Return a list of registered procedures currently defined in Open Server.
RETCODE dbreglist(dbproc) DBPROCESS *dbproc;
A pointer to the DBPROCESS structure that provides the connection for a particular front-end/server process. It contains all the information that DB-Library/C uses to manage communications and data between the front end and the server.
dbreglist returns a list of registered procedures currently defined in Open Server. Because a notification procedure is simply a special type of registered procedure, notification procedures will be included in the list of registered procedures.
The list of registered procedures is returned as rows that an application must explicitly process after calling dbreglist. Each row represents the name of a single registered procedure defined in Open Server. A row contains a single column of type SYBVARCHAR.
The following code fragment illustrates how dbreglist might be used in an application:
DBPROCESS *dbproc;
DBCHAR *procedurename;
DBINT ret;
/* request the list of procedures */
if( (ret = dbreglist(dbproc)) == FAIL)
/* Handle failure here */
while( dbnextrow(dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS )
procedurename = (DBCHAR *)dbdata(dbproc, 1);
procedurename[dbdatlen(dbproc, 1)] = ’\0’;
fprintf(stdout, "The procedure ’%s’ is \
defined.\n", procedurename);
/* All done */