Specifies whether PowerBuilder binds input string parameters to the Char or NChar datatype.
ADO.NET (Oracle.DataAccess.Client only)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle 11g
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder binds string input parameters to the Char or NChar datatype. Values are:
NCharBind=1 for SNC, NCharBind=0 for other interfaces
For Oracle, the default NcharBind=0 setting is recommended for binding Char, Varchar, Long and Clob data. NcharBind=1 is recommended for binding Nchar, Nvarchar2 and Nclob data.
For SNC, the default NcharBind=1 is recommended for binding Nchar, Nvarchar, Ntext and Nvarchar(max) data. It encodes the string data as Unicode. NcharBind=0 is recommended for binding Char, Varchar, Text and Varchar(max) data. This setting converts the data to the ANSI string determined by the current operating system code page.
DisableBind must be set to 0
For NcharBind to take effect, the DisableBind parameter must
be set to 0. DisableBind=1 overrides the NcharBind setting.
To specify that string arguments should be bound as the NChar datatype:
Database profile Select the NCharBind box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code: