Updates a single row in a table in a replicate database.
Replaces the existing rs_update function string for the authors table with one that is similar to the default function string generated by Replication Server for the system-provided function-string classes.
alter function string authors.rs_update for sqlserver_derived_class output language 'update authors set au_id = ?au_id!new?, au_lname = ?au_lname!new?, au_fname = ?au_fname!new?, phone = ?phone!new?, address = ?address!new?, city = ?city!new?, state = ?state!new?, country = ?country!new?, postalcode = ?postalcode!new? where au_id = ?au_id!old?'
Replication Server executes rs_update to update a single row in a table. The row is identified by the primary key columns defined in a replication definition for the table.
The rs_update function has replication definition scope.
Replication Server generates an rs_update function string for the system-provided function-string classes when you create the replication definition.
If you use a user-created base function-string class, create an rs_update function string for each replication definition.
Create or customize an rs_update function string at the Replication Server where you created the replication definition.
The default generated function string for rs_update, for the rs_sqlserver_function_class and rs_default_function_class classes for each replication definition, uses the Transact-SQL update command syntax. It replaces all columns in the row, and identifies the row with a where clause that specifies the pre-update values, or before image, of the primary key columns.
When set autocorrection is on, Replication Server does not use rs_update. Instead, it calls rs_delete to remove the existing row and rs_insert to insert the row.
Replication Server cannot send text, unitext, or image data with rs_update, but it can report the status of text, unitext, or image data with the text_status modifier. For a description of the text_status modifier, see rs_datarow_for_writetext. Data of type text, unitext, or image is sent to the replicate database with the rs_get_textptr, rs_textptr_init, rs_datarow_for_writetext, and rs_writetext functions.
alter function string, rs_datarow_for_writetext, rs_get_textptr, rs_insert, rs_delete, rs_textptr_init, rs_writetext, set