Identifying users and servers to the security mechanism

The security administrator for the security mechanism must define principals (both users and servers) to the security mechanism. Table 16-3 lists tools you can use to add users and servers.

Table 16-3: Defining users and servers to the security mechanism

Security mechanism

Command or tool


Use the dcecp’s user and create commands to create a new principal (user or server). In addition, use the keytab create command to create a DCE keytab file, which contains a principal’s password in encrypted form.

When you define a server to DCE, use command options that specify that the new principal can act as a server.


See your Kerberos vendor-specific tools for information about defining users and servers. See “Using Kerberos” for more information about Kerberos and Adaptive Server.

Windows NT LAN Manager

Run the User Manager tool to define users to the Windows NT LAN Manager. Define the Adaptive Server name as a user to Windows NT LAN Manager and display Adaptive Server as that user name.

NoteIn a production environment, control access to files that contain the keys of the servers and users. If users can access the keys, they can create a server that impersonates your server.

See the documentation available from the third-party provider of the security mechanism for detailed information about how to perform required administrative tasks.