alter route

Changes the attributes of a route from the current Replication Server to a remote Replication Server.


alter route to dest_replication_server {
	set next site [to] thru_replication_server |
	set username [to] 'user' set password [to] 'passwd' |
	set password [to] 'passwd' |
	set route_param [to] 'value' |
	set security_param [to] 'value' |
	set security_services [to] 'default'} 




  • Use alter route to change:
    • A direct route to an indirect route.

    • An indirect route to a direct route.

    • The next intermediate site in an existing route.

    • The password for the RSI user for an existing direct route.

    • A route configuration parameter.

    • A network-based security parameter.

      For an overview of routes, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.

  • Execute alter route at the Replication Server that is the source for a direct route.

  • Use set next site thru_replication_server when you are changing a direct route into an indirect route, or when you are changing the intermediate site in an indirect route.

  • If you are changing a direct route to an indirect route, you must first create direct routes from the source site to the intermediate site, and from the intermediate site to the destination site. Do this with create route.

  • If you are changing the intermediate site in an indirect route, you must first create direct routes from the new intermediate site to the destination site, and from the new intermediate site to the destination site. Do this with create route.

  • An indirect route may have one or more intermediate Replication Servers. For example, an indirect route from A_RS to D_RS may pass through intermediate sites B_RS and C_RS.

  • To change an indirect route to a direct route, use alter route without the set next site clause, specifying the login name and password to use at the destination Replication Server. For example, an indirect route from A_RS->B_RS->C_RS changes to a direct route A_RS->C_RS.

  • To exchange one intermediate site for the next intermediate site, execute alter route with the set next site clause. For example, an indirect route A_RS->B_RS->C_RS->D_RS changes to A_RS->C_RS->D_RS.

  • You can set route parameters using the configure route or alter route parameter.

  • Use suspend route to suspend activity on the route before altering it.

Set Password and Username

  • Use set username user and set password passwd only when you are changing an indirect route to a direct route. You cannot change the user name or password for indirect routes; attempting to do so changes the indirect route to a direct route.

  • Use set password passwd only when you are changing the password for a direct route. Before you change the password for a direct route, use suspend route.

Route Parameters

  • Setting a save interval allows the system to tolerate partition or stable queue failures at the destination Replication Server. Backlogged messages are sent to the destination Replication Server during recovery with the rebuild queues command.

    See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for detailed information about the save interval and stable queue recovery.

  • SAP recommends that you leave the rsi_batch_size, rsi_fadeout_time, rsi_packet_size, and rsi_sync_interval parameters at their default values to optimize performance.

  • You must suspend the connection before altering a route parameter with alter route. After executing the alter route command, you must resume the route for the change to take effect.

Network-Based Security Parameters

  • Both ends of a route must use compatible Security Control Layer (SCL) drivers with the same security mechanisms and security features. It is the replication system administrator’s responsibility to choose and set security features for each server. The Replication Server does not query the security features of remote servers before attempting to establish a connection. Connections will fail if security features at both ends of the route are not compatible.

  • alter route alters network-based security settings for an outgoing connection from Replication Server to a target Replication Server. Security parameters set by alter route override default values set by configure replication server.

  • If unified_login is set to “required,” only the “sa” user can log in to the Replication Server without a credential. If the security mechanism should fail, the “sa” user can then log in to Replication Server with a password and disable unified_login.

  • A Replication Server can have more than one security mechanism; each supported mechanism is listed in the libtcl.cfg file under SECURITY.

  • Message encryption is a costly process with severe performance penalties. In most instances, it is wise to set msg_confidentiality “on” only for certain connections. Alternatively, choose a less costly security feature, such as msg_integrity.

  • You must suspend the connection before altering a security parameter with alter route. After you execute alter route, resume the route for the change to take effect.

Procedure to Alter a Route
Note: If you are changing a configuration parameter, you only need to suspend the route before executing alter route.
  1. Quiesce the replication system. For more detailed information, refer to the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide.

  2. Suspend log transfer with suspend log transfer at each Replication Server that manages a database with a RepAgent.

  3. Execute the alter route command at the source Replication Server. You may alter as many routes as necessary.

  4. Resume RepAgent connections to each RSSD and user database using resume log transfer.

    See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for complete procedures for altering routes.


alter route requires "sa" permission.

Related reference
admin quiesce_check
admin quiesce_force_rsi
alter connection
alter logical connection
alter queue
configure connection
create logical connection
create replication definition
configure replication server
drop logical connection
create connection
create route
drop connection
drop route
resume log transfer
set proxy
suspend log transfer
suspend route