For informational messages in the error log, the format is as follows:
I. date: message
The letter “I” at the beginning of a message means that the message is provided for information. It does not mean that an error occurred. For example, Replication Server outputs the following messages as it drops a subscription:
I. 95/11/01 05:41:54. REPLICATE RS: Dropping subscription authors_sub for replication definition authors with replicate at <SYDNEY_DS.pubs2>
I. 95/11/01 05:42:02. SQM starting: 104:-2147483527 authors.authors_sub
I. 95/11/01 05:42:12. SQM Stopping: 104:-2147483527 authors.authors_sub
I. 95/11/01 05:42:20. REPLICATE RS: Dropped subscription authors_sub for replication definition authors with replicate at <SYDNEY_DS.pubs2>