You can start and shut down Replication
Server, and monitor, maintain, and configure the replication
Set Up a Replication System
Learn the basic steps in setting up a replication system. This process requires planning and careful attention to the replication needs of your organization.
Add a Replication Server
To add a Replication Server to a replication system, use the rs_init program, as described in the installation and configuration guides for your platform.
Add a Replication System Domain
A replication system domain includes all replication system components that use the same ID Server.
Set Replication Server Configuration Parameters
You can configure Replication Server or specific objects within the replication system by using one of several methods that update configuration parameters in the rs_config system table in the RSSD or the ERSSD.
Manage the RSSD
The data in each Replication Server RSSD is essential in keeping the replication system running.
Manage the Embedded Replication Server System Database
Replication Server can run on either an Adaptive Server Enterprise Replication Server System Database (RSSD) or on an Embedded RSSD (ERSSD). ERSSDs are designed for users who do not want to use Adaptive Server Enterprise to manage the Replication Server RSSD.
Quiesce Replication Server
To quiesce a replication system means to put the system in a state in which no Replication Servers have messages to send or receive.
Remove a Replication Server
How you remove a Replication Server from a replication system depends on whether or not the Replication Server is active (running). It is easiest to remove a Replication Server that is active. You must also drop routes and subscriptions when you remove a Replication Server.
Created May 23, 2012. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: