Comparing ct_resultsresult_type to DB-Library program logic

In Client-Library, ct_results takes a pointer argument to a result_type indicator. In addition to indicating command status (CS_CMD_SUCCEED and CS_CMD_FAIL), result_type indicates whether results are available and what type of results they represent.

Table 5-9 lists the possible values of result_type and compares them to the equivalent DB-Library program logic. See the ct_results reference page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual:

Table 5-9: ct_results’ result_type parameter vs. DB-Library program logic

Client-Library result_type


DB-Library program logic


The results of a logical command have been completely processed.

None. The receipt of CS_CMD_DONE by the Client-Library program is equivalent to the end of one iteration of the DB-Library dbresults loop.


The server encountered an error while executing a command.

Active routine (dbsqlexec, dbsqlok, or dbresults) returns FAIL.


The success of a command that returns no data, such as a language command containing a Transact-SQL insert statement.

dbresults returns SUCCEED. DBCMDROW returns FAIL to indicate that the command could not return rows.


Compute row results.

Calls DBROWS to determine if rows are returned. There is no equivalent call or macro for DBROWS in Client-Library.

Calls dbnumcompute to determine if compute rows will be returned.

In the dbnextrow loop, dbnextrow returns > 0 when a compute row is retrieved.


Return parameter results.

After dbnextrow returns NO_MORE_ROWS, checks whether dbnumrets returns > 0.


Regular row results.

DBCMDROW returns TRUE if the current command can return rows.

dbnextrow returns REG_ROW after each regular row is retrieved.


Stored procedure return status results.

After dbnextrow returns NO_MORE_ROWS, checks if dbhasretstat returns TRUE.


Cursor row results.

None. DB-Library does not support server-based cursors.


  • Compute row format information.

  • Format results are seen only when the CS_EXPOSE_FORMATS property is enabled.



  • Regular row format information.

  • Format results are seen only when the CS_EXPOSE_FORMATS property is enabled.



Arrival of a Client-Library message result set.

None. DB-Library does not support message commands and results.


Dynamic SQL descriptive information.

None. DB-Library does not support dynamic SQL.