Data that is passed between servers (Adaptive Server, Replication Server, and so on) is stored in stable queues within Replication Server. Replication Manager displays the statistics of queue usage and the content of the queues.
The View Queue Data dialog box lets you filter and sort the data from a queue as an aid in troubleshooting transactions in the queue. You can also edit, delete, or undelete a given command, or purge the first transaction in the queue.
The View Queue Data dialog box contains these options:
Filter fields, which let you select the type of filters that RM uses to display data from the queue. These filters include:
Column value
Number of blocks displayed
Number of rows displayed
Whether to start at the first segment
Whether to include all data to the end of the segment
Whether to include all rows
Whether to show deleted data
Whether to view all data to the end of the queue
General buttons, which let you:
Display the queue data with the current filters
Close the dialog box
Purge the first transaction from the queue
Edit transactions
Delete transactions
Undelete transactions
Group transactions, which returns the Queue Data scrolling list display back to grouped transactions
Queue Data scrolling list, which contains rows of data from the current queue. Each column contains specific information about the command and transaction contained in each row. For example, to sort the queue data by a specific column, select the column name. The Queue Data scrolling list refreshes, sorting the data according to that column. An arrow displays next to the column name to show that you have sorted the data by that column. The columns you can sort by include:
Transaction Name
Origin Site
Origin Commit Time
Origin User
Transaction ID
Origin QID
You can delete, undelete, or purge queue transactions
only when Replication Server is in standalone mode.
In the object tree, click the Queues folder. Queues display in the Details pane.
In the Details pane, right-click the queue whose data you want to view.
Select View Data from the context menu. The View Data dialog box opens.
To filter data shown, select one of the filter fields. See “Using the View Queue Data dialog box” for more information.
To sort the data, select segment, transaction, origin, size, status, commit time, or user.