Open string parameters

The format for parameters in the open string for the DTM XA Interface is:

-Nlrm_name -Uusername -Ppassword [-Llogfile_name] 
	 [-Ttraceflags] [-V11] [-O1] [-O-1]

Table 2-1 describes each component of the open string.

Table 2-1: Sybase X/Open XA open string parameters




The name of the LRM as defined in the XA configuration file.


The user name used to log in to Adaptive Server. See “dtm_tm_role required for username” for more information.


The password accompanying the user name.


The fully qualified file name to which the XA Interface writes tracing information (optional).

The XA Interface initializes the log file and trace flag settings with the initial xa_open() call. If no logfile_name is specified, then the DTM XA Interface logs information to a file named syb_xa_log in the current directory.


Trace flags control the output that is written to the log file (optional). See “Parameter definitions for [all] section” for a list of valid trace flags.


Specifies Open Client version 11 behavior for backward compatibility (optional).

-O1 or -O-1

Specifies an option for transaction operation. At this time only -O1 (tightly coupled transaction branches) is supported. -O1 sets the option. -O-1 clears the option. -O-1 is the default.

WARNING! See “Tightly coupled transactions” before setting -O1.