Controlling the number of commands the RepAgent executor can process

Database connection configuration parameter: exec_cmds_per_timeslice

By default, the value of the exec_cmds_per_timeslice parameter is 2,147,483,647 which indicates that the RepAgent executor thread can process no more than five commands before it must yield the CPU to other threads. Depending on your environment, increasing or decreasing these values may improve performance.

If the in-bound queue is slow to be processed, try increasing these values to give the RepAgent executor thread and the DIST thread more time to perform their work. If, however, the out-bound queue is slow to be processed, try decreasing these parameter values so that the DSI has more time to work.

If CPU resources are limited with respect to the number of connections Replication Server supports, increasing the value of exec_cmds_per_timeslice may result in decreased overall performance. In this case, giving the RepAgent Executor more control of CPU resources may reduce resources to other Replication Server threads.

Monitor the number of times and duration of time the RepAgent executor thread yields CPU with this counter: