To be ready to switch to the standby database, replication must be enabled for the tables and stored procedures in the standby database that you want to replicate into the new standby database after the switch.
If you initialized the standby database using the dump and load or mount commands, the tables and stored procedures in the standby database will have the same replication settings as the active database.
If you initialized the standby database using bcp, enable replication for these objects by using sp_setreptable or sp_reptostandby, and sp_setrepproc. To do this, adapt the procedure under “Task three: Enabling replication for objects in the active database” to enable replication for objects in the standby database.
Later on, you may add new tables and user stored procedures that you want to replicate to the new standby database.
If you marked the standby database for replication with sp_reptostandby, any new tables are automatically marked for replication.
If you marked individual database tables for replication to the new standby database with sp_setreplicate, you must mark each new table that you want to replicate with sp_setreplicate.
You must mark each new user stored procedure that you want to replicate with sp_setrepproc.