alter request function replication definition


Changes the function replication definition created by the create request function replication definition command.


alter request function replication definition repdef_name
        {with replicate function named ‘func_name’ |
        add @param_name datatype[, @param_name datatype]… |
        add searchable parameters @param_name[, @param_name]… |
        send standby {all | replication definition} parameters}



The name of the request function replication definition to change.

with replicate function named 'func_name'

Specifies the name of the stored procedure to execute at the replicate database. The replicate function name of this replication definition must be different from its primary function name. func_name is a character string with a maximum length of 255 characters.


Specifies additional parameters and their datatypes for the function replication definition.


The name of the parameter that you want to add to the list of replicated or searchable parameters. Each parameter name must begin with the @ character.


The datatype of the parameter you want to add to a parameter list. See “Datatypes” for a list of the datatypes and their syntax. Adaptive Server stored procedures and function replication definitions cannot contain parameters with the text, unitext, rawobject, and image datatypes.

add searchable parameters

Specifies additional parameters that you can use in the where clause of the create subscription or define subscription command.

send standby

In a warm standby application, specifies whether to send all parameters in the function (send standby all parameters) or only those specified in the replication definition (send standby replication definition parameters), to a standby database. The default is send standby all parameters.


Example 1

Adds @notes, @pubdate, and @contract parameters to the titles_frep function replication definition:

alter request function replication definition 
add @notes varchar(200), @pubdate datetime,
    @contract bit

Example 2

Adds the @type and @pubdate parameters to the list of searchable parameters in the titles_frep function replication definition:

alter request function replication definition
add searchable parameters @type, @pubdate

Example 3

Changes the titles_frep function replication definition to be replicated as the newtitles stored procedure at the replicate database:

alter request function replication definition
with replicate function named 'newtitles'


For more information about altering a request function replication definition, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.


alter request function replication definition requires “create object” permission.

See also

alter function string, alter applied function replication definition, create applied function replication definition, create request function replication definition, drop function replication definition