This section provides specific examples for setting up the TUXEDO UBBCONFIG file with the XA Interface.
For the simprpc.ct sample application, the pubs2 database must be installed on Adaptive Server. Use the installation script in the Adaptive Server directory under scripts/installpubs2.
“Open string parameters for the DTM XA Interface” explains the open string in the UBBCONFIG file.
Use the ASCII text editor of your choice to open $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/sample/xa-dtm/tuxedo/simprpc.ct/ubbsimpct for editing. The file is shown here with line numbers to facilitate the discussion:
1 *RESOURCES 2 IPCKEY 123456 3 4 MASTER sybsite 5 MAXACCESSERS 5 6 MAXSERVERS 5 7 MAXSERVICES 10 8 MODEL SHM 9 10 MAXGTT 5 11 12 *MACHINES 13 yourmachine LMID=sybsite 14 TUXDIR="$TUXDIR" 15 APPDIR="$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/sample/xa-dtm/tuxedo/simprpc.ct" 16 TLOGDEVICE="$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/sample/xadtm/tuxedo/ simprpc.ct/tuxlog" 17 TLOGNAME=TLOG 18 TUXCONFIG="$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/sample/xa-dtm/tuxedo /simprpc.ct/tuxconfig" 19 ULOGPFX="$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/sample/xa-dtm/tuxedo/simprpc.ct/ULOG" 20 21 *GROUPS 22 DEFAULT: TMSNAME=simprpccttms TMSCOUNT=2 23 24 GROUP1 LMID=sybsite GRPNO=1 25 OPENINFO="SYBASE_XA_SERVER: -Uuserid1 -Ppassword1 -Nconnection1" 26 27 *SERVERS 28 simpsrv SRVGRP=GROUP1 SRVID=1 29 30 *SERVICES
Replace entries in the file with entries appropriate for your environment as shown in Table 2-5:
Line number |
Entry |
Replace with |
13 |
yourmachine |
Replace with the name of the machine that contains the XA Interface installation. Remember that the machine name is case-sensitive. |
14 |
Replace with the actual TUXEDO root directory path. |
15, 16, 18, 19 |
Replace with the XA Interface installation directory. |
22 |
simprpccttms |
This parameter is specific to the simprpc.ct example. In general, this parameter should relate to the value specified in the -o parameter of the buildtms command described on “Building the TMS”. |
25 |
Open string parameters |
See “Open string parameters for the DTM XA Interface” for more information. |
See the TUXEDO Installation
Guide for a detailed discussion of the UBBCONFIG file.