Replaces an existing function string.
alter function string [replication_definition.]function[;function_string] for function_class [scan 'input_template'] [output {language 'lang_output_template' | rpc 'execute procedure [@param_name=]{constant |?variable!mod?} [, [@param_name=]{constant |?variable!mod?}]...' | writetext [use primary log | with log | no log] | none}]
alter function string is the same as create function string, except that it executes drop function string first. The function string is dropped and re-created in a single transaction to prevent errors that would result from missing function strings.
Alter function strings for functions with class scope at the primary site for the function string class. See create function string class for more information about the primary site for a function-string class.
Alter function strings for functions with replication definition scope, including user-defined functions, at the site where the replication definition was created. Each replication definition has its own set of function strings.
For rs_select, rs_select_with_lock, rs_datarow_for_writetext, rs_get_textptr, rs_textptr_init, and rs_writetext function strings, Replication Server uses the function_string name to determine which string to alter. If a function_string name was provided when the function string was created, you must specify it with alter function string so that the function string to be altered can be found.
See create function string for more information about alter function string, including descriptions of keywords and options.
To restore the default function string for a function, omit the output clause.
alter function string requires “create object” permission.
alter connection, create connection, create function, create function string, create function string class, define subscription, drop function string