The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE class defines the behavior for an XML attribute, modeled in PowerScript. Its methods allow you to obtain the value of the attribute as well as namespace information.
A PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE contains a subtree of child PBDOM_OBJECTS. These children can be a combination of PBDOM_TEXT and PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects.
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has no parent.
A PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE does not have a parent. However,
it does have an owner PBDOM_ELEMENT. Use the GetOwnerElementObject and SetOwnerElementObject to
get and set the owner.
For more information about the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object, including its default PBDOM_TEXT object and its behavior with respect to XML namespaces, see the chapter on using XML services in Application Techniques.
Some of the inherited methods from PBDOM_OBJECT serve no meaningful objective and only default or trivial functionalities result. These are described in the following table:
Method |
Always returns |
GetParentObject |
null |
SetParentObject |
The current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, returned unmodified as a PBDOM_OBJECT |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has the following methods:
Adds the input PBDOM_OBJECT as a child of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
pbdom_attribute_name.AddContent( pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to add |
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_OBJECT – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT has not been given a user-defined name.
pbdom_object_ref must be a reference to a PBDOM_TEXT or PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object.
Creates a clone of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
pbdom_attribute_name.Clone(boolean bDeep)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. |
bDeep |
A boolean specifying whether a deep or shallow clone is returned. Values are true for a deep clone and false for a shallow clone. |
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object’s internal implementation is null. The occurrence of this exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE does not have or has not been assigned a user-defined name.
This example creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from
the string <abc My_Attr="An
, gets the attribute from
the root element, and creates a shallow clone and a deep clone from
it. For the shallow clone, an empty string is returned in the message
box. For the deep clone, the string An Attribute
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_clone_deep PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_clone_shallow string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"An Attribute~"/>" TRY pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString(strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") pbdom_attr_clone_shallow = pbdom_attr.Clone(false) MessageBox ("Shallow Attribute Clone Text", & pbdom_attr_clone_shallow.GetText()) pbdom_attr_clone_deep = pbdom_attr.Clone(true) MessageBox ("Deep Attribute Clone Text", & pbdom_attr_clone_deep.GetText()) CATCH (PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", & pbdom_except.GetMessage()) END TRY
The Clone method creates and returns a duplicate of the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
If a shallow clone is requested, this method clones the original PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE together with its namespace information values. The subtree of child PBDOM_TEXT and/or PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects is not cloned.
If a deep clone is requested, this method additionally recursively clones the subtree under the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. This subtree consists of a combination of PBDOM_TEXT and PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects that are the legal children of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
A PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE clone has no parent. However, the clone resides in the same PBDOM_DOCUMENT as its original, and if the original PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is standalone, the clone is standalone.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object detached from its owner object.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object's internal implementation is null. The occurrence of this exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
The Detach method can be used to manipulate an XML document as follows:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdombuilder_new PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"My Attribute Value~"><data>Data</data></abc>"
TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") pbdom_attr.Detach() pbdom_elem = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetChildElement("data") pbdom_elem.SetAttribute (pbdom_attr) Destroy pbdombuilder_new Destroy pbdom_doc CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
Here, the PBDOM_Builder BuildFromString method is used to create the following PBDOM_DOCUMENT object, pbdom_doc, using an XML string:
<abc My_Attr="My Attribute Value"> <data>Data </data> </abc>
The GetAttribute method is used to obtain the attribute from the root element of pbdom_doc. This value is assigned to the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object pbdom_attr. The pbdom_attr object is detached from its parent element, and the data element is obtained from pbdom_doc using the GetChildElement method. The data element is then assigned to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object pbdom_elem. The attribute assigned to pbdom_attr is assigned to pbdom_elem, yielding the following modified pbdom_doc:
<abc> <data My_Attr="My Attribute Value">Data</data> </abc>
If the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object has no owner PBDOM_ELEMENT, the Detach method does nothing.
Tests for equality between the supplied PBDOM_OBJECT and the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the method is invoked.
pbdom_attribute_name.Equals(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_object_ref |
A PBDOM_OBJECT to be compared |
Boolean. Returns true if the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is equivalent to the input PBDOM_OBJECT and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE does not have or has not been assigned a user-defined name.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – if the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not a reference to an object derived from PBDOM_OBJECT.
The following code uses the Equals method to test for equivalence between a referenced PBDOM_OBJECT and a cloned object.
pbdom_attr = Create PBDOM_Attribute pbdom_attr.SetName("My_Attr") pbdom_attr_clone = pbdom_attr.Clone(true) if (pbdom_attr_clone.Equals(pbdom_attr)) then MessageBox ("Equals", "Yes") else MessageBox ("Equals", "No") end if
The SetName method names the newly created PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, which is subsequently cloned with the Clone method. The Equals method tests for equality between the cloned PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_clone and the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_attr. A message box displays the result returned from the Equals method.
Note here that because a cloned object is never equivalent to the object from which it is cloned, the Equals method returns false.
The following code uses the Equals method to test for equivalence between two cloned objects.
pbdom_attr = Create PBDOM_Attribute pbdom_attr.SetName("My_Attr") pbdom_attr_clone = pbdom_attr.Clone(true) pbdom_attr_2 = pbdom_attr_clone if (pbdom_attr_clone.Equals(pbdom_attr_2)) then
MessageBox ("Equals", "Yes") else MessageBox ("Equals", "No") end if
A newly created PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is cloned, and a reference to this clone is assigned to pbdom_attr_2. The Equals method tests for equality between the cloned PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_clone and the reference to it, pbdom_attr_2. A message box displays the result returned from the Equals method.
Here the Equals method returns true.
Note that the clone of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is not considered equal to itself.
Obtains the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object in boolean form.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
The following table lists the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE string values that are accepted as boolean and the corresponding return values from the GetBooleanValue method.
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE string value |
GetBooleanValue |
1 |
true |
0 |
false |
true |
false |
ON |
true |
false |
true |
NO |
false |
Strings are treated without case sensitivity. If no conversion can occur, the GetBooleanValue method throws an exception.
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
The GetBooleanValue can be used to evaluate a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as follows:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbombuilder_new PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<abc My_Boolean_Attribute =~"on~"><data An_Attribute=~"Some Text~">Data</data></abc>" TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Boolean_Attribute") MessageBox ("Boolean Value", & string(pbdom_attr.GetBooleanValue())) Destroy pbdombuilder_new Destroy pbdom_doc CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
The BuildFromString method is used to create a PBDOM_DOCUMENT object, pbdom_doc, using an XML string. The attribute value of the root element of pbdom_doc is assigned to the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object pbdom_attr. The attribute value, on, is evaluated with the GetBooleanValue method. A message box reports the return value of the GetBooleanValue method.
Returns an array of PBDOM_OBJECT objects that are the children of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The children of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE can be only PBDOM_TEXT or PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects.
pbdom_attribute_name.GetContent(ref pbdom_object pbdom_object_array[ ])
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_object_array |
The referenced name of an array of PBDOM_OBJECTs that receives PBDOM_OBJECTs |
Boolean. This method always returns true.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type Date.
pbdom_attribute_name.GetDateValue(string strDateFormat)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strDateFormat |
The date format for the return value, for example, MM:DD:YYYY |
The value of the strDateFormat parameter can use slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters with special meaning in strDateFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
D |
Day number with no leading zero |
5 |
DD |
Day number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Month number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Month number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
YY |
Two-digit year number |
05 |
Four-digit year number |
2005 |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type DateTime.
pbdom_attribute_name.GetDateTimeValue(stringstrDateFormat, string strTimeFormat)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strDateFormat |
The date format for the return value, for example, MM:DD:YYYY |
strTimeFormat |
The time format for the return value, for example, HH:MM:SS |
The value of the strDateFormat parameter can use slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters that have special meaning in strDateFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
D |
Day number with no leading zero |
5 |
DD |
Day number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Month number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Month number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
YY |
Two-digit year number |
05 |
Four-digit year number |
2005 |
The value of the strTimeFormat parameter can use slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters that have special meaning in strTimeFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
H |
Hour number with no leading zero |
5 |
HH |
Hour number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Minutes number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Minutes number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
S |
Seconds number with no leading zero |
5 |
SS |
Seconds number with leading zero, if applicable |
55 |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object in double form.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Throws exception_data_conversion if the method fails to convert data.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type int.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type long.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Retrieves the local name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE does not have or has not been assigned a user-defined name.
When the GetName method is invoked
for the attribute name in the following element, it returns the
string ATTRIBUTE_1
<abc ATTRIBUTE_1="My Attribute">
When the GetName method is invoked for the name of the eMusic:Type attribute in the following element, it returns the string Type:
<eMusic:CD xmlns:eMusic="" eMusic:Type="Jazz"/>
The namespace prefix is not part of the return string.
For an XML attribute that appears in the form [namespace_prefix]:[attribute_name], the local attribute name is attribute_name. Where the XML attribute has no namespace prefix, the local name is simply the attribute name.
Use the GetNamespacePrefix method to obtain the namespace prefix for a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. Use the GetQualifiedName method to obtain the fully qualified name for a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
Obtains the namespace prefix of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The GetNamespacePrefix method returns an empty string if the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has no namespace.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
For a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object that has the form [namespacePrefix]:[attributeName], the namespace prefix is [namespacePrefix].
Obtains the namespace URI of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The GetNamespaceUri method returns an empty string if the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has no namespace.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
Returns a long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of a PBDOM_OBJECT |
Long. GetObjectClass returns a long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, the returned value is 5.
This example illustrates polymorphism: pbdom_obj is declared as PBDOM_OBJECT but instantiated as PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. A message box returns the result of the GetObjectClass method invoked for PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. Here the result is 5, indicating that pbdom_obj is a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj pbdom_obj = Create PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE MessageBox ("Class", & string(pbdom_obj.GetObjectClass()))
This method can be used for diagnostic purposes to dynamically determine the type of a PBDOM_OBJECT at runtime.
Returns a string form of the class of the PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of a PBDOM_OBJECT |
String. GetObjectClassString returns a string that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, the returned string is “pbdom_attribute”.
The GetObjectClass method returns a string specific to the class of the object from which the method is invoked.
This example illustrates polymorphism: pbdom_obj is declared as PBDOM_OBJECT but instantiated as PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. A message box returns the result of the GetObjectClassString method invoked for PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. Here the result is pbdom_attribute, indicating that pbdom_obj is a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj pbdom_obj = Create PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE MessageBox ("Class", pbdom_obj.GetObjectClassString())
This method can be used for diagnostic purposes to dynamically determine the actual type of a PBDOM_OBJECT at runtime.
Returns the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object that owns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_DOCUMENT. The PBDOM_DOCUMENT that owns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object from which the GetOwnerDocumentObject method is invoked.
A return value of null indicates the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object is not owned by any PBDOM_DOCUMENT.
The GetOwnerDocumentObject method can be used to identify the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object that owns a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
Here, the BuildFromString method is used to create the following PBDOM_DOCUMENT object, pbdom_doc, using an XML string:
<abc My_Attr="My Attribute Value"> <data>Data </data> </abc>
The GetAttribute method is used to obtain the attribute from the root element of pbdom_doc. This value is assigned to the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object pbdom_attr. The GetOwnerDocumentObject method is used to obtain the pbdom_doc that owns pbdom_attr. The result of the GetOwnerDocumentObject method is assigned to the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object pbdom_doc_2. Then pbdom_doc_2 is compared to pbdom_doc using the Equals method, and the result is displayed in a message box.
PBDOM_Builder pbdombuilder_new pbdom_document pbdom_doc pbdom_document pbdom_doc_2 PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"My Attribute Value~"><data>Data </data></abc>" TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") pbdom_doc_2 = pbdom_attr.GetOwnerDocumentObject() if (pbdom_doc.Equals(pbdom_doc_2)) then MessageBox ("Equals", "pbdom_doc equals " & + "pbdom_attr.GetOwnerDocumentObject()") end if Destroy pbdombuilder_new CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
Returns the owner PBDOM_ELEMENT of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. If there is no owner element, null is returned.
pbdom_attribute_name.GetOwnerElementObject( )
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ELEMENT. The owner PBDOM_ELEMENT of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE or null if this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has no owner element.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object's internal implementation is null. The occurrence of this exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
This example creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from
a string strXML in which the abc root
element contains one attribute, My_Attr.
The code gets this attribute, calls GetOwnerElementObject on
it to obtain the owner element, then calls GetName to
return the string abc
Finally, it sets My_Attr as an attribute
of the child element Data:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdombuilder_new PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"My Attribute Value~"><data>Data</data></abc>" TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) // Get the attribute pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") MessageBox ("pbdom_attr Owner Element Name", & pbdom_attr.GetOwnerElementObject().GetName()) pbdom_attr.Detach() pbdom_elem = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetChildElement("data") pbdom_elem.SetAttribute (pbdom_attr) MessageBox ("pbdom_attr Owner Element Name", & pbdom_attr.GetOwnerElementObject().GetName()) Destroy pbdombuilder_new Destroy pbdom_doc CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
Obtains the qualified name of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The GetQualifiedName method returns the local name for a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE that has no namespace.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
For a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object that has the form [namespacePrefix]:[attributeName], the qualified name for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE consists of the entire name, [namespacePrefix], and [attributeName].
To obtain the local name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, use the GetName method.
To obtain the namespace prefix for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, use the GetNamespacePrefix method.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type real.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
GetRealValue is the exact counterpart of the JDOM getFloatValue method.
Returns the text value of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – If this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE does not have or has not been assigned a user-defined name.
The GetText method is invoked for the attribute in the following element:
<abc ATTRIBUTE_1="My Attribute">
The GetText method returns the following string:
My Attribute
This example sets an attribute called my_attr for
the root element with text value text part
A PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE with the name ent_ref and
a PBDOM_TEXT with the text value text
part again
are then added as part of the contents
of my_attr. A call to GetText on my_attr returns
the following text:
"text part &ent_ref; text part again."
The entity reference &ent_ref;
not expanded. If an entity reference is included in an input XML
document that is parsed, then the entity reference is expanded before
the XML document is transformed into a DOM tree in memory.
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE pbdom_entref PBDOM_TEXT pbdom_txt try pbdom_doc = Create PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_entref = Create PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE pbdom_txt = Create PBDOM_TEXT // Create a new document object. pbdom_doc.NewDocument ("root") // Set the text of "pbdom_txt". pbdom_txt.SetText (" text part again.") // Add an attribute "my_attr" to the root element. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().SetAttribute("my_attr", & "text part ") // Set the name of the PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE. pbdom_entref.SetName ("ent_ref") // Append the entity reference to the root // element's "my_attr" attribute. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("my_attr").AddContent(pbdom_entref) // Append a new text node to the "my_attr" attribute. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement() . & GetAttribute("my_attr").AddContent (pbdom_txt) // Now test the text contents of "my_attr " if pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("my_attr").GetText() = & "text part &ent_ref; text part again." then MessageBox ("Pass", & "GetText() on my_attr is correct.")
else MessageBox ("Fail", & "GetText() on my_attr is incorrect.") end if catch (pbdom_exception pbdom_e) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_e.GetMessage()) end try
This method returns the actual textual value of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, including all text within the quotation marks. If there are any PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects included within the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, the PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object's name is returned together with the leading ampersand ('&') character plus the terminating semicolon character (';').
Returns the text data contained within a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object with surrounding whitespace characters removed and internal whitespace characters replaced by a single space.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
The GetTextNormalize method is invoked for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE of the following element:
<abc ATTRIBUTE_1=" My Attribute ">
The GetTextNormalize method returns the following string:
My Attribute
This example creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based
on the following DOM tree, which has a Tab character between the
words “My” and “Attribute” in
the My_Attr attribute, specified by
reference. There are also several space characters:
<abc My_Attr="My	Attribute Value "> <data>Data</data> </abc>
The call to GetAttribute stores My_Attr in pbdom_attr. Calling GetText on pbdom_attr returns the entire string content of My_Attr, including the beginning Tab character. Calling GetTextNormalize returns the string with all surrounding whitespace characters removed, and the whitespace characters between the words, including the Tab character, replaced by a single space.
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdombuilder_new PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"My	Attribute Value ~"><data>Data</data></abc>" TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") MessageBox ("pbdom_attr text", "[" & "+ pbdom_attr.GetText() + "]") MessageBox ("pbdom_attr text normalize", "[" & "+ pbdom_attr.GetTextNormalize() + "]") Destroy pbdombuilder_new Destroy pbdom_doc CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
Surrounding whitespace characters are removed from the returned text data, and internal whitespace characters are normalized to a single space. The GetTextNormalize method returns an empty string if no text value exists for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE or if the text value contains only whitespace characters.
If this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE contains any PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects, the name of the PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object is returned as part of the normalized string.
JDOM does not provide a getTextNormalize method for its Attribute class.
Returns the text data contained within a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object with surrounding spaces removed.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
The GetTextTrim method is invoked for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE of the following element:
<abc ATTRIBUTE_1=" My Attribute ">
The GetTextNormalize method returns the following string:
My Attribute
Note that the whitespace characters surrounding the string are removed, but the whitespace characters within the string remain.
This example builds a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based on the following XML tree:
<abc My_Attr="   My	Attribute Value   "> <data>Data</data> </abc>
The My_Attr attribute contains
an entity reference for a Tab character (	
) and
several entity references for the space character ( 
The message boxes in the following code show that GetText returns
the complete text string of the attribute, whereas GetTextTrim returns
the string with the surrounding whitespace characters removed. The
Tab character between the words is not removed:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdombuilder_new PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML TRY strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"   My	Attribute Value   ~"><data>Data</data></abc>" pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") MessageBox ("pbdom_attr text", "[" & + "pbdom_attr.GetText() + "]") MessageBox ("pbdom_attr text normalize", & "[" + pbdom_attr.GetTextTrim() + "]") Destroy pbdombuilder_new Destroy pbdom_doc CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
Surrounding whitespace characters are removed from the returned text data. The GetTextTrim method returns an empty string if no text value exists for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE or if the text value contains only whitespace characters.
If this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE contains any PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects, the name of the PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object is returned as part of the trimmed string.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type Time.
pbdom_attribute_name.GetTimeValue(string strTimeFormat)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strTimeFormat |
The time format for the return value, for example, HH:MM:SS |
The value of the strTimeFormat parameter can use slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters that have special meaning in strTimeFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
H |
Hour number with no leading zero |
5 |
HH |
Hour number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Minutes number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Minutes number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
S |
Seconds number with no leading zero |
5 |
SS |
Seconds number with leading zero, if applicable |
55 |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type Uint.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Returns the value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object as type Ulong.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
EXCEPTION_DATA_CONVERSION – If data conversion fails.
Determines whether this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object contains any child PBDOM_OBJECTs.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE contains child objects and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_OBJECT object is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT class object.
This example creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from a string. The XML document in the string already contains a root element named root that contains an attribute attr that contains an empty string. It then represents attr as a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object and calls its HasChildren method, which returns true because a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE always contains at least one child object. After a call to GetContent, the message box shows that attr contains only one child, a PBDOM_TEXT that represents the empty string:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<root attr=~"~"></root>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString(strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("attr") if (pbdom_attr.HasChildren()) then PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj_array[] long l = 0 pbdom_attr.GetContent(pbdom_obj_array) for l = 1 to UpperBound (pbdom_obj_array) MessageBox ("Attr Child Object", & pbdom_obj_array[l].GetObjectClassString()) next end if catch (pbdom_exception pbdom_e) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_e.GetMessage()) end try
This method checks to see if this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object contains any child PBDOM_OBJECTs and returns true if it does. Note that according to the W3C DOM specification, a DOM Attribute Node can contain only Text and Entity Reference Nodes, therefore a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object can contain only PBDOM_TEXT and PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects.Even if a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object's text value is an empty string, it always contains at least one PBDOM_TEXT object that represents the empty string.
Inserts a PBDOM_OBJECT as a child of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE at a position specified by a referenced PBDOM_OBJECT.
pbdom_attribute_name.InsertContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_new, pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_object_new |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to be inserted |
pbdom_object_ref |
A positional reference to a PBDOM_OBJECT before which pbdom_object_new is to be inserted |
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – The PBDOM_OBJECT to be inserted is nameable and has not been given a user-defined name.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_ALREADY_HAS_PARENT – The PBDOM_OBJECT to be inserted already has a parent.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – The PBDOM_OBJECT to be inserted is not valid to be inserted as a child of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
This example adds an attribute to the root element
with the name my_attr and text content “attribute
text”. It then creates a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object
named ent_ref and inserts it before
the attribute’s current content. Testing the new content
of the attribute should return “&ent_ref;attribute text
Consider the following code : PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE pbdom_entref PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj_array[] try pbdom_doc = Create PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_entref = Create PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE // Create a new document object. pbdom_doc.NewDocument ("root") // Add an attribute "my_attr" to the root element. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().SetAttribute("my_attr", & "attribute text") // Set the name of the PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE. pbdom_entref.SetName ("ent_ref") // Get the existing contents of my_attr pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetAttribute("my_attr").& GetContent(pbdom_obj_array) // Insert the entity reference to the root element's // my_attr attribute before the attribute text. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetAttribute("my_attr").& InsertContent(pbdom_entref, pbdom_obj_array[1]) // Test the text contents of "my_attr" if pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("my_attr").GetText() = & "&ent_ref;attribute text" then MessageBox ("Pass", & "GetText() on my_attr is correct.") else MessageBox ("Fail", & "GetText() on my_attr is incorrect.") end if
catch (pbdom_exception pbdom_except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", & pbdom_except.GetMessage()) end try
This method inserts the input PBDOM_OBJECT as a child at a specific position (before the reference PBDOM_OBJECT). Currently, only a PBDOM_TEXT and a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object can be inserted as a child of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.If the reference PBDOM_OBJECT is null, the PBDOM_OBJECT to be inserted is inserted at the end of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object's list of children.
Determines whether the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object is the ancestor of another PBDOM_OBJECT.
pbdom_attribute_name.IsAncestorObjectOf(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_document_name |
The name of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object |
pbdom_object_ref |
A reference to a PBDOM_OBJECT to check against |
Boolean. Returns true if this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is the ancestor of the input PBDOM_PBOBJECT and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT– The input PBDOM_OBJECT is invalid. This can happen if it has not been initialized properly or is a null object reference.
This method checks to see whether the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is the ancestor object of the input PBDOM_OBJECT. According to the W3C DOM specification, only a PBDOM_TEXT and a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object can become a child object of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, and therefore a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE can only be an ancestor of a PBDOM_TEXT or a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object.
Removes the input PBDOM_OBJECT from the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
pbdom_attribute_name.RemoveContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT child to be removed from this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
Boolean. Returns true if the content has been successfully removed and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The input PBDOM_OBJECT is invalid. This can happen if it has not been initialized properly or is a null object reference.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – This PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object or the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT class object.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – This PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE or the PBDOM_OBJECT to be removed is nameable and has not been given a user-defined name.
This example adds an attribute to the root element with the name my_attr and text content “attribute text”. It then creates a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object named ent_ref and inserts it before the attribute’s current content.
At this point, my_attr contains two child PBDOM_OBJECTs: a PBDOM_TEXT containing “attribute text” and a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE named ent_ref. The element looks like this when serialized:
<root my_attr="attribute text&ent_ref;">
A call to GetContent returns an array containing
these two PBDOM_OBJECTs. pbdom_obj_array[1] should
point to the PBDOM_TEXT. After pbdom_obj_array[1] is
removed from my_attr, the element
looks like this when serialized: <root my_attr="&ent_ref;">
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE pbdom_entref PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj_array[] try pbdom_doc = Create PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_entref = Create PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE // Create a new document object. pbdom_doc.NewDocument ("root") // Add an attribute "my_attr" to the root element. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().SetAttribute("my_attr", & "attribute text") // Set the name of our PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE. pbdom_entref.SetName ("ent_ref") // Add the entity reference to the root // element's "my_attr" attribute. pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("my_attr"). AddContent(pbdom_entref) // Get the existing contents of "my_attr" pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetAttribute("my_attr").& GetContent(pbdom_obj_array) // Remove PBDOM_TEXT object from "my_attr" pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetAttribute("my_attr").& RemoveContent(pbdom_obj_array[1]) // Test the text contents of "my_attr " if pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("my_attr").GetText() = & "&ent_ref;" then MessageBox ("Pass", & "GetText() on my_attr is correct.") else MessageBox ("Fail", "GetText() on my_attr is incorrect.") end if catch (pbdom_exception pbdom_e) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_e.GetMessage()) end try
The RemoveContent method removes the input PBDOM_OBJECT from this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. Currently, only a PBDOM_TEXT and a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object can be part of the contents of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. Therefore, the input PBDOM_OBJECT must be either a PBDOM_TEXT or a PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE object.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetBooleanValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided boolean value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetBooleanValue(boolean boolValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
boolValue |
A boolean value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetBooleanValue method was invoked.
Sets the content of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetContent(pbdom_object pbdom_object_array)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_object_array |
An array of PBDOM_OBJECTs |
EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_PBOBJECT – One of the array items is not a valid PBDOM object. This can happen if the array item has not been initialized properly or is a null object reference. This is similar to EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT.
EXCEPTION_USE_OF_UNNAMED_PBDOM_OBJECT – One of the array items is nameable and has not been given a user-defined name.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – One of the array items is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_ALREADY_HAS_PARENT – One of the array items already has a parent.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT – One of the array items is not allowed to be set as part of the contents of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
This example demonstrates setting the contents of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. It creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT with root element root and attaches to it a PBDOM_DOCTYPE with the following internal subset:
It also creates a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, attr, and sets as its contents an array of three PBDOM_OBJECTS:
A PBDOM_TEXT with the text value “start text ”
A PBDOM_TEXT with the text value “ end text.”
This removes the original contents of attr and sets new contents so that when the document is serialized into an external file, the root element looks like this:
<root attr="start text &ent_ref; end text."/>
Finally, a user-defined function called GetAttributeText parses the external serialized XML file and retrieves the text value of the attr attribute.
The code for GetAttributeText function is as follows:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc string strReturn try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr. & BuildFromFile (strXMLFileName) strReturn = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute(strAttributeName).GetText() catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_except) strReturn = "" end try return strReturn
This function builds a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from the external XML file (its first argument) and gets the text value of an attribute (its second argument) from the root element.
The code that sets the content of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is as follows:
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_DOCTYPE pbdom_doctyp PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_TEXT pbdom_txt PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj_array_set[] long l = 0 try pbdom_doc = Create PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc.NewDocument ("root") pbdom_doctyp = Create PBDOM_DOCTYPE pbdom_doctyp.SetName ("root") pbdom_doctyp.setinternalsubset("<!ELEMENT root ANY><!ATTLIST root attr CDATA #REQUIRED><!ENTITY ent_ref ~"MY ENTITY REFERENCE~">") pbdom_doc.SetDocType(pbdom_doctyp) pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().SetAttribute("attr", "") pbdom_obj_array_set[1] = Create PBDOM_TEXT pbdom_txt = pbdom_obj_array_set[1] pbdom_txt.SetText ("start text ") pbdom_obj_array_set[2] = Create PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE pbdom_obj_array_set[2].SetName("ent_ref") pbdom_obj_array_set[3] = Create PBDOM_TEXT pbdom_txt = pbdom_obj_array_set[3] pbdom_txt.SetText (" end text.") pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetAttribute("attr"). & SetContent(pbdom_obj_array_set)
pbdom_doc.SaveDocument & ("c:\xmltests\attr_set_content.xml") MessageBox ("Attribute Text", GetAttributeText & ("c:\xmltests\attr_set_content.xml", "attr")) catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_e) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_e.GetMessage()) end try
This method sets the content of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The supplied array should contain only objects of type PBDOM_TEXT and PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE. When all objects in the supplied array are legal and before the new content is added, all objects in the old content will have their parentage set to null (no parent) and the old content list will be cleared from this PBDOM_ATRIBUTE.This has the effect that the items of any active array (previously obtained with a call to GetContent) also change to reflect the new condition. In addition, all objects in the supplied array have their parentage set to this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. Passing a null value or an empty array clears the existing content of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetDateValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided date value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetDateValue(date dateValue, strDateFormat)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
dateValue |
A date value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strDateFormat |
The format in which the date value is to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, for example, MM:DD:YYYY |
The value of the strDateFormat parameter can include slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters having special meaning in strDateFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
D |
Day number with no leading zero |
5 |
DD |
Day number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Month number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Month number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
YY |
Two-digit year number |
05 |
Four-digit year number |
2005 |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetDateValue method was invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object and creates this text value by serializing the provided datetime value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetDateTimeValue(datetime datetimeValue, string strDateFormat, string strTimeFormat)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
datetimeValue |
A datetime value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strDateFormat |
The format in which the date part of the datetime value is to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, for example, MM:DD:YYYY |
strTimeFormat |
The format in which the time part of the datetime value is to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, for example, HH:MM:SS |
The value of the strDateFormat parameter can use slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters that have special meaning in strDateFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
D |
Day number with no leading zero |
5 |
DD |
Day number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Month number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Month number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
YY |
Two-digit year number |
05 |
Four-digit year number |
2005 |
The value of the strTimeFormat parameter can include slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters that have special meaning in strTimeFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
H |
Hour number with no leading zero |
5 |
HH |
Hour number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Minutes number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Minutes number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
S |
Seconds number with no leading zero |
5 |
SS |
Seconds number with leading zero, if applicable |
55 |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetDateTimeValue method was invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetDoubleValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided double value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetDoubleValue( double doubleValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
doubleValue |
A double value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetDoubleValue method was invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetIntValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided int value into a string.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
intValue |
An int value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetIntValue method was invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetLongValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided long value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetLongValue( long longValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
longValue |
A long value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetLongValue method was invoked.
Sets the local name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetName(string strName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strName |
The new local name for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
Boolean. Returns true if the local name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has been changed and false otherwise.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input name is not valid for a local name of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. This happens if the name is an empty string, if the name contains a namespace prefix, or if the name is already the name of an existing attribute of the owning element.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – Insufficient memory was encountered while executing this method.
This example shows how to set the local name of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE and demonstrates that the namespace information it contains is not affected by a change in name.
The sample code first builds a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from a string that contains XML that has a single root element with a namespace declaration and an attribute a.
The GetAttribute method obtains the attribute a, which does not belong to a namespace, and the returned PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is tested and should be valid. After a call to SetName, the code confirms the name change and tests that the namespace information remains the same (the namespace prefix and URI are both still empty strings):
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<root xmlns:n1=~"" a=~"123~"/>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("a") if (IsValid(pbdom_attr)) then MessageBox ("Pass", & "PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE a is retrieved via the " & + "NONAMESPACE GetAttribute() method.") else MessageBox ("Fail", & "PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE should have been retrievable.") end if pbdom_attr.SetName ("b") if pbdom_attr.GetName() = "b" then MessageBox ("Pass", "Name has been changed to b.") else MessageBox ("Fail", & "Name should have been changed to b.") end if if pbdom_attr.GetNamespacePrefix() = "" then MessageBox ("Pass", & "Namespace Prefix is an empty string.") else MessageBox ("Fail", "Namespace Prefix is : " & + pbdom_attr.GetNamespacePrefix() & + " which is incorrect.") end if if pbdom_attr.GetNamespaceURI() = "" then MessageBox ("Pass", & "Namespace URI is an empty string.") else MessageBox ("Fail", "Namespace URI is : " & + pbdom_attr.GetNamespaceURI() & + " which is incorrect.") end if catch(PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_e) MessageBox("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_e.GetMessage()) end try
This method sets the local name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. When a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is first created, it has no name and the namespace information is by default set to the NONAMESPACE namespace. (Its NS Prefix and URI are both empty strings.)The SetName method is used to set the local name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The SetNamespace method is used to set the Namespace Prefix and URI of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.If a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE is retrieved programmatically from a parsed document, then the name and namespace information of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE are inherited from the referred attribute of the parsed document. The name and namespace information of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, however, can still be modified using the SetName and SetNamespace methods.Note that according to the W3C “Namespaces in XML”specification, when the SetName method is invoked on a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, if the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE (PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE 1) has an owner PBDOM_ELEMENT that contains an existing PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE (PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE 2) with the same name (to be set for PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE 1) and namespace URI as PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE 1, the EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME exception will be thrown.
Sets the namespace for a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object based on the specified namespace prefix and URI.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetNamespace(stringstrNamespacePrefix, string stringstrNamespaceUri, boolean bVerifyNamespace)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strNamespacePrefix |
A string containing the namespace prefix to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strNamespaceUri |
A string containing the namespace URI to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
bVerifyNamespace |
A boolean value to indicate whether to search for an in-scope namespace declaration that matches the input namespace prefix and URI |
Long. Returns 0 if namespace information was set successfully and -1 if no in-scope namespace matching the input prefix and URI exists.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – If the input namespace prefix or the URI or the combination of prefix and URI is not valid. This occurs if:
The namespace prefix is an empty string and the URI is not an empty string. If both are empty strings, the NONAMESPACE namespace is being specified and this prefix/URI combination is correct.
The namespace Prefix is xmlns
the URI is not
This namespace prefix/URI pair is unique and exclusive.
Its elements cannot be used individually and separately. The use
of this pair signifies a namespace declaration.
The namespace prefix string is invalid. That is, it does not conform to the W3C “Namespaces in XML” specifications for the name of a prefix.
The namespace URI string is invalid. That is, it does not conform to the W3C specifications for a URI string.
The owner Element of this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE already contains an attribute that has the same name as the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE and belongs to the namespace that is to be set for the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – If the input namespace prefix string or the URI string has been set to null.
EXCEPTION_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE – If there is insufficient memory to allocate for internal strings.
EXCEPTION_INTERNAL_XML_ENGINE_ERROR – If some internal error occurred in the XML engine.
This example demonstrates how to set the namespace prefix and URI for a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. It creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT based on the following XML document:
<root xmlns:pre1=""> <child1 pre1:a="123" b="456"/> </root>
The namespace, which has the prefix pre1, is defined in the root element. The child element child1 has an attribute a that belongs to the declared namespace and an attribute b that does not belong to a namespace.
The example uses GetAttribute to get and store the attribute b in pbdom_attr, then calls SetNamespace on pbdom_attr, specifying the strings “pre1” and “” as the prefix and URI, and setting the bVerifyNamespace parameter to true. This tells SetNamespace to check first to see if the owner element of b or the owner element's ancestor elements contain a namespace declaration for the pre1/ namespace prefix/URI pair.The search for this prefix/URI pair succeeds because the root element contains such a namespace declaration.
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_buildr PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<root xmlns:pre1=~""><child1 pre1:a=~"123~" b=~"456~"/></root>" try pbdom_buildr = Create PBDOM_BUILDER pbdom_doc = pbdom_buildr.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement().GetChildElement("child1").GetAttribute("b", "", "") pbdom_attr.SetNamespace("pre1", "", true) MessageBox ("NS Prefix", pbdom_attr.GetNamespacePrefix()) MessageBox ("NS URI", pbdom_attr.GetNamespaceURI()) MessageBox ("Name", pbdom_attr.getName()) MessageBox ("Text", pbdom_attr.getText()) pbdom_doc.SaveDocument ("ns.xml") catch (PBDOM_EXCEPTION pbdom_except) MessageBox ("PBDOM_EXCEPTION", pbdom_except.GetMessage()) end try
There is no other attribute inside child1 that has the name b and that also belongs to the namespace, so the SetNamespace method succeeds. When serialized, the PBDOM_DOCUMENT looks like this:
<root xmlns:pre1=""> <child1 pre1:b="456" pre1:a="123" /> </root>
This method sets this PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object's namespace based on the input prefix and URI. The input prefix can be an empty string, but the input URI cannot be an empty string unless the prefix is also an empty string.
If the input prefix and URI are both empty strings, the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has no namespace. The bVerifyNamespace parameter tells the method whether to search for an in-scope namespace declaration that matches the input namespace prefix and URI.
As required by the W3C specification on “Namespaces in XML,” if the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has an owner PBDOM_ELEMENT that contains an existing PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE that has the same name as the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE and the same namespace URI as is to be set for the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, the EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME exception is thrown.
Sets the input PBDOM_ELEMENT as the owner of the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetOwnerElementObject(pbdom_element pbdom_element_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
pbdom_element_ref |
The PBDOM_ELEMENT to be set as the owner of this current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. This PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE itself modified and returned.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The input PBDOM_ELEMENT is invalid. This can happen if it has not been initialized properly or is a null object reference.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – The internal implementation of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object or the input PBDOM_ELEMENT object is null. The occurrence of this exception is rare but can take place if severe memory corruption occurs.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME – The input PBDOM_ELEMENT already contains an attribute that has the same name and that belongs to the same namespace as this current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
This example moves the positions of two PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects from one element to another.
In the string strXML from which a PBDOM_DOCUMENT is created, the abc root element contains a namespace declaration and two attributes. My_Attr belongs to no namespace, and pre:My_Attr_NS belongs to the namespace. The example obtains handles for the two attributes and the data element, then detaches both attributes from abc and sets data as their new owner:
PBDOM_BUILDER pbdombuilder_new PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr_ns PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_data string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"Attribute Value~" pre:My_Attr_NS=~"Attribute Value NS~" xmlns:pre=~""><data>Data</data></abc>" TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString(strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") pbdom_attr_ns = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr_NS", "pre", & "") pbdom_elem_data = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetChildElement("data") pbdom_attr.Detach() pbdom_attr.SetOwnerElementObject (pbdom_elem_data) pbdom_attr_ns.Detach() pbdom_attr_ns.SetOwnerElementObject (pbdom_elem_data) pbdom_doc.SaveDocument("setownerelementobject.xml") Destroy pbdombuilder_new Destroy pbdom_doc CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
When the document is serialized, the XML looks like this:
<abc xmlns:pre=""><data pre:My_Attr_NS="Attribute Value NS" My_Attr="Attribute Value">Data</data></abc>
According to the “Namespace in XML” specifications, an element cannot contain two attributes with the same local name and namespace URI. This is true even if the prefixes of the two attributes are different. An exception is thrown if this rule is violated when SetOwnerElementObject is invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetRealValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided real value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetRealValue(real realValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
realValue |
A real value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetRealValue method was invoked.
Sets the string value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetText(string strText)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strText |
The string value to be set in the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
This method returns the current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE with the input string value set.
This method is the counterpart of the JDOM setValue method.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetTimeValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided time value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetTimeValue(time timeValue, string strTimeFormat)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
timeValue |
A time value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
strTimeFormat |
The format in which the time value is to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, for example, HH:MM:SS |
The value of the strTimeFormat parameter can use slashes or colons as delimiters. The following table illustrates characters that have special meaning in strTimeFormat.
Character |
Meaning |
Example |
H |
Hour number with no leading zero |
5 |
HH |
Hour number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
M |
Minutes number with no leading zero |
5 |
MM |
Minutes number with leading zero, if applicable |
05 |
S |
Seconds number with no leading zero |
5 |
SS |
Seconds number with leading zero, if applicable |
55 |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetTimeValue method was invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetUintValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided uint value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetUintValue(unsignedinteger uintValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
uintValue |
A uint value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetUintValue method was invoked.
Sets the text value of a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object. The SetUlongValue method creates this text value by serializing the provided ulong value into a string.
pbdom_attribute_name.SetUlongValue(unsignedlong ulongValue)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_attribute_name |
The name of the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
ulongValue |
A ulong value to be set for the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE |
PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE. The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE from which the SetUlongValue method was invoked.