Switching Kernel Modes

Use sp_configure “kernel mode” to switch the kernel mode.

This example switches SAP ASE to the process mode:
sp_configure "kernel mode", 0, process

When you switch modes, SAP ASE issues a message similar to:

Parameter Name                 Default              Memory Used
        Config Value         Run Value            Unit
------------------------------ -------------------- -----------
        -------------------  -------------------  --------------------
kernel mode                    threaded             0
              process        threaded             not applicable

(1 row affected)
Configuration option changed. Since the option is static, SAP ASE must be rebooted in order for the change to take effect. Changing the value of 'kernel mode' does not increase the amount of memory SAP ASE uses

You must restart SAP ASE for the change to take affect.

Consider that:
  • When you switch from threaded to process mode, SAP ASE ignores thread pool information in the configuration file when it starts.

  • When switching from process kernel mode to threaded mode, all execution classes lose their engine groups and are associated with syb_default_pool. The administrator may then associate the execution classes with engine thread pools. When switching from threaded mode to process mode, execution classes lose their thread pool association and are associated with the existing ANYENGINE engine group. The administrator may then associate the execution classes with engine groups. The reassignment of an execution class to a thread pool (or engine group) applies to existing connections associated with that execution class in addition to new logins

  • Engine groups are obsolete when running in threaded mode. In this mode, use sp_addexeclass to bind execution classes to user thread pools. Thread pools separate processor resources between applications within SAP ASE.