Upgrading Noninteractively Using sqlupgraderes

You can upgrade SAP ASE without the graphical user interface (GUI), in noninteractive mode by using values from a resource file that defines the attributes for the server to be upgraded.


Set the OLDSYBASE_ASE variable to the SYBASE_ASE that is appropriate to your older server. If you are upgrading from 15.7 for example, OLDSYBASE_ASE should be ASE-15_0.

We recommend that you also set the OLDSYBASE, and OLDSYBASE_OCS environment variables to point to the older version installation of SAP ASE, so the upgrade utility that you run from the new $SYBASE directory automatically populates input fields with the correct information as you upgrade.

Source SYBASE.csh before running sqlupgrade if you have not already so.

Make sure your old server is running. If the server you are upgrading is not running, sqlupgrade prompts you to start the server.

  1. Edit the sample resource file included in your SAP ASE distribution in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/sample_resource_files. Use a text editor to edit the resource file.
  2. Execute sqlupgraderes by entering the following at the UNIX prompt, where resource_file specifies the resource file containing the attributes that describe the server to upgrade:
    $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/sqlupgraderes -r resource_file
    The available command options for sqlupgraderes are:
    • -s sybase_dir – specifies the value to use for the SYBASE environment variable. •
    • -r resource_file – executes the specified resource file.
    • -D data_directory – specifies a working directory that differs from the default $SYBASE directory. This allows users other than the sa to configure and use SAP ASE without the need to have access permission to the $SYBASE directory.
    • -v – prints the version number and copyright message for sqlupgraderes and then exits.
    Running the sqlupgraderes utility creates a new file containing the values you specified for the upgrade session, and writes it to the sqlupgradeMMDD.NNN-server_name.rs file in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/logs/.
    • server_name – is the server you are upgrading.
    • MM – is the month.
    • DD – is the date.
    • NNN – is a three-digit number identifying the sqlupgrade session.
    If the resource file you are modifying was created by sqlupgrade, the prefix of the attribute name may vary. sqlupgraderes ignores this prefix when processing the resource file. The attributes and their default values are:
    • sybinit.release_directory – $SYBASE [path = _name_of_old_release]
    • sybinit.product – sqlsrv
    • sqlsrv.server_nameserver_name
    • sqlsrv.new_config – no default value
    • sqlsrv.sa_logincurrent_login
    • sqlsrv.sa_passwordcurrent_password
    • sqlsrv.do_upgrade – Yes
    • sqlsrv.do_reserved_word_check –Yes
    All attributes are required, and all values are case-sensitive.