Return a pointer to a where clause suitable for use in updating the current row in a browsable table.
char *dbqual(dbproc, tabnum, tabname) DBPROCESS *dbproc; int tabnum; char *tabname;
A pointer to the DBPROCESS structure that provides the connection for a particular front-end/server process. It contains all the information that DB-Library uses to manage communications and data between the front end and server.
The number of the table of interest, as specified in the select statement’s from clause. Table numbers start at 1. If tabnum is -1, the tabname parameter will be used to identify the table.
A pointer to the null-terminated name of a table specified in the select statement’s from clause. tabname is ignored unless tabnum is passed as -1.
A pointer to a null-terminated where clause for the current row in the specified table. This buffer is dynamically allocated, and it is the application’s responsibility to free it using dbfreequal.
dbqual will return a NULL pointer if the specified table is not browsable. For a table to be “browsable,” it must have a unique index and a timestamp column.
dbqual will also return a NULL pointer if the preceding select did not include the for browse option.
dbqual is one of the DB-Library browse mode routines. See “Browse mode” for a detailed discussion of browse mode.
dbqual provides a where clause that the application can use to update a single row in a browsable table. Columns from this row must have previously been retrieved into the application through a browse-mode select query (that is, a select that ends with the key words for browse).
The where clause produced by dbqual begins with the keyword where and contains references to the row’s unique index and timestamp column. The application simply appends the where clause to an update or delete statement; it does not need to examine it or manipulate it in any way.
The timestamp column indicates the time that the particular row was last updated. An update on a browsable table fails if the timestamp column in the dbqual-generated where clause is different from the timestamp column in the table. Such a condition, which provokes Adaptive Server Enterprise error message 532, indicates that another user updated the row between the time this application selected it for browsing and the time it tried to update it. The application itself must provide the logic for handling the update failure. The following program fragment illustrates one approach:
/* This code fragment illustrates a technique for
** handling the case where a browse-mode update fails
** because the row has already been updated
** by another user. In this example, we simply retrieve
** the entire row again, allow the user to examine and
** modify it, and try the update again.
** Note that "q_dbproc" is the DBPROCESS used to query
** the database, and "u_dbproc" is the DBPROCESS used
** to update the database.
/* First, find out which employee record the user
** wants to update.
employee_id = which_employee();
while (1)
/* Retrieve that employee record from the database.
** We’ll assume that "empid" is a unique index,
** so this query will return only one row.
dbfcmd (q_dbproc, "select * from employees where \
empid = %d for browse", employee_id);
/* Now, let the user examine or edit the employee’s
** data, first placing the data into program
** variables.
extract_employee_data(q_dbproc, employee_struct);
examine_and_edit(employee_struct, &edit_flag);
if (edit_flag == FALSE)
/* The user didn’t edit this record,
** so we’re done.
/* The user edited this record, so we’ll use
** the edited data to update the
** corresponding row in the database.
qualptr = dbqual(q_dbproc, -1, "employees");
dbcmd(u_dbproc, "update employees");
dbfcmd (u_dbproc, " set address = ’%s’, \
salary = %d %s",
employee_struct->salary, qualptr);
if ((dbsqlexec(u_dbproc) == FAIL) ||
(dbresults(u_dbproc) == FAIL))
/* Our update failed. In a real program,
** it would be necessary to examine the
** messages returned from the Adaptive Server Enterprise
** to determine why it failed. In this
** example, we’ll assume that the update
** failed because someone else has already
** updated this row, thereby changing
** the timestamp.
** To cope with this situation, we’ll just
** repeat the loop, retrieving the changed
** row for our user to examine and edit.
** This will give our user the opportunity
** to decide whether to overwrite the
** change made by the other user.
/* The update succeeded, so we’re done. */
dbqual can only construct where clauses for browsable tables. You can use dbtabbrowse to determine whether a table is browsable.
dbqual is usually called after dbnextrow.
For a complete example that uses dbqual to perform a browse mode update, see the sample programs included with DB-Library.
dbcolbrowse, dbcolsource, dbfreequal, dbtabbrowse, dbtabcount, dbtabname, dbtabsource, dbtsnewlen, dbtsnewval, dbtsput