The PBDOM_COMMENT class represents a DOM Comment Node within an XML document. The PBDOM_COMMENT class is derived from the PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA class and is intended to extend the PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA class with a set of methods intended specifically for manipulating DOM comment nodes.
You can use comments to annotate an XML document with user-readable information.
In PBDOM, when a document is parsed, any comments found within the document persist as part of the resultant DOM tree in memory. A PBDOM_COMMENT created at runtime also becomes part of the DOM tree. However, an XML comment does not usually form part of the content model of a document.
The presence or absence of comments has no bearing on a document’s validity. There is no requirement that comments must be predeclared in a DTD.
Some of the inherited methods from PBDOM_OBJECT serve no meaningful objective, and only default or trivial functionalities result. These are described in the following table:
Method |
Always returns |
AddContent |
GetContent |
false |
GetName |
a string "#comment" |
HasChildren |
false |
InsertContent |
IsAncestorObjectOf |
false |
RemoveContent |
false |
SetContent |
SetName |
false |
PBDOM_COMMENT has the following non-trivial methods:
The Append method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 appends an input string to the text content that already exists within the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
Syntax 2 appends the text data of a PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA object to the text content that already exists within the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
For this syntax |
See |
Append(string strAppend) |
Append(pbdom_characterdata pbdom_characterdata_ref) |
Appends an input string to the text content that already exists within the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
pbdom_comment_name.Append(string strAppend)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
strAppend |
The string you want to append to the existing text of the current PBDOM_COMMENT object |
PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA. The current PBDOM_COMMENT modified and returned as a PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA object.
Appends the text data of a PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA object to the text content that exists within the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
pbdom_comment_name.Append(pbdom_characterdata pbdom_characterdata_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
pbdom_characterdata_ref |
The referenced PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA object whose text data is to be appended to the existing text of the current PBDOM_COMMENT object |
PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA. The current PBDOM_COMMENT modified and returned as a PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA object.
Note that JDOM does not define an Append method for its COMMENT class. Because PBDOM implements its Append method in the base PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA class, a PBDOM_TEXT object, a PBDOM_CDATA object, and a PBDOM_COMMENT object can append their internal text data to each other because they are all PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA-derived objects.
Creates and returns a clone of the current PBDOM_COMMENT.
pbdom_comment_name.Clone(boolean bDeep)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
bDeep |
A boolean specifying whether a deep or shallow clone is returned. Values are true for a deep clone and false for a shallow clone |
This example creates an XML document that, when serialized, appears as follows :
<!DOCTYPE root [ <!ELEMENT root (level_1)*> <!ELEMENT level_1 (level_2)*> <!ELEMENT level_2 (#PCDATA)*> ]> <root> <level_1> <!--Element at level : 1--> <level_2> <!--Element at level : 2--> </level_2> </level_1> </root>
The definition of the DTD shows that the document is required to have the following composition:
The document contains a root element with the name root.
The root element contains zero or more occurrences of level_1 elements.
A level_1 element contains zero or more level_2 elements.
A level_2 element is expected to contain text.
The following PowerScript code supplies annotations within the document by including comments to mark level_1 and level_2 elements. The sample code creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from an XML string that contains a DTD and a minimal root element. Then, it creates a comment that serves as a template. The template comment is then cloned, and instance-specific text is added for each element:
PBDOM_COMMENT pbdom_comm PBDOM_COMMENT pbdom_comm_clone PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr string strXML = "<!DOCTYPE root [<!ELEMENT root (level_1)*><!ELEMENT level_1 (level_2)*><!ELEMENT level_2 (#PCDATA)>]><root/>" try // Create a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from the XML string that // contains a DTD and a minimal root element. pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString(strXML) // Create a template comment that can be reused. pbdom_comm = Create PBDOM_COMMENT pbdom_comm.SetText ("Element at level : ") // Create a level_1 element. pbdom_elem = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem.SetName("level_1") // Clone the template comment, append instance- // specific text, and add it to the level_1 element. pbdom_comm_clone = pbdom_comm.Clone(true) pbdom_elem.AddContent(pbdom_comm_clone.Append("1")) // Add a level_1 element into the root element // as stipulated by the DTD. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().AddContent(pbdom_elem) // Create a level_2 element. pbdom_elem = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem.SetName("level_2") // Clone the template comment, append instance- // specific text, and add it to the level_2 element. pbdom_comm_clone = pbdom_comm.Clone(true) pbdom_elem.AddContent(pbdom_comm_clone.Append("2")) // Add a level_2 element into the level_1 element // as stipulated by the DTD. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetChildElement & ("level_1").AddContent(pbdom_elem) // Finally, serialize the document. pbdom_doc.SaveDocument("sample.xml") catch(PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_e) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_e.GetMessage()) end try
The Clone method creates a new PBDOM_COMMENT object that is a duplicate of, and a separate object from, the original. Whether true or false is supplied, the clone is always identical to its original, because a PBDOM_COMMENT does not contain a subtree of child PBDOM_OBJECTs.
A PBDOM_COMMENT clone has no parent. However, the clone resides in the same PBDOM_DOCUMENT as its original, and if the original is standalone, the clone is standalone.
Detaches a PBDOM_COMMENT from its parent PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
The current PBDOM_COMMENT is detached from its parent.
If the current PBDOM_COMMENT object has no parent, no modifications occur.
Tests for the equality of the current PBDOM_COMMENT and a referenced PBDOM_OBJECT.
pbdom_comment_name.Equals(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT. |
pbdom_object_ref |
A PBDOM_OBJECT to test for equality with the current PBDOM_COMMENT |
Boolean. Returns true if the current PBDOM_COMMENT is equivalent to the input PBDOM_OBJECT, and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT is not a reference to an object derived from a PBDOM_OBJECT object.
True is returned only if the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT is also a derived PBDOM_COMMENT object and refers to the same DOM object as the current PBDOM_COMMENT. Two separately created PBDOM_COMMENTs, for example, can contain exactly the same text but are not equal.
Returns a long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of a PBDOM_OBJECT |
Long. GetObjectClass returns a long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_COMMENT, the returned value is 9.
Returns a string form of the class of the PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of a PBDOM_OBJECT |
String. GetObjectClassString returns a string that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_COMMENT, the returned string is “pbdom_comment”.
Returns the owning PBDOM_DOCUMENT of the current PBDOM_COMMENT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
If there is no owning PBDOM_DOCUMENT, null is returned.
Returns the parent PBDOM_OBJECT of the current PBDOM_COMMENT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
The GetParentObject method returns the parent PBDOM_OBJECT of the current PBDOM_COMMENT. If the PBDOM_COMMENT has no parent, null is returned.
Allows you to obtain the text data that is contained within the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
String. The textual content of the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
If you have the comment <!—A COMMENT->
the GetText method returns the string A COMMENT
Allows you to obtain the text data that is contained within the current PBDOM_COMMENT object, with all surrounding whitespace characters removed and internal whitespace characters normalized to a single space.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
If you have the comment <!— A COMMENT -->
which has three spaces before and after the text and between the
two words, the GetTexNormalizet method returns
the string A COMMENT
which has a single space between the words.
This method allows the caller to obtain the text data that is contained within the current PBDOM_COMMENT with all surrounding whitespace characters removed and internal whitespace characters normalized to single spaces. If no textual value exists for the current PBDOM_COMMENT, or if only whitespace characters exist, an empty string is returned.
Returns the textual content of the current PBDOM_COMMENT object with all surrounding whitespace characters removed.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
If you have the comment <!— A COMMENT -->
which has three spaces before and after the text and between the
two words, the GetTextTrim method returns the
string A COMMENT
The whitespace characters between the words are preserved.
This method allows the caller to obtain the text data that is contained within the current PBDOM_COMMENT with all surrounding whitespace characters removed. Internal whitespace characters are preserved. If no textual value exists for the current PBDOM_COMMENT, or if only whitespace characters exist, an empty string is returned.
Sets the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT to be the parent of the current PBDOM_COMMENT.
pbdom_comment_name.SetParentObject(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
pbdom_object_ref |
A PBDOM_OBJECT to be set as the parent of the current PBDOM_COMMENT |
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not a reference to an object derived from PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is of a class that does not have a proper parent-child relationship with the PBDOM_COMMENT class.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT requires a user-defined name, and it has not been named.
This method sets the input PBDOM_OBJECT as the parent of this PBDOM_COMMENT. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the current PBDOM_COMMENT and the input PBDOM_OBJECT can have a legal parent-child relationship. Currently, only a PBDOM_ELEMENT and a PBDOM_DOCUMENT can be set as the parent of a PBDOM_COMMENT.
The PBDOM_COMMENT SetParentObject method differs from the JDOM Comment setParent method in two ways:
JDOM defines a setParent method for several specific classes, including Element, Comment, and CDATA. PBDOM implements the SetParentObject method in the base PBDOM_OBJECT class to allow for polymorphism.
The JDOM Comment's setParent method takes only an Element class object as a parameter:
COMMENT::setParent(Element parent)
To set a Document as the parent owner of a Comment using JDOM, you use the setDocument method:
COMMENT::setDocument(Document document)
In PBDOM, SetParentObject takes a reference to a PBDOM_OBJECT, so that both a PBDOM_ELEMENT and a PBDOM_DOCUMENT can be set as a parent.
Sets the input string to be the text content of the current PBDOM_COMMENT object.
pbdom_comment_name.SetText(string strSet)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_comment_name |
The name of a PBDOM_COMMENT |
strSet |
The string you want set as the text of the PBDOM_COMMENT |