To recover from Replication Server partition loss or failure, perform the following steps:
Log in to the Replication Server and drop the failed partition:
drop partition logical_name
Replication Server does not immediately drop a partition that was in use. If the partition is undamaged, Replication Server drops it only after all of the messages it holds are delivered and deleted.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information about drop partition command.
If the failed partition was the only one available to the Replication Server, add another one to replace it:
create partition logical_name on 'physical_name' with size size [starting at vstart]
Refer to the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information.
Since the partition is damaged, you must rebuild the stable queues:
rebuild queues
See “Rebuilding queues online” for a description of this process.
When all stable queues on the partition are removed, Replication Server drops the failed partition from the system and rebuilds the queues using the remaining partitions.
After rebuilding the queues, check the Replication Server logs for loss detection messages.
See “Loss detection after rebuilding stable queues” for background and details.
If Replication Server detected message loss, you can:
Perform “Message recovery from off-line database logs”, or
Request that Replication Server ignore the loss by executing the ignore loss command for the database on the Replication Server where the loss was detected.
If you specify that Replication Server ignore message
losses and you have rebuilt the queues of a Replication Server that
is part a route, you must re-create subscriptions at the destination
or use the rs_subcmp program with the -r flag
to reconcile primary and replicate data.