Before implementing applied or request stored procedures on your system, be sure you:
Understand how you will use asynchronous procedure delivery to meet your application needs. Refer to the Replication Server Design Guide for more information.
Set up a RepAgent for the stored procedure, even if the database contains no primary data (such as when using request functions). Refer to the Replication Server installation and configuration guides for your platform for details.
Create a function string for user-defined functions for function-string classes for which Replication Server does not generate default function strings. You can use the alter function string command to replace a default function string with one that performs the action your application requires.
See “Function strings and function-string classes” for more information.
Follow the step-by step instructions provided in this chapter for setting up applied or request stored procedures.
For function-string classes for which default generated
function strings are provided, Replication Server creates a default
function string that executes a stored procedure with the same name
as the user-defined function. The procedures in this chapter assume
that Replication Server processes applied or request stored procedures
for such classes. For all other classes, you must create function
strings for the user-defined function string.