Modifying the queue block size is a major change to the Replication Server configuration and affects all connections to the Replication Server. In the queue block size change procedure, upstream refers to all replication system components that feed data to the Replication Server where you want to change the queue block size and downstream refers to the components that receive data from the affected Replication Server.
Before you change the queue block size, you must stop data flowing into the Replication Server you want to configure, to maintain data integrity:
Suspend log transfer from all Replication Agents to the Replication Server you want to configure.
Suspend all upstream log transfer from Replication Agents.
Quiesce all upstream Replication Servers.
Suspend all incoming routes to the Replication Server you want to configure.
Quiesce the Replication Server you want to configure.
Set the queue block size on the Replication Server you want to configure after stopping data flow. Executing the command to configure the queue block size shuts down Replication Server. The queue block size change takes effect after you restart Replication Server.
You must use configure replication server with
the set block_size to ‘value’ with
shutdown parameter to set the queue block size. Otherwise,
the queues can be corrupted. See “Examples”.
After changing the queue block size, resume data flow:
Restart all the Replication Servers you shut down.
Resume log transfer from Replication Agents.
Resume all incoming routes.
Check for data loss at all downstream Replication Server RSSDs and data servers. Usually, there is data loss from the RSSD of the Replication Server you configured. Ignore the data loss from a replicate RSSD that receives data from the RSSD of the configured Replication Server.
Follow the procedures to fix data loss at data servers.
If there is data loss at a RSSD, you see in the log of the affected Replication Server a message such as:
E. 2010/02/12 14:12:58. ERROR #6067 SQM(102:0 primaryDS.rssd) - /sqmoqid.c(1071 Loss detected for replicateDS.rssd from primaryDS.RSSD
See the “Examples” for the commands to use in different types of replication systems.