DB-Library/C supports conversions between most server datatypes with the dbconvert and dbconvert_ps routines. For information on server datatypes, see Types.
The dbbind, dbbind_ps, dbaltbind, and dbaltbind_ps routines, which bind result columns to program variables, can also be used to perform type conversion. Each of these routines contain a parameter that specifies the datatype of the receiving program variable. If the data being returned from the server is of a different datatype, DB-Library/C will usually convert it automatically to the type specified by the parameter.
These routines are used to perform datatype conversion:
dbconvert_ps – converts data from one server datatype to another, with precision and scale support for numeric and decimal datatypes.
dbconvert – converts data from one server datatype to another.
dbwillconvert – indicates whether a specified datatype conversion is supported.