The PBDOM_DOCTYPE class represents the Document Type Declaration Object of an XML DOM Document. The PBDOM_DOCTYPE class provides access to the name of the root element that is constrained within the DOCTYPE as well as the internal subset, system, and public IDs.
Some of the inherited methods from PBDOM_OBJECT serve no meaningful objective and only default or trivial functionalities result. These are described in the following table:
Method |
Always returns |
AddContent |
The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
GetContent |
false |
GetText |
Empty string |
GetTextNormalize |
Empty string |
GetTextTrim |
Empty string |
HasChildren |
false |
InsertContent |
The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
IsAncestorObjectOf |
false |
RemoveContent |
false |
SetContent |
The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
PBDOM_DOCTYPE has the following non-trivial methods:
Creates and returns a clone of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
pbdom_doctype_name.Clone(boolean bDeep)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object. |
bDeep |
A boolean specifying whether a deep or shallow clone is returned. Values are TRUE for a deep clone and FALSE for a shallow clone. This argument is currently ignored. |
PBDOM_OBJECT. A deep clone of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE housed in a PBDOM_OBJECT.
A PBDOM_DOCTYPE clone (whether shallow or deep) is always an exact copy of its original. This is because a PBDOM_DOCTYPE does not contain any subtree of child PBDOM_OBJECTs. A PBDOM_DOCTYPE clone has no parent. However, the clone resides in the same PBDOM_DOCUMENT as its original. If the original PBDOM_DOCTYPE is standalone, the clone is standalone.
Detaches a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object from its parent PBDOM_DOCUMENT object. The detached PBDOM_DOCTYPE object is still part of the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object in which it resided before the Detach method was invoked, but it no longer has a parent PBDOM_DOCUMENT object.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
PBDOM_OBJECT. The PBDOM_DOCTYPE object modified and returned as a PBDOM_OBJECT object.
Tests for the equality of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE and a referenced PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
pbdom_object_ref |
A PBDOM_OBJECT to test for equality with the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
Boolean. Returns true if the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE is equivalent to the input PBDOM_OBJECT, and false otherwise.
True is returned only if the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT is also a PBDOM_DOCTYPE and refers to the same DOM Doctype object as the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
Returns the internal subset data of the DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
Allows you to obtain the name of the root element that is being constrained within the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
If you have the following DOCTYPE declaration, the GetName method
returns abc
<!DOCTYPE abc [<!-- internal subset --> <!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)>]>
Returns a long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of a PBDOM_OBJECT |
Long. A long integer code that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_DOCTYPE, the returned value is 4.
Returns a string form of the class of the PBDOM_OBJECT.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of your PBDOM_OBJECT |
String. A string that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_DOCTYPE, the returned string is “pbdom_doctype”.
Returns the owning PBDOM_DOCUMENT of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
If there is no owning PBDOM_DOCUMENT, null is returned.
Returns the parent PBDOM_OBJECT of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
The parent is also a PBDOM_DOCUMENT object. If the PBDOM_OBJECT has no parent, null is returned.
Retrieves the public ID of an externally reference DTD declared in the DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
String. If no public ID is referenced, an empty string is returned.
Suppose you have the following DTD declaration:
<!DOCTYPE Books PUBLIC "-//MyCompany//DTD//EN" "">
The following PowerScript code displays the public and system IDs in message boxes:
pbdom_doctype pbdom_doctype_1 pbdom_document pbdom_doc pbdom_doctype_1 = pbdom_doc.GetDocType() MessageBox ("DocType Public ID", & pbdom_doctype_1.GetPublicID()) MessageBox ("DocType System ID", & pbdom_doctype_1.GetSystemID())
The returned strings from the calls to GetPublicID and GetSystemID are:
"-//MyCompany//DTD//EN" ""
Retrieves the system ID of an externally referenced DTD declared in the DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
String. If no system ID is referenced, an empty string is returned.
See GetPublicID.
Sets the owning PBDOM_DOCUMENT of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
pbdom_doctype_name.SetDocument(pbdom_document pbdom_document_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
pbdom_document_ref |
A PBDOM_DOCUMENT object to be set as the owner document of this PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
PBDOM_DOCTYPE. The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE modified to be the DOCTYPE of the referenced PBDOM_DOCUMENT.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – if the input PBDOM_DOCUMENT object is invalid for use in any way.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_ALREADY_HAS_PARENT – if this current PBDOM_DOCTYPE already has a parent PBDOM_OBJECT. In this case, this PBDOM_DOCTYPE is already the DOCTYPE of some document.
A DOM DOCTYPE object can have no owner document, or it can have an owner document but no parent node. A DOCTYPE that has an owner document as well as a parent node is the actual DOCTYPE of the owner document.
Sets the data for the internal subset of the PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
PBDOM_DOCTYPE. The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE with the new internal subset.
Suppose you have the following DTD declaration:
<!DOCTYPE abc [<!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)>]>
The following code displays the internal subset in a message box:
string strInternalSubset pbdom_document pbdom_doc strInternalSubset = pbdom_doc.GetDocType().GetInternalSubset() strInternalSubset += "<!ELEMENT another_data(#PCDATA)>" pbdom_doc.GetDocType().SetInternalSubset (strInternalSubset) MessageBox ("Get Internal Subset", & pbdom_doc.GetDocType().GetInternalSubset())
The returned string from the call to GetInternalSubset is:
"<!-- internal subset --> <!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT another_data (#PCDATA)>"
The new ELEMENT declaration for “another_data” is included in the final internal subset.
The SetName method sets the name of the root element that is declared by this PBDOM_DOCTYPE.
pbdom_doctype_name.SetName(string strName)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
strName |
The new name you want to set for the root element that is declared by the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
Boolean. Returns true if the name of the root element was changed and false otherwise.
The SetParentObject method sets the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT to be the parent of the current PBDOM_OBJECT and so sets the DOCTYPE represented by this PBDOM_DOCTYPE to be the DOCTYPE of the referenced PBDOM_DOCUMENT.
pbdom_doctype_name.SetParentObject(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
pbdom_object_ref |
A PBDOM_OBJECT to be set as the parent of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
EXCEPTION_MULTIPLE_DOCTYPE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is a PBDOM_DOCUMENT object and already has a doctype.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE – If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT.
This method sets the input PBDOM_OBJECT as the parent of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. The input PBDOM_OBJECT must be a PBDOM_DOCUMENT. If it is not, an exception is thrown.
In PBDOM, calling SetParentObject is equivalent to setting the input PBDOM_DOCUMENT as the owner document and parent node of the current PBDOM_DOCTYPE. This has the effect of setting the DOCTYPE in PBDOM_DOCTYPE as the DOCTYPE of the document.
A DOM DOCTYPE object can have no owner document, or it can have an owner document but no parent node. A DOCTYPE that has an owner document as well as a parent node is the actual DOCTYPE of the owner document.
This method is exactly the same as the SetDocument method.
Sets the public ID of an externally referenced DTD.
pbdom_doctype_name.SetPublicID(string strPublicID)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
strPublicID |
A string that specifies the new public ID |
Suppose you have the following DTD declaration:
<!DOCTYPE abc [<!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)>]>
The following PowerScript sets the public ID, and then gets it and displays it in a message box:
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc pbdom_doc.GetDocType().SetPublicID & ("-//MyCompany//DTD//EN") MessageBox ("Get Public ID", & pbdom_doc.GetDocType().GetPublicID())
The returned string from the GetPublicID call is:
The final DOCTYPE definition in the document is:
<!DOCTYPE abc PUBLIC "-//MyCompany//DTD//EN" [<!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)>]>
About Public ID
The PUBLIC ID is usually accompanied by a SYSTEM ID, so the
DOCTYPE declaration in this example (with a PUBLIC ID but no SYSTEM
ID) might be considered invalid by some parsers.
Sets the system ID of an externally referenced DTD.
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_doctype_name |
The name of a PBDOM_DOCTYPE object |
strSystemID |
A string that specifies the new system ID |
Suppose you have the following DTD declaration:
<!DOCTYPE abc [<!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)>]>
The following PowerScript sets the system ID and then gets it and returns it in a message box:
PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc pbdom_doc.GetDocType().SetSystemID & ("http://www.sybase&.com/dtd/datadef.dtd") MessageBox ("Get System ID", & pbdom_doc.GetDocType().GetSystemID())
The returned string from the GetSystemID call is:
The final DOCTYPE definition in the document is:
<!DOCTYPE abc SYSTEM ""[<!ELEMENT abc (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inner_data (#PCDATA)>]>