The PBDOM_ELEMENT class defines the behavior for an XML element modeled in PowerScript. Methods allow the user to obtain the text content of an element, the attributes of an element, and the children of an element.
In PBDOM, an XML element’s attributes are not its children. Attributes are properties of elements rather than having a separate identity from the elements with which they are associated. An element’s PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects do not have sibling relationships with each other in the same way as the element’s children.
For more information on the relationships among PBDOM_ELEMENT and PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects, see the chapter on XML services in Application Techniques.
PBDOM_ELEMENT has the following methods:
The AddContent method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 adds a new PBDOM_OBJECT into a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Syntax 2 adds a new text string to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked.
For this syntax |
See |
AddContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref) |
AddContent(string strText) |
Adds a new PBDOM_OBJECT into a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The added PBDOM_OBJECT becomes a child of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.AddContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to add |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – If an invalid PBDOM_OBJECT is added. See description section below on the valid PBDOM_OBJECTs that can be added to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. This exception is also thrown if the input PBDOM_OBJECT is this PBDOM_ELEMENT object itself.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT has not been given a user-defined name.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_HIERARCHY_ERROR – If adding the input PBDOM_OBJECT will cause the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be no longer well-formed.
The AddContent method is invoked for the Element_2 PBDOM_ELEMENT object in the following XML fragment:
<Element_1> <Element_1_1/> <Element_1_2/> <Element_1_3/> </Element_1> <Element_2>Element 2 Text</Element_2> <Element_3/>
The AddContent is invoked from the following PowerScript code, where pbdom_elem_2 represents the Element_2 object:
PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem pbdom_elem = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem.SetName("Sub_Element") pbdom_elem.AddContent("Sub Element Text") pbdom_elem_2.AddContent (pbdom_elem)
The following XML fragment results:
<Element_1> <Element_1_1/> <Element_1_2/> <Element_1_3/> </Element_1> <Element_2> Element 2 Text <Sub_Element> Sub Element Text </Sub_Element> <Element_2/> <Element_3/>
Only the following PBDOM_OBJECT types can be validly added to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object:
Adds a new text string to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked.
pbdom_element_name.AddContent(string strText)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strText |
A string to be added to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object as new text content |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
The AddContent method is invoked for the abc element of the following XML document:
<abc> Root Element Data <data> ABC Data <inner_data>My Inner Data</inner_data> </data> </abc>
The AddContent method is invoked from the following PowerScript statement:
pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().AddContent(" And More !")
The following XML results:
<abc> Root Element Data <data> ABC Data <inner_data>My Inner Data</inner_data> </data> And More ! </abc>
Adds a new namespace declaration to this PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The new namespace can apply to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object itself if the namespace becomes the default namespace in the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.AddNamespaceDeclaration(string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the new namespace to be declared |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the new namespace to be declared |
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input parameters is invalid (null).
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input Prefix is invalid, as, for example, if it contains a colon.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING – If the input URI is invalid.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If memory allocation failure occurred in this method.
Consider the following element:
<Vehicle> <seats>4</seats> <color>Red</color> <engine> <capacity units="cc">1600</capacity> </engine> </Vehicle>
Given a PBDOM_ELEMENT object elem_vehicle that represents the Vehicle element, consider the following statement:
elem_vehicle.AddNamespaceDeclaration("vehicle_specs",& "")
It transforms the Vehicle element as follows:
<Vehicle xmlns:vehicle_specs=""> <seats>4</seats> <color>Red</color> <engine> <capacity units="cc">1600</capacity> </engine> </Vehicle>
Vehicle, seats, color, engine, and capacity are all unqualified (that is, they have no namespace prefix). Therefore, the vehicle_specs namespace does not apply to any of them or their attributes or subelements.
However, consider the following statement:
elem_vehicle.AddNamespaceDeclaration("", & "")
It transforms the Vehicle element as follows:
<Vehicle xmlns:""> <seats>4</seats> <color>Red</color> <engine> <capacity units="cc">1600</capacity> </engine> </Vehicle> is the default namespace and so Vehicle, seats, color, engine, and capacity are all part of this namespace. Note that the default namespace does not apply to the units attribute.
Creates a clone of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.Clone(boolean bDeep)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. |
bDeep |
A boolean specifying whether a deep or shallow clone is returned. Values are true for a deep clone and false for a shallow clone. |
PBDOM_OBJECT. A clone of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
The Clone method is used to alter the following XML:
<Telephone_Book> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>21</Age> <Phone_Number>1234567</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> </Telephone_Book>
The Clone method is invoked from the following PowerScript code, where entry represents the Entry> element in the preceding XML:
PBDOM_ELEMENT elem_clone elem_clone = entry.Clone(true) pbdom_doc.AddContent(elem_clone)
The resulting XML contains two identical Entry> elements:
<Telephone_Book> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>21</Age> <Phone_Number>1234567</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>21</Age> <Phone_Number>1234567</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> </Telephone_Book>
This method creates and returns a duplicate of the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If a shallow clone is requested, this method clones the PBDOM_ELEMENT object together with its namespace information values and its PBDOM_ATTRIBUTEs and their subtrees. If a deep clone is requested, this method additionally recursively clones the subtree under the PBDOM_ELEMENT object. A PBDOM_ELEMENT clone has no parent. However, the clone resides in the same PBDOM_DOCUMENT as its original, and if the original PBDOM_ELEMENT object is standalone, the clone is standalone.
Detaches a PBDOM_ELEMENT object from its parent PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object detached from its parent object and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT. If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no parent, the Detach method does nothing.
Tests for equality between the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked and a PBDOM_OBJECT indicated by the method parameter.
pbdom_element_name.Equals(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_ref |
A PBDOM_OBJECT to be tested for equality with this PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if the PBDOM_ELEMENT object is equivalent to the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT and false otherwise.
The Equals method is invoked from the following PowerScript code, in which pbdom_doc represents a PBDOM_DOCUMENT object containing a root element:
PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_1 PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_2 PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc pbdom_elem_1 = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement() pbdom_elem_2 = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement() IF pbdom_elem_1.Equals(pbdom_elem_2) THEN MessageBox ("Equals", "The objects are equal") ELSE MessageBox ("Equals", "The objects are NOT equal") END IF pbdom_obj = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_obj.SetName("An_Element") IF pbdom_elem_1.Equals(pbdom_obj) THEN MessageBox ("Equals", "The objects are equal") ELSE MessageBox ("Equals", "The objects are NOT equal") END IF
Because pbdom_elem_1 and pbdom_elem_2 refer to the same root element, a message box reports that the objects are equal.
The GetAttribute method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 returns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object using the name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Syntax 2 returns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object with the name provided and within the namespace specified by the prefix and URI provided.
For this syntax |
See |
GetAttribute(string strName) |
GetAttribute(string strName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri) |
Returns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttribute(string strName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strName |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to be returned |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object matching the name specified in the method parameter. If no such PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object exists, the GetAttribute method returns a value of null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the supplied name is a qualified name that contains a namespace prefix.
The GetAttribute method is invoked for the following XML document:
<MyMusic:abc xmlns:MyMusic="" My_Attr="My MyMusic Attribute">Root Element Data</MyMusic:abc>
The GetAttribute method is invoked from the following PowerScript statement:
pbdom_attr = & pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetAttribute("My_Attr")
The GetAttribute method returns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object My_Attr.
If the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE name specified in the method parameter is a qualified name, an exception is thrown. A qualified name appears in the following form: [namespace_prefix]:[local_name].
Returns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object with the name provided and within the namespace specified by the prefix and URI provided.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttribute(string strName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strName |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to be returned |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to return |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to return |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object matching the name, namespace prefix, and URI specified in the method parameters. If no such PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object exists, the GetAttribute method returns a value of null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the arguments is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If there was any memory allocation failure during the running of this method.
Returns the complete set of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
If there are no PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object, the GetAttributes method returns an empty array.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttributes(ref pbdom_attribute pbdom_attribute_array)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_attribute_array |
An empty and unbounded array to be filled with references to the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects contained in the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if an array of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has been retrieved, and false otherwise.
GetAttributes returns the complete set of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object as an array of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects, or as an empty list (empty array) if there are none. The returned array items are “live” and changes to any item affect the referenced PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
The GetAttributeValue method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 returns the string value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object with the specified name.
Syntax 2 returns the string value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object with the specified name, using the prefix and URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Syntax 3 returns the string value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object with the specified name, using the prefix and URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. Syntax 3 also provides a default string value to return if the attribute does not exist.
Syntax 4 returns the string value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object with the specified name. Syntax 4 also provides a default string value to return if the attribute does not exist.
For this syntax |
See |
GetAttributeValue(string strAttributeName) |
GetAttributeValue(string strAttributeName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri) |
GetAttributeValue(string strAttributeName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, string strDefaultValue) |
GetAttributeValue(string strAttributeName, string strDefaultValue) |
Returns the string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object (within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object) with the specified name and within no namespace.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttributeValue(string strAttributeName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strAttributeName |
The name of the attribute whose value is to be returned |
String. The string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object specified in strAttributeName. If no such object exists, the GetAttributeValue method returns null.
If the text value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object is empty, the GetAttributeValue method returns an empty string.
Returns the string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object (within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object) with the specified name and within the specified namespace.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttributeValue( string strAttributeName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strAttributeName |
The name of the attribute whose value is to be returned |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE whose value is to be returned |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE whose value is to be returned |
String. The string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object specified in strAttributeName. If no such object exists, the GetAttributeValue method returns an empty string.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input arguments is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If there was any memory allocation failure during the execution of this method.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input attribute name or namespace prefix or namespace URI is invalid.
Returns the string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object (within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object) with the specified name and within the specified namespace. If no such PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE exists, the default value is returned.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttributeValue( string strAttributeName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, string strDefaultValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strAttributeName |
The name of the attribute whose value is to be returned |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE whose value is to be returned |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE whose value is to be returned |
strDefaultValue |
Default string value to return if the attribute does not exist |
String. The string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object specified in strAttributeName. If no such object exists, the GetAttributeValue method returns the string provided in strDefaultValue.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input arguments is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If there was any memory allocation failure during the execution of this method.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input attribute name or namespace prefix or namespace URI is invalid.
Returns the string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object (within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object) with the specified name. If no such PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE exists, the default value is returned.
pbdom_element_name.GetAttributeValue(string strAttributeName, string strDefaultValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strAttributeName |
The name of the attribute whose value is to be returned |
strDefaultValue |
Default string value to return if the attribute does not exist |
String. The string value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object specified in strAttributeName. If no such object exists, the GetAttributeValue method returns the string provided in strDefaultValue.
The GetChildElement method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 returns the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object that matches the name indicated by the method parameter.
Syntax 2 returns the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object that matches the name and namespace indicated by the method parameter.
For this syntax |
See |
GetChildElement(string strElementName) |
GetChildElement(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri) |
Returns the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object, matching the name indicated by the method parameter that is contained in the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked.
pbdom_element_name.GetChildElement(string strElementName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The local name of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be returned |
PBDOM_ELEMENT. The first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object whose name matches the value of the method parameter. If no PBDOM_ELEMENT object exists for the specified name, the GetChildElement method returns a value of null.
Returns the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object, matching the name and namespace indicated by the method parameter contained in the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked.
pbdom_element_name.GetChildElement(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The local name of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be returned |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the namespace of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be returned |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the namespace of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be returned |
PBDOM_ELEMENT. The first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object whose name and namespace information match the values of the method parameters. If no PBDOM_ELEMENT object exists for the specified name and namespace information, the GetChildElement method returns a value of null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input arguments is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input Element Name or input namespace prefix or namespace URI is invalid.
The GetChildElements method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The list is stored in the array specified when the method is invoked.
Syntax 2 retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object specified by the name provided and belonging to no namespace. The list is stored in the array specified when the method is invoked.
Syntax 3 retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object specified by the local name and namespace provided.
For this syntax |
See |
GetChildElements(ref pbdom_element pbdom_element_array[]) |
GetChildElements(string strElementName, ref pbdom_element pbdom_element_array[]) |
GetChildElements(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, ref pbdom_element pbdom_element_array[]) |
Retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The list is stored in the array specified when the method is invoked.
pbdom_element_name.GetChildElements(ref pbdom_element pbdom_element_array)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_element_array |
The array that stores the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects |
Boolean. Returns true if child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects have been collected, and false otherwise.
If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no nested elements, GetChildElements returns an empty array.
Retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object specified by the name provided and belonging to no namespace. The list is stored in the array specified when the method is invoked.
pbdom_element_name.GetChildElements(string strElementName, ref pbdom_element pbdom_element_array[])
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The name of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object for which to find children |
pbdom_element_array |
The array that stores the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects |
Boolean. Returns true if child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects have been collected, and false otherwise.
If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no nested elements, GetChildElements returns an empty array.
Retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object specified by the local name and namespace provided.
pbdom_element_name.GetChildElements(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, ref pbdom_element pbdom_element_array[])
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object for which to find children |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the namespace of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects to match |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the namespace of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects to match |
pbdom_element_array[] |
The array that stores the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects |
Boolean. Returns true if child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects have been collected, and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the parameters is invalid.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input element name or namespace prefix or namespace URI is invalid. The only exception is if the input element name is an empty string.
If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no nested elements, GetChildElements returns an empty array.
If the value of strElementName is an empty string, then all child elements match.
Obtains an array of PBDOM_OBJECT objects, each of which is a child node of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked. The returned array is “live” in that changes to any item of the array affect the actual item to which the array refers.
pbdom_element_name.GetContent(ref pbdom_object pbdom_object_array[ ])
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_array |
The name of an array of PBDOM_OBJECT objects that receive references to the PBDOM_OBJECT objects contained within the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true for success and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If the input array is null.
The GetContent method is invoked for the Root> PBDOM_ELEMENT object in the following XML DOM document:
<Root> <Element_1> <Element_1_1/> <Element_1_2/> <Element_1_3/> </Element_1> <Element_2/> <Element_3/> </Root>
The GetContent method is invoked from the following PowerScript code:
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_root PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj_array[] pbdom_elem_root = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement() pbdom_elem_root.GetContent(pbdom_obj_array)
If the GetContent method returns the value true, the PBDOM_OBJECT object pbdom_obj_array then contains the following content:
Array element |
Value |
1 |
<Element_1> |
2 |
<Element_2> |
3 |
<Element_3> |
Retrieves the local name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
String. The name of the element as it appears in the XML document but without any namespace prefix.
The GetName method returns the
string abc
when it is invoked
for the name of the following element:
<ns:abc>My Element</ns:abc>
For an XML element that appears in the form [namespace_prefix]:[element_name], the local element name is element_name. When the XML element has no namespace prefix, the local name is simply the element name.
Use the GetQualifiedName method to obtain the fully qualified name of an element (with the namespace prefix).
Returns the namespace prefix for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If no namespace prefix exists for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object, GetNamespacePrefix returns an empty string.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
String. The namespace prefix for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Returns the URI that is mapped to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object prefix or, if there is no prefix, to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object default namespace. If no URI is mapped to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object, GetNameSpaceUri returns an empty string.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
String. The namespace URI for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Returns a long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of a PBDOM_OBJECT object |
Long. A code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_ELEMENT object, the returned value is 3.
The GetObjectClass method returns a value specific to the class of the object from which the method is invoked.
PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj pbdom_obj = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT MessageBox ("Class", & string(pbdom_obj.GetObjectClass()))
This example illustrates polymorphism: pbdom_obj is declared as PBDOM_OBJECT but instantiated as PBDOM_ELMENT. A message box returns the result of the GetObjectClass method invoked for PBDOM_ELEMENT object. Here the result is 3, indicating that pbdom_obj is a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
This method can be used for diagnostic purposes to dynamically determine the type of a PBDOM_OBJECT at runtime.
Returns a string form of the class of the PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of your PBDOM_OBJECT object |
String. A string that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_ELEMENT object, the returned string is “pbdom_element”.
The GetObjectClass method returns a string specific to the class of the object from which the method is invoked.
PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj pbdom_obj = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT MessageBox ("Class", pbdom_obj.GetObjectClassString())
This example illustrates polymorphism: pbdom_obj is declared as PBDOM_OBJECT but instantiated as PBDOM_ELEMENT object. A message box returns the result of the GetObjectClassString method invoked for PBDOM_ELEMENT object. Here the result is pbdom_element, indicating that pbdom_obj is a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
This method can be used for diagnostic purposes to dynamically determine the actual type of a PBDOM_OBJECT at runtime.
Returns the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object that owns the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_DOCUMENT. The PBDOM_DOCUMENT that owns the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the GetOwnerDocumentObject method is invoked. A return value of null indicates that the PBDOM_ELEMENT object is not owned by any PBDOM_DOCUMENT.
The GetOwnerDocumentObject method is invoked from the following PowerScript code, where pbdom_root_elem refers to the root element of the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object pbdom_doc:
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_root_elem pbdom_root_elem = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement()
IF pbdom_doc.Equals & (pbdom_root_elem.GetOwnerDocumentObject()) THEN MessageBox ("Equals", "The objects are equal") END IF
The Equals method tests for equality between pbdom_doc and the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object returned from the GetOwnerDocumentObject method. A message box reports that the objects are equal.
Returns the parent object for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The parent object of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the GetParentObject method is invoked. A return value of null indicates the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no parent.
Returns the full name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object in the form [namespace_prefix]:[local_name]. If there is no namespace prefix for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object, the GetQualifiedName method returns the local name.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
String. The full name of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The full name consists of both a namespace prefix and a local name.
Obtains a concatenation of the text values of all the PBDOM_TEXT and PBDOM_CDATA nodes contained within the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
The GetText method is invoked for the abc PBDOM_ELEMENT object:
<abc>Root Element Data<data>ABC Data </data> now with extra info</abc>
The GetText method returns the following string:
Root Element Data now with extra info
The text “ABC Data” is excluded because it is not contained within the PBDOM_ELEMENT abc.
Returns the normalized text data contained in a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
The GetTextNormalize method is invoked for the abc element of the following XML:
<abc> Root Element Data <data>ABC Data </data> now with extra info </abc>
The GetTextNormalize method returns the following string:
Root Element Data now with extra info
The text data returned includes any text data contained in PBDOM_CDATA objects. All surrounding whitespace characters are removed. Internal whitespace characters are normalized to a single space. The GetTextNormalize method returns an empty string if no text values exist for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object or if there are only whitespace characters.
Returns the text data contained within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object with any leading and trailing whitespace characters removed.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
The GetTextTrim method is invoked for the abc element of the following XML:
<abc> Root Element Data <![CDATA[ with some cdata text ]]></abc>
The GetTextTrim method returns the following string:
Root Element Data with some cdata text
Surrounding whitespace characters are removed from the returned text data. The GetTextTrim method returns an empty string if no text value exists for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object or if the text value contains only whitespace characters.
Indicates whether a PBDOM_ELEMENT object has one or more attributes.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object has at least one attribute and false if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no attributes.
In the following document fragment, only the element site has an attribute (href):
<books> <title>Inside Wizardry</title> <author>Ron Potter</author> <site href=""/> </books>
If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object pbdom_elem_site represents the element site, the following call returns true:
Indicates whether a PBDOM_ELEMENT object has one or more child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object has at least one child PBDOM_ELEMENT object and false if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects.
The HasChildElements method is invoked for the books PBDOM_ELEMENT object in the following XML fragment:
<books> <title>Inside OLE</title> <author>Kraig Brockschmidt</author> <site href=""/> </books>
The books object has three child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects: title, author, and site. The HasChildElements method returns true.
Indicates whether a PBDOM_ELEMENT object has one or more child objects.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object has at least one child object and false if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object has no child objects.
The HasChildren method is invoked for elements in the following XML fragment:
<books> <title>Inside OLE</title> <author>Kraig Brockschmidt</author> <site href=""/> </books>
The books element has three child elements: title, author, and site. The title and author elements each have a child PBDOM_TEXT object. The HasChildren method returns a value of true when invoked for these elements.
In contrast, the site element has a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE href, which is not considered a child PBDOM_OBJECT. The HasChildren method returns a value of False when invoked for the site element.
PBDOM's implementation of the HasChildren method differs from JDOM's implementation in that the JDOM HasChildren method returns true only if an Element contains child Elements. Text and other types of objects do not count.PBDOM provides an alternative method, HasChildElements, to specifically detect whether a PBDOM_ELEMENT object has at least one child PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Inserts a new PBDOM_OBJECT into a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.InsertContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_new, pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_new |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to insert |
pbdom_object_ref |
A positional reference PBDOM_OBJECT in front of which the new PBDOM_OBJECT is to be inserted |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – If an invalid PBDOM_OBJECT is added. See AddContent for the valid PBDOM_OBJECT objects that can be added to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. This exception is also thrown if the input PBDOM_OBJECT or the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is this PBDOM_ELEMENT object itself.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT to insert has not been given a user-defined name. The same exception is also thrown if the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is also not given a user-defined name, unless the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is specifically set to null.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT to insert is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT. The same exception is also thrown if the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is also not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT unless the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is specifically set to null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If the reference PBDOM_OBJECT (second parameter) is intended to be null but is not specifically set to null using the SetNull method.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_ALREADY_HAS_PARENT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT to insert already has a parent.
EXCEPTION_WRONG_PARENT_ERROR – If the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is not a child of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
EXCEPTION_HIERARCHY_ERROR – If inserting the input PBDOM_OBJECT will cause the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be no longer well formed.
The following PowerScript code is used to create an XML document:
pbdom_doc1 = Create PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_elem_1 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_2 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_3 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_1.SetName ("pbdom_elem_1") pbdom_elem_2.SetName ("pbdom_elem_2") pbdom_elem_3.SetName ("pbdom_elem_3") pbdom_doc1.NewDocument ("", "", "Root_Element", "", "") pbdom_elem_root = pbdom_doc1.GetRootElement() pbdom_elem_root.AddContent (pbdom_elem_1) pbdom_elem_root.AddContent (pbdom_elem_3)
The following XML results:
!DOCTYPE Root_Element> <Root_Element> <pbdom_elem_1 /> <pbdom_elem_3 /> </Root_Element>
The InsertContent method is used to add an element between pbdom_elem_1 and pbdom_elem_3:
pbdom_elem_root.InsertContent(pbdom_elem_2, & pbdom_elem_3)
The following XML results:
<!DOCTYPE Root_Element> <Root_Element> <pbdom_elem_1 /> <pbdom_elem_2 /> <pbdom_elem_3 /> </Root_Element>
The inserted object becomes a child of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The new PBDOM_OBJECT is positioned before another PBDOM_OBJECT, which is specified in the second of two parameters.
Determines whether a PBDOM_ELEMENT object is the ancestor of the PBDOM_OBJECT indicated by the method parameter.
pbdom_element_name.IsAncestorObjectOf(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to be tested for equality with this PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object is the ancestor of the specified PBDOM_OBJECT, and false otherwise.
Indicates whether a PBDOM_ELEMENT object is the root element of a PBDOM_DOCUMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object is the root element of a PBDOM_DOCUMENT, and false otherwise.
The RemoveAttribute method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 removes a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from its owner PBDOM_ELEMENT object using a reference to the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Syntax 2 removes a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from its owner PBDOM_ELEMENT object using the name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Syntax 3 removes a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from its owner PBDOM_ELEMENT object using the name and namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
For this syntax |
See |
RemoveAttribute(pbdom_attribute pbdom_attribute_ref) |
RemoveAttribute(string strAttributeName) |
RemoveAttribute(string strAttributeName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri) |
Removes a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from its owner PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveAttribute(pbdom_attribute pbdom_attribute_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_attribute_ref |
The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to remove from this PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if the specified PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE was removed, and false otherwise.
Removes a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE specified by the name provided that is not contained in a namespace. If no such PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE exists, RemoveAttribute does nothing.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveAttribute(string strAttributeName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strAttributeName |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if the specified PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE was removed, and false otherwise.
Removes a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE specified by the name and namespace provided. If no such PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE exists, RemoveAttribute does nothing.
bdom_element_name.RemoveAttribute(string strAttributeName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strAttributeName |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to remove |
strNamespacePrefix |
Prefix of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to remove |
strNamespaceUri |
URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if the specified PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE was removed, and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input parameters is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING – If the input Attribute Name is invalid (for example, contains a colon), or if the namespace prefix or URI is invalid.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If a memory allocation failure occurred during the execution of this method.
The RemoveChildElement method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 removes the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object (one level deep) that has the local name provided and belongs to no namespace.
Syntax 2 removes the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object (one level deep) that has the local name provided and belongs to the specified namespace.
For this syntax |
See |
RemoveChildElement(string strElementName) |
RemoveChildElement(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri) |
Removes the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object (one level deep) that has the local name provided and belongs to no namespace.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveChildElement(string strElementName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The name of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT object to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if the specified PBDOM_ELEMENT object was removed, and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If the input parameter is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING – If the input element name is invalid.
Removes the first child PBDOM_ELEMENT object (one level deep) that has the local name provided and belongs to the specified namespace.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveChildElement(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The name of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object to remove |
strNamespacePrefix |
Prefix of the namespace of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object to remove |
strNamespaceUri |
URI of the namespace of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if the specified PBDOM_ELEMENT object was removed and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If the input parameter is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING – If the input element name is invalid or the input namespace prefix or URI is invalid.
The RemoveChildElements method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 method removes from the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects. It uses no parameters.
Syntax 2 method removes from the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects that have the specified local name and belong to no namespace.
Syntax 3 removes from the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects (one level deep) that have the specified local name and belong to the specified namespace.
For this syntax |
See |
RemoveChildElements() |
RemoveChildElements(string strElementName) |
RemoveChildElements(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri) |
Removes from the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects. It uses no parameters.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if any child PBDOM_ELEMENT object was removed and false otherwise.
Removes from the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects that have the specified local name and belong to no namespace.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveChildElements(string strElementName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The name of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if any child PBDOM_ELEMENT object was removed, and false otherwise.
Removes from the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects (one level deep) that have the specified local name and belong to the specified namespace.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveChildElements(string strElementName, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strElementName |
The name of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects to remove |
strNamespacePrefix |
Prefix of the namespace of the child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects to remove |
strNamespaceUri |
URI of the namespace of the child PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if any child PBDOM_ELEMENT object was removed and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input parameters is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input element name or namespace prefix or URI is invalid. The only exception is if the input element name is an empty string, in which case all element names match.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If there was any memory allocation failure during the execution of this method.
Removes a child PBDOM_OBJECT from a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. All children of the removed PBDOM_OBJECT are also removed.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if the specified content was removed and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT has not been given a user-defined name.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERROR – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not from the same document as this PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
EXCEPTION_WRONG_PARENT_ERROR – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not a child of the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
The RemoveContent method is used to modify the following XML fragment:
<Telephone_Book> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>21</Age> <Phone_Number>1234567</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> </Telephone_Book>
The RemoveContent method is invoked from the following PowerScript code:
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_entry pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().RemoveContent(pbdom_entry)
The following XML results:
Removes the specified PBDOM_NAMESPACE declaration for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If the namespace prefix is an empty string, RemoveNamespaceDeclaration removes a default namespace declaration.
pbdom_element_name.RemoveNamespaceDeclaration(string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strNamespacePrefix |
Prefix of the namespace declaration to remove |
strNamespaceUri |
URI of the namespace declaration to remove |
Boolean. Returns true if the namespace has been removed from the PBDOM_ELEMENT object, and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input parameters is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the namespace prefix or URI is invalid, or both the namespace prefix and URI are invalid as a pair.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If any memory allocation failure occurred during the execution of this method.
The SetAttribute method is overloaded:
Syntax 1 adds a predefined PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Syntax 2 adds a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object and its value to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object using strings for the name and value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Syntax 3 adds an attribute/value pair to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object using strings for the name and value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, and the prefix and URI of the namespace to which the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE belongs.
For this syntax |
See |
SetAttribute(pbdom_attribute pbdom_attribute_ref) |
SetAttribute(string strName, string strValue) |
SetAttribute(string strName, string strValue, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, boolean bVerifyNamespace) |
Adds a predefined PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. Any existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI is overwritten.
pbdom_element_name.SetAttribute(pbdom_attribute pbdom_attribute_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_attribute_ref |
The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to be set for this PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_ELEMENT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified to contain the specified PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The input PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is invalid. This can happen if it has not been initialized properly or it is a null object reference.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – The input PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has not been given a user-defined name.
The SetAttribute method is invoked for the following element:
The SetAttribute method is invoked from the following PowerScript code, where elem_image represents the image element from the preceding XML:
attr_src.SetName("src") attr_src.SetValue("logo.gif") elem_image.SetAttribute(attr_src)
The following XML results:
<image src="logo.gif"></image>
The following example demonstrates the impact of setting a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object where the PBDOM_ELEMENT object already contains an attribute of the same name and namespace URI as the input PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
The example creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based on the following document:
<root xmlns:pre1="" xmlns:pre2=""> <child1 pre1:a="123"/> </root>
Then it creates a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object and sets
its name to a
and its prefix
and URI to pre2
The bVerifyNamespace argument is set to false because
this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has not been assigned an owner PBDOM_ELEMENT
object yet, so that the verification for a predeclared namespace
would fail. The text value is set to 456
.The child1 element
already contains an attribute named a that
belongs to the namespace, as
indicated by the prefix pre1. The new PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE
uses the prefix pre2, but it represents the
same namespace URI, so setting the new PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE
to child1 successfully replaces the existing pre1:a with
the new PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pre2:a.
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<root xmlns:pre1=~"" xmlns:pre2=~""><child1 pre1:a=~"123~"/></root>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString (strXML) // Create a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE and set its properties pbdom_attr = Create PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr.SetName ("a") pbdom_attr.SetNamespace ("pre2", & "", false) pbdom_attr.SetText("456") // Attempt to obtain the child1 element and // set the new attribute to it pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetChildElement("child1").SetAttribute(pbdom_attr) pbdom_doc.SaveDocument & ("pbdom_elem_set_attribute_1.xml") catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", except.GetMessage()) end try
When saved and converted to an XML document, the document looks like the following :
<root xmlns:pre1="" xmlns:pre2="" <child1 pre2:a="456"/ </root
This method allows the caller to add a predefined PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If this PBDOM_ELEMENT object already contains an existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI as the input PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, the existing attribute is replaced by the input PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
If a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has been created to represent the original attribute, it is still valid after the call, but the attribute that it represents has been detached from the original owner element. Calling GetOwnerElementObject on this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE returns a null value.
Adds a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object and its value to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. Any existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI is overwritten.
pbdom_element_name.SetAttribute(string strName, string strValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strName |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to be added |
strValue |
The value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to be added |
PBDOM_ELEMENT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified to contain the specified PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE with the specified value.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – One or both of the input strings are invalid. This can happen if either or both strings have not been initialized properly or are null.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – Insufficient memory was encountered while executing this method.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_ELEMENT object’s internal implementation is null. The occurrence of this exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – An invalid name for the attribute is supplied.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING – An invalid string for the attribute value is supplied.
The SetAttribute method is invoked for the following XML element:
The SetAttribute method is invoked from the following PowerScript statement, where elem_code represents the code element:
elem_code.SetAttribute("type", "ISBN")
The following XML element results:
<code type="ISBN">0789725045</code>
The following example demonstrates the effect of setting an attribute for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object when the PBDOM_ELEMENT object already contains an attribute of the same name. The example creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based on the following document:
<root xmlns:pre1=""> <child1 pre1:a="123" b="456"/> </root>
The child1 element already contains an attribute named b with value 456. Calling the SetAttribute method with name b and value 789 creates a new attribute for child1 that replaces the original b attribute.
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc string strXML = "<root xmlns:pre1=~"" ><child1 pre1:a=~"123~" b=~"456~"/></root>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetChildElement("child1").SetAttribute("b", "789") catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", except.GetMessage()) end try
After the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object is saved and converted to XML, the XML document looks like the following:
<root xmlns:pre1=""> <child1 pre1:a="123" b="789"/> </root>
This method allows the caller to add an attribute/value pair to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object already contains an existing attribute that has the same name as the input name and that belongs to no namespace, the original attribute is removed from this PBDOM_ELEMENT object and a new one (corresponding to the specified attribute name and value) is created and set in its place.
If a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has been created to represent the original attribute, it is still valid, but the attribute that it represents has been detached from the original owner element. Calling GetOwnerElementObject on this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE returns a null value.
Adds an attribute/value pair to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The attribute namespace is specified, and any existing attribute of the same name and namespace URI is removed.
pbdom_element_name.SetAttribute(string strName, string strValue, string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, boolean bVerifyNamespace)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strName |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to be added |
strValue |
The value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE to be added |
strNamespacePrefix |
The prefix of the namespace to which the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE belongs |
strNamespaceUri |
The URI of the namespace to which the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE belongs |
bVerifyNamespace |
Specifies whether or not the method should verify the existence of an in-scope namespace declaration for the given prefix and URI |
Long. Returns 0 if no namespace verification error occurs and -1 if no in-scope namespace declaration exists for the given prefix and URI settings.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the arguments is invalid. This can happen if any of the input strings has been set to null using the PowerScript SetNull function.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_ELEMENT object's internal implementation is null. The occurrence of this exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – The input namespace prefix or the URI, or their combination, is not valid. This will happen if:
The namespace prefix is an empty string and the URI is not an empty string. If both are empty strings, the NONAMESPACE namespace is being specified and this prefix/URI combination is correct.
The namespace prefix is xmlns and the URI is not This namespace prefix/URI pair is unique and exclusive and cannot be used separately. The use of this pair signifies a namespace declaration.
The namespace prefix string is invalid. That is, it does not conform to the W3C “Namespaces in XML” specifications for the name of a prefix.
The namespace URI string is invalid. That is, it does not conform to the W3C specifications for a URI string.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If there has been any memory allocation failure during this method call.
The SetAttribute method is invoked for the following XML element:
The SetAttribute method is invoked from the following PowerScript statement, where elem_code represents the code element:
elem_code.SetAttribute("type", "ISBN", "ns", & "", false)
The following XML element results:
<code ns:type="ISBN">0789725045</code>
The following example demonstrates the effect of setting an attribute with a particular name and namespace URI for an element that already contains an existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI. It creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based on the following XML:
<root xmlns:pre1="" xmlns:pre2=""> <child1 pre1:a="123"/> </root>
The child1 element already contains an attribute named a that belongs to the namespace, as indicated by the pre1 prefix. The call to SetAttribute attempts to set an attribute for child1 with the same name, a, but with the namespace prefix pre2.
The last parameter, bVerifyNamespace, is set to true. This tells the SetAttribute method to check first to see if an in-scope namespace declaration for pre2 and exists. An in-scope declaration for this namespace prefix/URI pair does exist, and so the verification succeeds.The original pre1:a attribute is removed from the child1 element and a new attribute pre2:a, belonging to the same namespace and with the value 456, is created and set in its place. The new attribute replaces the original attribute, instead of being set as an additional attribute, because both attributes have the same URI.
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc string strXML = "<root xmlns:pre1=~"" xmlns:pre2=~""><child1 pre1:a=~"123~"/></root>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString (strXML)
pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetChildElement("child1").SetAttribute("a", "456", "pre2", "", true) catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_except.GetMessage()) end try
This method allows the caller to add an attribute/value pair to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
The parameter bVerifyNamespace, when set to true, instructs the method to perform a thorough search up the DOM node tree, starting at the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object, to check for an in-scope namespace declaration for the given prefix and URI. If a namespace declaration is not found, no attribute is created. If a namespace declaration is found, an attribute is created.If the bVerifyNamespace parameter is set to false, no verification search is performed, and the method always returns 0.
If the PBDOM_ELEMENT object already contains an existing attribute that has the same name as the input name and the same namespace URI as the input namespace URI, the original attribute is replaced with a new one with the same name and URI.
If a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has been created to represent the original attribute, it is still valid, but the attribute that it represents has been detached from the original owner element. Calling GetOwnerElementObject on this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE returns a null value.
Sets the attributes for the DOM element represented by the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.SetAttributes(pbdom_attribute pbdom_attribute_array[])
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_attribute_array |
An array of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects |
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – The internal implementation of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object or one of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array items is null. This exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If two or more PBDOM_ATTRIBUTEs in the array contain the same name and namespace URI.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – One of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array items has not been named.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_ALREADY_HAS_OWNER – One of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array items already has an owner PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
This example demonstrates setting the attributes of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object using an array of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects. It builds a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based on the following XML:
<root xmlns:pre1=""> <child1 pre1:a="123"/> </root>
The code creates an array of three PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects with names a, b, and c, and sets their namespace prefixes and URIs to pre1 and The call to SetAttributes attempts to set the attributes of child1 using the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTEs of this array. When you save PBDOM_DOCUMENT and convert it to an XML document, the result is:
<root xmlns:pre1=""> <child1 pre1:a="456" pre1:b="456" pre1:c="456" /> </root>
Although child1 originally contained the pre1:a attribute, and the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array also contained an item with name a within the namespace URI, no exception is thrown. The original pre1:a attribute is replaced by the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array item with name a within the namespace URI
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_array[] string Name[] long l = 0 string strXML = "<root xmlns:pre1=~""><child1 pre1:a=~"123~"/></root>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString (strXML) Name[1] = "a" Name[2] = "b" Name[3] = "c" for l = 1 to 3 pbdom_attr_array[l] = Create PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_array[l].SetName (Name[l]) pbdom_attr_array[l].SetNamespace ("pre1", & "", false) pbdom_attr_array[l].SetText("456") next pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetChildElement & ("child1").SetAttributes(pbdom_attr_array) pbdom_doc.SaveDocument ("set_attributes.xml") catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", except.GetMessage()) end try
This method sets the attributes of the DOM element represented by this PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The supplied array should contain only objects of type PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
When all objects in the supplied array are legal and before the new attributes are added, all old attributes have their parentage set to null (no parent) and the old attribute list is cleared from this PBDOM_ELEMENT object. This has the effect that any active attribute list (previously obtained with a call to GetAttributes) also changes to reflect the new situation with the old attributes. In addition, all PBDOM_ATTRIBUTEs in the supplied array have their parentage set to this current PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Passing an empty array clears the existing attributes of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
This method fails and an exception is thrown if the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array contains two or more PBDOM_ATTRIBUTEs with the same name and namespace URI.No exception is thrown if this PBDOM_ELEMENT object contains an existing attribute whose name and namespace URI matches one of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE array items. All the existing attributes of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object are removed, so it does not matter whether any existing attribute matches any of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE items in the array in terms of name and namespace URI.In the event of an exception, the original attributes of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object remain unchanged, and the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTEs in the supplied array are not altered.If any PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has been created to represent any original attribute, it is still valid, but the attribute it represents has been detached from the original owner element. Calling GetOwnerElementObject on this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE returns a null value.
Sets the content of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object using an array containing PBDOM_OBJECT objects legal for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. Any existing children of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object are removed when the SetContent method is invoked.
If the input array reference is null, all contents of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object are removed. If the array contains illegal objects, an exception is thrown, and nothing is altered.
pbdom_element_name.SetContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_array[])
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_array |
An array of PBDOM_OBJECTS to form the contents the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If an input PBDOM_OBJECT array item has not been given a user-defined name.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If an input PBDOM_OBJECT array item is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – If an inappropriate PBDOM_OBJECT array item is found. This happens if the PBDOM_OBJECT array item is not allowed to be added as a child of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object (for example, a PDBOM_DOCUMENT).
EXCEPTION_HIERARCHY_ERROR – If one of the PBDOM_OBJECT array items, if set as part of the contents of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object, will cause the current PBDOM_ELEMENT object to be no longer well formed.
The SetContent method is invoked on the following XML fragment:
<Telephone_Book> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>21</Age> <Phone_Number>1234567</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> </Telephone_Book>
The SetContent method is invoked from the following PowerScript code:
PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj_array[] pbdom_obj_array[1] = entry_1 pbdom_obj_array[2] = entry_2 pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().SetContent(pbdom_obj_array)
The entry_1 PBDOM_ELEMENT object contains the following:
<Entry> <Particulars> <Name>James Gomez</Name> <Age>25</Age> <Phone_Number>1111111</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry>
The entry_2 PBDOM_ELEMENT object contains the following:
<Entry> <Particulars> <Name>Mary Jones</Name> <Age>22</Age> <Phone_Number>2222222</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry>
The SetContent method returns the following:
<Telephone_Book> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>James Gomez</Name> <Age>25</Age> <Phone_Number>1111111</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> <Entry> <Particulars> <Name>Mary Jones</Name> <Age>22</Age> <Phone_Number>2222222</Phone_Number> </Particulars> </Entry> </Telephone_Book>
Only the following PBDOM_OBJECT types can be validly added to a PBDOM_ELEMENT object:
Sets a PBDOM_DOCUMENT as parent of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object, making the PBDOM_ELEMENT object the root element.
pbdom_element_name.SetDocument(pbdom_document pbdom_document_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_document_ref |
The PBDOM_DOCUMENT to be set as the owner document and parent of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
The PBDOM_OBJECT referenced must be a PBDOM_DOCUMENT object. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object must not already have a parent object. If the target PBDOM_DOCUMENT already has a root element, the existing root element is replaced by the new PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
Sets the local name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. This name refers to the local portion of the element tag name.
pbdom_element_name.SetName(string strName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strName |
The new local name for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Boolean. Returns true if the local name of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object has been changed, and false otherwise.
The SetName method is invoked for the abc element of the following XML fragment:
<abc>My Data</abc>
The SetName method is invoked in the following PowerScript code, in which the PBDOM_ELEMENT object elem represents the abc element.
The following XML results:
<def>My Data</def>
Since the elem object still represents
the same element, calling the SetName method
changes the def element.
Sets the namespace for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If the namespace prefix and URI provided are empty strings, SetNamespace assigns no namespace to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
pbdom_element_name.SetNamespace(string strNamespacePrefix, string strNamespaceUri, boolean bVerifyNamespace)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strNamespacePrefix |
Prefix of the namespace to be set for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strNamespaceUri |
URI of the namespace to be set for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
bVerifyNamespace |
A boolean value indicating whether verification should be performed to ensure that the provided namespace prefix and URI have been declared either within this PBDOM_ELEMENT object or in an ancestor PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
Long. Returns 0 for success and -1 if no in-scope namespace declaration matching the input prefix and URI exists.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If any of the input arguments is invalid, for example, null.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input namespace prefix or URI is invalid.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If a memory allocation failure occurred during the execution of this method.
EXCEPTION_INTERNAL_XML_ENGINE_ERROR – If an internal XML engine failure occurred during the execution of this method.
If bVerifyNamespace is set to true and the namespace prefix and URI have not been declared, SetNamespace returns a value of -1 and fails.If bVerifyNamespace is set to false, SetNamespace sets the namespace of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object to the specified prefix and URI. It is the responsibility of the PBDOM user to ensure that such a namespace is declared and is in scope for this PBDOM_ELEMENT object before the document is saved and converted to an XML document.
Sets the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT as the parent of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked.
pbdom_element_name.SetParentObject(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to be set as the parent of this PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not allowed to be the parent of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is nameable and has not been named.
If the class of the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT is PBDOM_DOCUMENT, then the behavior of SetParentObject is identical to that of the SetDocument method. If the class of the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT is PBDOM_ELEMENT, SetParentObject sets the referenced object as the parent of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object from which the method is invoked. If the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT is of any other class, an exception is thrown.
Sets the content of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object to the text provided.
pbdom_element_name.SetText(string strText)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_element_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
strText |
String to be set as the content of the PBDOM_ELEMENT object |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ELEMENT object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT.
Existing text content and non-text content are replaced by the text provided in strText. A value of null for strText is equivalent to an empty string value. If the PBDOM_ELEMENT is to have both text content and nested elements, use the SetContent method instead of SetText.