Preparing to use security model B for RPCs

Table 16-6 provides steps for using security model B to establish security for RPCs.

Table 16-6: Using security model B for RPCs

Task, who performs it, and where

Command, system procedure, or tool


System administrator from the operating system:

1. Make sure the interfaces file or the Directory Service contains an entry for both servers and a secmech line listing the security mechanism.

UNIX: dscp

Desktop: dsedit

“Specifying security information for the server”

dscp in the Open Client/Server Configuration Guide for UNIX

dsedit in the Open Client/Server Configuration Guide for Desktop Platforms

System security officer on remote server:

2. Add the local server to master..sysservers.



sp_addserver "lcl_server"

“Adding a remote server”

sp_addserver in the Reference Manual.

System security officer on remote server:

3. Add logins to master..syslogins.



sp_addlogin user1, "pwuser1"

“Adding logins to Adaptive Server”

sp_addlogin in the Reference Manual

System security officer on remote server:

4. Set use security services on, and set the rpc security model B as the model for connections with the local server.

sp_configure – to set use security services.

sp_serveroption – to set the RPC security model.


sp_configure "use security   services", 1 sp_serveroption lcl_server,   "rpc security model B", true

“Establishing the security model for RPCs”

“Enabling network-based security”

use security services in Chapter 5, “Setting Configuration Parameters”

sp_configure and sp_serveroption in the Reference Manual: Procedures

System administrator on remote server:

5. Optionally, specify certain users as “trusted” to log in to the remote server from the local server without supplying a password.



sp_remoteoption lcl_server,   user1, user1, trusted, true

“Password checking for remote users”

sp_remoteoption in the Reference Manual: Procedures

System security officer on local server:

6. Add both the local server and the remote server to master..sysservers.



sp_addserver lcl_server, local sp_addserver rem_server

“Adding a remote server”

sp_addserver in the Reference Manual: Procedures

System security officer on local server:

7. Add logins to master..logins.


Example: sp_addlogin user1, "pwuser1"

“Adding logins to Adaptive Server”

sp_addlogin in the Reference Manual: Procedures

System security officer on local server:

8. Set use security services on, and set the rpc security model B as the model for connections with the remote server.

sp_configure – to set use security services.

sp_serveroption – to set the RPC security model.


sp_configure "use security   services", 1 sp_serveroption rem_server,   "rpc security model B", true

“Establishing the security model for RPCs”

“Enabling network-based security”

use security services in Chapter 5, “Setting Configuration Parameters”

sp_configure and sp_serveroption in the Reference Manual: Procedures

System security officer on local server:

9. Specify the security mechanism and the security services to use for connections with the remote server.



sp_serveroption rem_server,   "security mechanism", dce sp_serveroption rem_server,   "use message integrity", true

“Setting server connection options”

sp_serveroption in the Reference Manual: Procedures