Loads a backup copy of the transaction log that was created with dump transaction.
load tran[saction] database_name from [compress::]stripe_device [at backup_server_name] [density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] [stripe on [compress::]stripe_device [at backup_server_name] [density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] [[stripe on [compress::]stripe_device [at backup_server_name] [density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name]]...] [with { density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, compression, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name, [dismount | nodismount], [nounload | unload], notify = {client | operator_console} }]]
load tran[saction] database_name from [compress::]stripe_device [at backup_server_name] [density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] [stripe on [compress::]stripe_device [at backup_server_name] [density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] [[stripe on [compress::]stripe_device [at backup_server_name] [density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name]]...] [with { density = density_value, blocksize = number_bytes, compression, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name, [dismount | nodismount], [nounload | unload], listonly [= full], headeronly, notify = {client | operator_console} until_time = datetime}]]
load tran[saction] database_name from dump_device [[stripe on stripe_device] ... ]
load transaction database_name from syb_tsm::[[-S source_sever_name][-D source_database_name] ::]object_name [blocksize = number_bytes] [stripe on syb_tsm::[[-S source_sever_name] [-D source_database_name]::]object_name [blocksize = number_bytes]] [[stripe on syb_tsm::[[-S source_sever_name] [-D source_database_name]::]object_name [blocksize = number_bytes]]...] [with { blocksize = number_bytes, passwd = password, listonly [= full], headeronly, notify = {client | operator_console}, until_time = datetime } ]
The with compression option differs from the compress option, which you use to load a compressed log from a local file.
After listing the files on a volume, the Backup Server sends a volume change request. The operator can either mount another tape volume or terminate the list operation for all dump devices.
In the current implementation, listonly overrides headeronly.
Type of dump (database or transaction log)
Database ID
File name
Date the dump was made
Character set
Sort order
Page count
Next object ID
Checkpoint location in the log
Location of the oldest begin transaction record
Old and new sequence dates
On operating systems that offer an operator terminal feature, volume change messages are always sent to the operator terminal on the machine on which the Backup Server is running. Use client to route other Backup Server messages to the terminal session that initiated the dump database.
On operating systems (such as UNIX) that do not offer an operator terminal feature, messages are sent to the client that initiated the dump database. Use operator_console to route messages to the terminal on which the Backup Server is running.
load transaction pubs2 from "/dev/nrmt0"
load transaction pubs2 from "/dev/nrmt4" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER stripe on "/dev/nrmt5" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER stripe on "/dev/nrmt0" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER
load transaction pubs2 from "/dev/ntmt0" with until_time = "mar 20, 2008 10:51:43:866am"
load transaction testdb from "syb_tsm::demo2.1"
load transaction pubs2 from "syb_tsm:: -D testdb::obj1.1"
If you use sp_hidetext followed by a cross-platform dump and load, you must manually drop and re-create all hidden objects.
The listonly and headeronly options display information about the dump files without loading them.
Dumps and loads are performed through Backup Server.
For step-by-step instructions for restoring the system databases from dumps, see the System Administration Guide.
Backing Up and Restoring User Databases in the System Administration Guide.
sp_dboption, sp_helpdb, sp_helpdevice, sp_hidetext, sp_volchange in Reference Manual: Procedures
ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.
The permission checks for load transaction differ based on your granular permissions settings.
Setting | Description |
Enabled | With granular permissions enabled, you must be the database owner, or a user with load database privilege or own database privilege on the database. |
Disabled | With granular permissions disabled, you must be the database owner, or a user with
any of these roles:
Values in event and extrainfo columns of sysaudits are:
Information | Values |
Event | 44 |
Audit option | load |
Command or access audited | load transaction |
Information in extrainfo |