching the wildcard pattern in the current database. See the Reference Manual: Building Blocks for information about using wildcards.


lists information on encryption keys in all available databases. Only the SSO can run all_dbs.


lists all user copies for the specified key in the current database. The output is sorted by key_owner.key_name. Includes information about:

  • The base key owner.

  • If the key copy is a recovery key copy.

  • The user to whom a copy belongs.

  • If the copy is encrypted with a user-encryption password, a login password, or the system encryption password for login association (indicated by Login Access).


displays the key name, all keys (or matching wildcard keys) in the current database and the columns the key encrypts. When SSO includes display_cols, it displays columns encrypted by the keys across all available databases. When a user without the sso_role runs display_cols, only those columns encrypted by the key in the current database are displayed. Data is sorted by key_name, key_owner, database_name, table_owner, table_name, and column_name.

helpcol column_name

displays the column name and the key used to encrypt the column. If the SSO includes helpcol, it prints the key name even if the key is not present in the current database. If a non-SSO user includes helpcol, Adaptive Server prints the keyid of the key if it is not present in the current database, omitting the key_name. The output includes: owner.table.column, database.owner.keyname. The information is sorted by owner.table.column.


displays the keys owned by or assigned to a user in the current database.


displays the keys and key copies that are encrypted using the system encryption password in the current database.

system_encr_passwd, all_dbs

displays the properties of the system encryption password in every database where it has been set. The output is sorted by database name. Only the system security officer an run this command. If the system encryption password has not been set for all databases, Adaptive Server generates Message 19782:

The system encryption password has not been set for all available databases

used with system_encr_passwd to display the keys and key copies that are encrypted using the system encryption password.


Example 1

Use the helpkey parameter to display key information in the current database. You can get information on all keys or specific keys. The second parameter to sp_encryption supplies the key name and may include SQL pattern-matching characters. If you are not the database owner and do not have sso_role or keycustodian_role, sp_encryption displays fewer columns.

This displays properties of all base encryption keys in the current database when run by the SSO, key custodian, or the DBO:

sp_encryption helpkey
Key Name    Key Owner  Key Length  Key Algorithm  Key Type               Pad
     Init Vector  Type of Password    Key Recovery  # of Key Copies
----------  ---------  ----------  --------------  --------              ----
     -----------  ----------------    ------------  ---------------
tinnap_key  tinnap     128         AES            Symmetric key          0
     1            System Encr Passwd  0             0
tinnap_key1 tinnap     128         AES            Symmetric default key  0
     1            User Passwd         1             3
sample_key1 dbo        192         AES            Symmetric key          1
     1            Login Passwd        1             2

When run by user “tinnap,” this displays the following properties of all base encryption keys in the current database:

sp_encryption helpkey
Key Name          Key Owner   Key Type
--------------     ---------   ------------
tinnap_key         tinnap      Symmetric key
tinnap_key1        tinnap      Symmetric default key
sample_key1         dbo        Symmetric key

If you are not the system security officer, or do have keycustodian_role, the query displays all base keys you own in the current database. If you do not specify a user_name as the second parameter, the query displays the base keys you own.

Example 2

Displays properties of all base encryption keys with names similar to “tinnap%” in the current database when run by SSO, key custodian, or DBO:

sp_encryption helpkey, "tinnap%"
Key Name   Key Owner  Key Length  Key Algorithm  Key Type
   Pad  Init Vector  Type of Password   Key Recovery    # of Key Copies
---------  --------    ---------  -------------- --------------
   ---  -----------   -----------       ------------    ---------------
tinnap_key  tinnap    128         AES            Symmetric key
   0    1            System Encr Passwd  0              0
tinnap_key1 tinnap    128         AES           Symmetric default key	   0    1            User Passwd         1              3

When run by user “tinnap,” displays the following properties for the base encryption keys in the current database with names similar to “tinnap%”:

sp_encryption helpkey, "tinnap%"
Key Name           Key Owner  Key Type
------------------  ---------  ------------
tinnap_key          tinnap     Symmetric key
tinnap_key1         tinnap     Symmetric default key

Example 3

Displays the properties of base encryption key sample_key1 when run by the SSO, key custodian, or DBO in the current database:

sp_encryption helpkey, sample_key1
Key Name     Key Owner   Key Length  Key Algorithm  Key Type   
Pad          Init Vector   Type of Password   Key Recovery   # of Key Copies 
-----------  --------    ----------  -------------  ---------  -----
-----------  -----------  ------------      ---------       --------------
sample_key1  dbo         192         AES            Symmetric Key
1             1            Login              1             2

When non-privileged user “tinnap” runs this command, it displays the following properties for the base encryption key sample_key1 in the current database:

sp_encryption helpkey, sample_key1
Key Name       Key Owner    Key Type
-------------  -----------  ------------
sample_key1    dbo          Symmetric key

Example 4

Displays the properties of all base encryption keys in all available databases (only the SSO can run this command):

sp_encryption helpkey, NULL, all_dbs
Db.Owner.Keyname           Key Length	  Key Algorithm  Key Type
Pad	   Init Vector   Type of Password     Key Recovery    #of Key Copies
------------------------   ----------   -----------  -------------------
-----  ----------   ---------------       ------          --------------
keydb.dbo.cc_key           256           AES       Symmetric default key
1      1            System EncrPasswd     0              0
keydb.dbo.sample_key1      128          AES        Symmetric key
0      0            System Encr Password  1              4
keydb1.tinnap.tinnap_key   128          AES        Symmetric key
0      1            System Encr Passwd    0              0
keydb1.tinnap.tinnap_key1  128          AES        Symmetric default key
0      1            User Password         1              3
keydb1.dbo.sample_key1     192          AES        Symmetric key
1      1             Login Passwd          1              2

Example 5

all_dbs indicates that information on keys across all databases is required. You must have sso_role to use the all_dbs parameter.

Displays the properties of all base encryption keys similar to %key in all available databases:

sp_encryption helpkey, '%key', all_dbs
Db.Owner.Keyname           Key Length	  Key Algorithm  Key Type
Pad	   Init Vector   Type of Password     Key Recovery    #of Key Copies
------------------------   ----------   -----------  -------------------
-----  ----------   ---------------       ------          -----
keydb.dbo.cc_key           256           AES       Symmetric default key
1      1            System EncrPasswd     0               0
keydb1.tinnap.tinnap_key   128          AES        Symmetric key
0      1            System Encr Passwd     0               0

Example 6

Displays information on key copies using key_copy as the third parameter. Enter null instead of value for keyname for the second parameter to see information on all key copies. You can use pattern-matching characters in keyname (see example 2):

sp_encryption helpkey, tinnap_key1, key_copy
Owner.Keyname         Assignee        Type of Password       Key Recovery
------------------     ---------       ----------------       ----------
tinnap.tinnap_key1     joesmp          User Passwd            0
tinnap.tinnap_key1     samcool         User Passwd            1
tinnap.tinnap_key1     billyg           User Passwd            0

When run by user “joesmp,” this displays all encryption key copies assigned to user “joesmp” and also all the key copies for that keyname if the user is the owner of the key in the current database:

sp_encryption helpkey, tinnap_key1, key_copy
Owner.Keyname         Assignee        Type of Password       Key Recovery
------------------     ---------       ----------------       ----------
tinnap.tinnap_key1     joesmp          User Passwd           0

Example 7

Use the display_cols parameter to show all encrypted columns in all available databases encrypted by keys from the current database. If you do not have the sso_role, the query displays only the encrypted columns in the current database encrypted by keys from the current database. You can use pattern matching characters or key_name for the second parameter. If you use pattern matching characters for key_name as sso_role, the query displays all encrypted columns in all available databases encrypted by the pattern matching key_name. If you use key_name for the second parameter and have the sso_role, displays all encrypted columns in all available databases encrypted by the specified key_name:

sp_encryption helpkey, null, display_cols
Key Name     Key Owner  Database Name  Table Owner  Table Name  Column Name
----------   ---------  -------------  ----------   ----------  ----------
tinnap_key   tinnap     testdb1        tinnap       t3          c3
tinnap_key1  tinnap     testdb1        tinnap       t4          c4
sample_key1  dbo        coldb          dbo          t1          c1
sample_key1  dbo        coldb          billyg       t2          c2

Example 8

Displays all keys and key copies encrypted with the system encryption password in the current database. If you do not have these privileges, the query displays the keys owned by or assigned to the user which are encrypted with the system encryption password:

sp_encryption helpkey, system_encr_passwd, display_keys
Owner.Keyname                   Assignee
---------------                  -------------
dbo.cc_key                        NULL
dbo.sample_key1                   NULL
dbo.sample_key1                   tinnap

Example 9

When run by the database owner or a user with keycustodian_role or sso_role, the helpuser parameter displays all base keys owned by users in the current database.

sp_encryption helpuser
Owner.Keyname               Type of Password
---------------              -------------------tinnap.tinnap_key           System Encr Passwd
tinnap.tinnap_key1          User Passwd
dbo.sample_key1              Login Passwd

If user “tinnap” runs this command, lists all base keys owned by this user in the current database:

sp_encryption helpuser
Owner.Keyname               Type of Password
---------------              -------------------tinnap.tinnap_key           System Encr Passwd
tinnap.tinnap_key1           User Passwd

Example 10

The database owner or a user with keycustodian_role or sso_role can use the key_copy parameter with the helpuser parameter to display key copies assigned to one or more users in the current database. You can use pattern-matching characters for the user parameter. This shows the key copies of all users in the current database:

sp_encryption helpuser, NULL, key_copy
Owner.Keyname            Assignee        Type of Password     Key Recovery
---------------------      -----------      ----------------   ---------
dbo.sample_key1            tinnap           Login Passwd          0
tinnap.tinnap_key1         joesmp           User Passwd           0
dbo.sample_key1            joesmp           Login Passwd          1
tinnap.tinnap_key1         samcool          User Passwd           1
tinnap.tinnap_key1          billyg           User Passwd          0

If you are not the database owner and do not have keycustodian_role or sso_role, this query displays the copies of any keys you own and the key copies that other key owners have assigned to you. For example, when user “tinnap” runs this query:

sp_encryption helpuser, NULL, “key_copy”
Owner.Keyname            Assignee         Type of Password   Key Recovery
---------------------     -----------      ----------------   ---------
dbo.sample_key1           tinnap           Login Passwd       0
tinnap.tinnap_key1        joesmp           User Passwd        0
tinnap.tinnap_key1        samcool          User Passwd        1
tinnap.tinnap_key1         billyg           User Passwd         0

Example 11

If you are the database owner or a user with keycustodian_role or sso_role, helpcol displays all encrypted columns in the current database and the keys used to encrypt the columns. If you do not have these privileges, helpcol displays keyid instead of the key_name if the encryption key is in a different database:

sp_encryption helpcol
Owner.Table.Column           Db.Owner.Keyname
-----------------------       ---------------------
dbo.t1.c1                     keydb1.dbo.sample_key1
billyg.t2.c2                  keydb.dbo.sample_key1
tinnap.t3.c3                  coldb.dbo.sample_key2

Example 12

Include the helpcol parameter with the table_name and column_name parameters to display all encrypted columns or a specific encrypted column in a given table. When run by a user with sso_role, the query below displays all encrypted columns in table t3 in the current database and the keys used to encrypt the columns across all available databases. When run by a user without sso_role, this query displays the key’s ID instead of its name if the key is not in the current database. The second parameter can have a combination of [database_name.][table_name.][column_name]:

sp_encryption helpcol, t3
Owner.Table.Column           Db.Owner.Keyname
-----------------------      ---------------------
tinnap.t3.c3                 coldb.dbo.sample_key2

Example 13

Displays the system encryption password properties each database (you must have sso_role to run this query):

sp_encryption helpkey, system_encr_passwd, all_dbs
Database    Type of system_encr_passwd    Last modified by
----------  ----------------------------  ------------------
master      persistent                    sa          
Aug 26 2008 10:05AM


Usage restrictions