If you plan to initialize the standby database using the dump and load commands, with or without the “dump marker” option, you must create the maintenance user login name for the standby database in both the standby and the active data servers. Do this before you add the standby database.
Both Sybase Central and rs_init automatically add the active database maintenance user in the active data server when you add the active database.
Within each data server, the server user’s ID (suid) for each login name must be the same in the syslogins table in the master database and the sysusers table in each user database. This must be true for the active and standby databases in a warm standby application. The server user’s ID and role settings must also be the same in the syslogins and sysloginroles tables in the master database.
Use one of these three methods to make the server user’s IDs match:
Add all login names, including maintenance user names, to both Adaptive Servers in the same order. Adaptive Server assigns server user’s IDs sequentially, so the server user’s IDs for all login names will match.
After loading the dump into the standby, reconcile the sysusers table in the standby database with the syslogins table in the master database of the standby Adaptive Server.
Maintain a master Adaptive Server with all of your login names and copy the syslogins table from the master database for the master Adaptive Server to all newly created Adaptive Servers.
To add the maintenance user login name for the standby database to both the standby and the active data servers:
In the standby data server, execute the sp_addlogin system procedure to create the maintenance user login name.
Refer to the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide for more information about using sp_addlogin.
In the active data server, execute sp_addlogin to create the same maintenance user login name that you created in the standby data server.
When you set up the standby database using the dump and load commands, the sysusers table is loaded into the standby database along with the other data from the active database.