Creates a new database.
create [inmemory] [temporary] database database_name [use database_name as template] [on {default | database_device} [= size] [, database_device [= size]]...] [log on database_device [= size] [, database_device [= size]]...] [with {dbid = number, default_location = "pathname", override}] | [[,]durability = { no_recovery | at_shutdown | full} ] [, [no] async_init] [ [,] compression = {none | row | page}] [ [,] lob_compression = {compression_level | off}] [ [,] inrow_lob_length = value ] }... [for {load | proxy_update}] [ encrypt with key_name]
create [ [ global | system ] temporary ] database database_name [ for instance instance_name ] [on {default | database_device} [= size] [, database_device [= size]]...] [log on database_device [= size] [, database_device [= size]]...] [with {override | default_location = "pathname"}] [for {load | proxy_update}]
on default = size
To change a database device’s status to “default,” use sp_diskdefault.
with dbid = number – specifies the dbid for the new database. If you do not explicitly specify the dbid, the server assigns an unused dbid.
with default_location – specifies the storage location of new tables. If you also specify the for proxy_update clause, one proxy table for each remote table or view is automatically created from the specified location.
with override – forces the SAP ASE server to accept your device specifications, even if they mix data and transaction logs on the same device, thereby endangering up-to-the-minute recoverability for your database. If you attempt to mix log and data on the same device without using this clause, the create database command fails. If you mix log and data, and use with override, you are warned, but the command succeeds.
full – all transactions are written to disk. This is the default if you do not specify a durability level when you create the database, and ensures full recovery from a server failure. All system databases use this durability level (the traditional durability level for disk-resident databases).
no_recovery – transactions are not durable to disk and all changes are lost if the server fails or is shut down. For disk-based databases, the SAP ASE server periodically writes data at runtime to the disk devices, but in an uncontrolled manner. After any shutdown (polite, impolite, or server failure and restart) a database created with no_recovery is not recovered, but is re-created from the model or template (if defined) database.
at_shutdown – transactions are durable while the server is running and after a polite shutdown. All durability is lost if the server fails.
none – data is not compressed.
row – compresses one or more data items in an individual row. The SAP ASE server stores data in a row-compressed form only if the compressed form saves space compared to an uncompressed form.
page – when the page fills, existing data rows that are row-compressed are then compressed using page-level compression to create page-level dictionary, index, and character-encoding entries.
The SAP ASE server compresses data at the page level only after it has compressed data at the row level, so setting the compression to page implies both page and row compression.
The compression algorithm ignores rows that do not use LOB data.
0 – the row is not compressed.
1 through 9 – the SAP ASE server uses ZLib compression. Generally, the higher the compression number, the more the SAP ASE server compresses the LOB data, and the greater the ratio between compressed and uncompressed data (that is the greater the amount of space savings, in bytes, for the compressed data versus the size of the uncompressed data).
However, the amount of compression depends on the LOB content, and the higher the compression level , the more CPU-intensive the process. That is, level 9 provides the highest compression ratio but also the heaviest CPU usage.
100 – the SAP ASE server uses FastLZ compression. The compression ratio that uses the least CPU usage; generally used for shorter data.
101 – the SAP ASE server uses FastLZ compression. A value of 101 uses slightly more CPU than a value of 100, but uses a better compression ratio than a value of 100.
create database pubs
create database pubs on default = 4
If you do not provide a unit specifier for size, the value provided for pubs is presumed to be in megabytes.
create database pubs on datadev = "3M", moredatadev = '2.0m'
create database pubs on datadev='3m' log on logdev='0.5g'
create database proxydb with default_location "UNITEST.pubs.dbo."
create database proxydb on default = "4M" with default_location "UNITEST.pubs2.dbo." for proxy_update
create database proxydb on default = 4 with default_location "UNITEST.pubs2.." for proxy_update
create database pubs with dbid = 15
create temporary database mytempdb1 on datadev = '3m' log on logdev = '1M'
create temporary database local_tempdb1 for instance ase1or:
create temporary database local_tempdb1
create system temporary database local_systempdb1 for instance ase1
create global temporary database global_tempdb1
create inmemory database imdb2 on imdb_data_dev1 = '1.0g' log on imdb_logdev = '0.5g' with durability = no_recovery
create inmemory database imdb3 on imdb_data_dev1 = '100m', imdb_data_dev2 = '200m' log on inmem_logdev = '50m' with durability=no_recovery
create inmemory database pubs5 use pubs2 as template on imdb_duck1_cach = '5m' log on imdb_duck_log = '5m' with durability = no_recovery
create database pubs5_rddb on pubs5_dev = '6M' log on pubs5_log = '2M' with durability = at_shutdown
sp_cacheconfig inmem_tempdb_cache, "40m", inmemory_storage, "none", "cache_partition=2"
DISK INIT name = "inmem_dev" , physname = "inmem_tempdb_cache" , size = "40m" , type='inmemory'
create inmemory temporary database temp_imdb on inmem_dev = "20m" with durability = no_recovery
create temporary database tempdb_rddb_norec on datadev = "5m" log on logdev = "5m" with durability = no_recovery
create database emaildb on email_dev = '50M' with compression = page
Create database email_lob_db on email_lob_dev = '50M' with lob_compression = 101
create database pubs with inrow_lob_length = 300
create database demodb on demodev log on demologdev encrypt with dbkey
Use create database from the master database.
You can specify the size as a float datatype, however, the size is rounded down to the nearest multiple of the allocation unit.
If you do not explicitly state the size of the database, the size is determined by the size of the model database. The minimum size that you can create a database is four allocation units.
Because the SAP ASE server allocates space for databases for create database and alter database in chunks of 256 logical pages, these commands round the specified size down to the nearest multiple of allocation units.
If you do not include a unit specifier, the SAP ASE server interprets the size in terms of megabytes of disk space, and this number is converted to the logical page size the server uses.
If you do not specify a location and size for a database, the default location is any default database devices indicated in master..sysdevices. The default size is the larger of the size of the model database or the default database size parameter in sysconfigures.
system administrators can increase the default size by using sp_configure to change the value of default database size and restarting the SAP ASE server. The default database size parameter must be at least as large as the model database. If you increase the size of the model database, you must also increase the default size.
If the SAP ASE server cannot give you as much space as you want where you have requested it, it comes as close as possible, on a per-device basis, and prints a message telling how much space was allocated and where it was allocated. The maximum size of a database is system-dependent.
create database mydb on my_device with default_location = "pathname" for proxy_update
The presence of the device name is enough to bypass size calculation, and this command may fail if the default database size (the size of the model database) is not large enough to contain all of the proxy tables.
create database mydb with default_location = "pathname" for proxy_update
See also sp_changedbowner, sp_diskdefault, sp_helpdb, sp_logdevice, sp_renamedb, sp_spaceused in Reference Manual: Procedures.
ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.
The permission checks for create database differ based on your granular permissions settings.
Setting | Description |
Enabled | With granular permissions enabled, you must have create database privilege. If you are creating the sybsecurity database, you must have the manage auditing privilege. |
Disabled | With granular permissions disabled, you must be system administrator or have create database privilege. If you are creating the sybsecurity database, you must be a system security officer. |
Values in event and extrainfo columns of sysaudits are:
Information | Values |
Event | 9 |
Audit option | create |
Command or access audited | create database |
Information in extrainfo |