These routines may be useful in some applications:
dbsetavail – marks a DBPROCESS as being available for general use.
DBISAVAIL – indicates whether a DBPROCESS is available for general use.
dbname – returns the name of the current database.
dbchange – indicates whether a command batch has changed the current database.
dbsetuserdata – uses a DBPROCESS structure to save a pointer to user-allocated data. This routine, along with dbgetuserdata, allows the application to associate user data with a particular DBPROCESS. One important use for these routines is to transfer information between a server message handler and the program code that triggered it.
dbgetuserdata – returns a pointer to user-allocated data from a DBPROCESS structure.
dbreadpage – reads in a page of binary data from Adaptive Server Enterprise.
dbwritepage – writes a page of binary data to Adaptive Server Enterprise.
dbsetconnect – sets server connection information in this routine.