Client applications can transfer three types of bulk data to Open Server applications: bulk copy data, text data, and image data. The SRV_T_BULKTYPE property is used to set or retrieve the type of bulk data transfer being initiated by a client.

Table 2-29 describes the legal values for the SRV_T_BULKTYPE thread property:

Table 2-29: Values for SRV_T_BULKTYPE




The client is preparing to transfer bulk copy data.


The client is preparing to transfer text data.


The client is preparing to transfer image data.


The client is preparing to transfer unitext data.

Open Server cannot determine automatically the type of bulk data stream a client sends. The Open Server application must obtain this information and give it to Open Server in advance of the actual SRV_BULK event, using the srv_thread_props routine. The application then retrieves the data inside the SRV_BULK event handler once the actual bulk request has been made.

See the Open Client and Open Server Common Libraries Reference Manual. See “Text and image”.