This manual, the Configuration Guide, provides instructions for performing specific configuration tasks for Sybase® Adaptive Server® Enterprise on UNIX platforms.
The operating system release levels for the UNIX platforms on which Adaptive Server is certified to execute is in the installation documentation or release bulletin for your platform.
This manual covers the following topics:
Instructions for reconfiguring certain attributes of your existing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, Backup Server™, Adaptive Server Enterprise Monitor™, and XP Server™ to meet your specific needs.
Creating network connections.
Configuring optional functionality.
Performing operating system administration tasks.
Working with system administration issues that are relevant to Adaptive Server running on UNIX platforms. This manual supplements the System Administration Guide and the Performance and Tuning Guide.
Before configuring Adaptive Server according to the
instructions in this book, you should have a newly installed or
upgraded Adaptive Server on your system. If you do not, follow the
installation and upgrade instructions in the installation documentation
for your platform.
This manual is for System Administrators or other qualified installers who are familiar with their system’s environment, networks, disk resources, and media devices.
This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction” is an overview of Adaptive Server and the configuration changes you might want to make to Adaptive Server after installing or upgrading the server.
Chapter 2, “Starting and Stopping Servers” describes how to start and stop Adaptive Server, Backup Server, Monitor Server, and XP Server.
Chapter 3, “Configuring the Operating System” describes how to set up your operating system to work with Adaptive Server.
Chapter 4, “Adaptive Server Default Configuration” provides information about the default parameter settings of Adaptive Server.
Chapter 5, “Setting Up Communications Across the Network” describes how to use the interfaces file to establish network connections for servers and clients.
Chapter 6, “Using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service” provides information about using LDAP directory services to establish connections.
Chapter 7, “Customizing Localization for Adaptive Server” provides background information about Sybase’s localization support as well as task information for reconfiguring character sets, sort orders, and language modules.
Chapter 8, “Logging Error Messages and Events” describes how to use the error logging features of Adaptive Server.
Chapter 9, “Managing Adaptive Server Databases” provides information about the administration of Adaptive Server databases, including both routine tasks and performance and tuning considerations.
Chapter 10, “Adding Optional Functionality to Adaptive Server” provides instructions for adding optional functionality, such as auditing and the sample databases.
The Adaptive Server Enterprise documentation set consists of:
The release bulletin for your platform – contains last-minute information that was too late to be included in the books.
A more recent version of the release bulletin may be available. To check for critical product or document information that was added after the release of the product CD, use the Sybase Product Manuals Web site.
The installation guide for your platform – describes installation, upgrading, and some configuration procedures for all Adaptive Server and related Sybase products.
New Feature Summary – describes the new features in Adaptive Server, the system changes added to support those features, and changes that may affect your existing applications.
Active Messaging Users Guide – describes how to use the Active Messaging feature to capture transactions (data changes) in an Adaptive Server Enterprise database, and deliver them as events to external applications in real time.
Component Integration Services Users Guide – explains how to use Component Integration Services to connect remote Sybase and non-Sybase databases.
The Configuration Guide for your platform – provides instructions for performing specific configuration tasks.
Glossary – defines technical terms used in the Adaptive Server documentation.
Historical Server Users Guide – describes how to use Historical Server to obtain performance information from Adaptive Server.
Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise – describes how to install and use Java classes as datatypes, functions, and stored procedures in the Adaptive Server database.
Job Scheduler Users Guide – provides instructions on how to install and configure, and create and schedule jobs on a local or remote Adaptive Server using the command line or a graphical user interface (GUI).
Migration Technology Guide – describes strategies and tools for migrating to a different version of Adaptive Server.
Monitor Client Library Programmers Guide – describes how to write Monitor Client Library applications that access Adaptive Server performance data.
Monitor Server Users Guide – describes how to use Monitor Server to obtain performance statistics from Adaptive Server.
Monitoring Tables Diagram – illustrates monitor tables and their entity relationships in a poster format. Full-size available only in print version; a compact version is available in PDF format.
Performance and Tuning Series – is a series of books that explain how to tune Adaptive Server for maximum performance:
Basics – contains the basics for understanding and investigating performance questions in Adaptive Server.
Improving Performance with Statistical Analysis – describes how Adaptive Server stores and displays statistics, and how to use the set statistics command to analyze server statistics.
Locking and Concurrency Control – describes how to use locking schemes to improve performance, and how to select indexes to minimize concurrency.
Monitoring Adaptive Server with sp_sysmon – discusses how to use sp_sysmon to monitor performance.
Monitoring Tables – describes how to query Adaptive Server monitoring tables for statistical and diagnostic information.
Physical Database Tuning – describes how to manage physical data placement, space allocated for data, and the temporary databases.
Query Processing and Abstract Plans – explains how the optimizer processes queries, and how to use abstract plans to change some of the optimizer plans.
Quick Reference Guide – provides a comprehensive listing of the names and syntax for commands, functions, system procedures, extended system procedures, datatypes, and utilities in a pocket-sized book (regular size when viewed in PDF format).
Reference Manual – is a series of books that contains detailed Transact-SQL® information:
Building Blocks – discusses datatypes, functions, global variables, expressions, identifiers and wildcards, and reserved words.
Commands – documents commands.
Procedures – describes system procedures, catalog stored procedures, system extended stored procedures, and dbcc stored procedures.
Tables – discusses system tables, monitor tables, and dbcc tables.
System Administration Guide –
Volume 1 – provides an introduction to the basics of system administration, including a description of configuration parameters, resource issues, character sets, sort orders, and instructions for diagnosing system problems. The second part of Volume 1 is an in-depth discussion about security administration.
Volume 2 – includes instructions and guidelines for managing physical resources, mirroring devices, configuring memory and data caches, managing multiprocessor servers and user databases, mounting and unmounting databases, creating and using segments, using the reorg command, and checking database consistency. The second half of Volume 2 describes how to back up and restore system and user databases.
System Tables Diagram – illustrates system tables and their entity relationships in a poster format. Full-size available only in print version; a compact version is available in PDF format.
Transact-SQL Users Guide – documents Transact-SQL, the Sybase-enhanced version of the relational database language. This guide serves as a textbook for beginning users of the database management system, and also contains detailed descriptions of the pubs2 and pubs3 sample databases.
Troubleshooting: Error Messages Advanced Resolutions – contains troubleshooting procedures for problems you may encounter. The problems discussed here are the ones the Sybase Technical Support staff hear about most often.
Encrypted Columns Users Guide – describes how to configure and use encrypted columns with Adaptive Server.
In-Memory Database Users Guide – describes how to configure and use in-memory databases.
Using Adaptive Server Distributed Transaction Management Features – explains how to configure, use, and troubleshoot Adaptive Server DTM features in distributed transaction processing environments.
Using Backup Server with IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager – describes how to set up and use the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager to create Adaptive Server backups.
Using Sybase Failover in a High Availability System – provides instructions for using Sybase Failover to configure an Adaptive Server as a companion server in a high availability system.
Unified Agent and Agent Management Console – describes the Unified Agent, which provides runtime services to manage, monitor, and control distributed Sybase resources.
Utility Guide – documents the Adaptive Server utility programs, such as isql and bcp, which are executed at the operating system level.
Web Services Users Guide – explains how to configure, use, and troubleshoot Web services for Adaptive Server.
XA Interface Integration Guide for CICS, Encina, and TUXEDO – provides instructions for using the Sybase DTM XA interface with X/Open XA transaction managers.
XML Services in Adaptive Server Enterprise – describes the Sybase native XML processor and the Sybase Java-based XML support, introduces XML in the database, and documents the query and mapping functions that are available in XML services.
Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, the SyBooks™ CD, and the Sybase Product Manuals Web site to learn more about your product:
The Getting Started CD contains release bulletins and installation guides in PDF format, and may also contain other documents or updated information not included on the SyBooks CD. It is included with your software. To read or print documents on the Getting Started CD, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download at no charge from the Adobe Web site using a link provided on the CD.
The SyBooks CD contains product manuals and is included with your software. The Eclipse-based SyBooks browser allows you to access the manuals in an easy-to-use, HTML-based format.
Some documentation may be provided in PDF format, which you can access through the PDF directory on the SyBooks CD. To read or print the PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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The following sections describe conventions used in this manual.
SQL is a free-form language. There are no rules about the number of words you can put on a line or where you must break a line. However, for readability, all examples and most syntax statements in this manual are formatted so that each clause of a statement begins on a new line. Clauses that have more than one part extend to additional lines, which are indented. Complex commands are formatted using modified Backus Naur Form (BNF) notation.
Table 1 shows the conventions for syntax statements that appear in this manual:
Element |
Example |
Command names, procedure names, utility names, and other keywords display in sans serif font. |
select sp_configure |
Database names and datatypes are in sans serif font. |
master database |
Book names, file names, variables, and path names are in italics. |
System Administration Guide sql.ini file column_name $SYBASE/ASE directory |
Variables—or words that stand for values that you fill in—when they are part of a query or statement, are in italics in Courier font. |
select column_name from table_name where search_conditions |
Type parentheses as part of the command. |
compute row_aggregate (column_name) |
Double colon, equals sign indicates that the syntax is written in BNF notation. Do not type this symbol. Indicates “is defined as”. |
::= |
Curly braces mean that you must choose at least one of the enclosed options. Do not type the braces. |
{cash, check, credit} |
Brackets mean that to choose one or more of the enclosed options is optional. Do not type the brackets. |
[cash | check | credit] |
The comma means you may choose as many of the options shown as you want. Separate your choices with commas as part of the command. |
cash, check, credit |
The pipe or vertical bar( | ) means you may select only one of the options shown. |
cash | check | credit |
An ellipsis (...) means that you can repeat the last unit as many times as you like. |
buy thing = price [cash | check | credit] [, thing = price [cash | check | credit] ]... You must buy at least one thing and give its price. You may choose a method of payment: one of the items enclosed in square brackets. You may also choose to buy additional things: as many of them as you like. For each thing you buy, give its name, its price, and (optionally) a method of payment. |
Syntax statements (displaying the syntax and all options for a command) appear as follows:
sp_dropdevice [device_name]
For a command with more options:
select column_name from table_name where search_conditions
In syntax statements, keywords (commands) are in normal font and identifiers are in lowercase. Italic font shows user-supplied words.
Examples showing the use of Transact-SQL commands are printed like this:
select * from publishers
Examples of output from the computer appear as follows:
pub_id pub_name city state ------- --------------------- ----------- ----- 0736 New Age Books Boston MA 0877 Binnet & Hardley Washington DC 1389 Algodata Infosystems Berkeley CA (3 rows affected)
In this manual, most of the examples are in lowercase. However, you can disregard case when typing Transact-SQL keywords. For example, SELECT, Select, and select are the same.
Adaptive Server’s sensitivity to the case of database objects, such as table names, depends on the sort order installed on Adaptive Server. You can change case sensitivity for single-byte character sets by reconfiguring the Adaptive Server sort order. For more information, see the System Administration Guide.
The following terms appear repeatedly throughout this book. For more detailed information about these and other terms, see the Glossary.
/work/sybase – is given as an example of the Sybase installation directory.
Text editor refers to an ASCII text editor or any editor that can save files to text format.
This document is available in an HTML version that is specialized for accessibility. You can navigate the HTML with an adaptive technology such as a screen reader, or view it with a screen enlarger.
Adaptive Server Enterprise and the HTML documentation have been tested for compliance with U.S. government Section 508 Accessibility requirements. Documents that comply with Section 508 generally also meet non-U.S. accessibility guidelines, such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines for Web sites.
The online help for this product is also provided in HTML, which you can navigate using a screen reader.
You might need to configure your accessibility tool
for optimal use. Some screen readers pronounce text based on its
case; for example, they pronounce ALL UPPERCASE TEXT as initials,
and MixedCase Text as words. You might find it helpful to configure
your tool to announce syntax conventions. Consult the documentation
for your tool.
For information about how Sybase supports accessibility, see Sybase Accessibility. The Sybase Accessibility site includes links to information on Section 508 and W3C standards.
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If you cannot resolve a problem using the manuals or online help, please have the designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.